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5 10 minraise on turn 5 10 minraise on turn

01-15-2014 , 12:44 AM
I'm sitting on around 2k, villain has around 1k. Only history between us is a pot right before where I bet large on turn on a dry board and he folded. However, I had paid attention to his preflop calling range against opens for a couple orbits and it seemed decently wide, to include hands like suited connectors and suited aces

Hero: KQ on button, 2 limpers, I make it 50, BB calls, mid pos calls.

Flop Q 7 8, I cbet 85, BB calls, limper folds.

Turn 3, villain checks, I bet 150, villain minraises to 300, hero ??

I feel like this is a fold, but is it a fold everytime? How short does he have to be to make this a jam? Should I have checked turn behind? I know this probably is standard but I just want to see if there are other possibilities that are more optimal for this hand based on stack sizes.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 01:24 AM
I think turn pot control should be considered in this spot OTT. But if betting, size it bigger about 2/3 or 3/4 of the pot?
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 05:58 AM
I am more concerned of his post flop play rather then preflop. Everyone calls with suited connectors and suited aces. 3 is a complete blank and we have position so I am calling. Also most people will raise flop with a big hand on such a wet board. Probably calling river about half the time and if he checks either check back or bet really small like 150 although I wouldn't be surprised to see AQ here.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 09:05 AM
Should bet more OTF around 100+, and OTT around 250+... As played call turn reevaluate river.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 01:20 PM
what's the river
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 02:46 PM
Originally Posted by gthezgeniusa
Should bet more OTF around 100+, and OTT around 250+... As played call turn reevaluate river.
pretty much this

I doubt you're getting c/r as often with bigger sizing.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 02:59 PM
i'm assuming villain isn't a strong player?

+1 to larger sizing

checking turn is awful and i'm never folding here. it's hard for me to put 2p in his range. 78 is the only possible 2p hand (unless you think hes bad enough to call OOP with Q8 and Q7) and he raises that with some frequency on the flop im guessing.

he also probably 3b AQ with some frequency preflop so thats not super likely either.

he has just about 500 behind. i might actually jam the turn since i dont expect him to bluff the river with a high frequency due to lack of fold equity bc of his small stack size. i think he has a lot of FDs and pair+FD (QsXs, A3s, 34s). hands that we can get called by if we jam here.

if we call theres so many bad rivers. any spade, J, T, 9, 6.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 06:29 PM
I actually did end up jamming turn. Something about the last hand we played made me think he was trying to outplay me and I was potentially ahead, so I kind of just shoved without thinking too much about it. I then figured maybe it was spew at the time but that's why I'm posting. I see now maybe it wasn't too bad to shove here.

He did have 78 tho, river was a 10.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque

checking turn is awful
Why is it "awful" ? We are almost 180 bb deep
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 07:23 PM
it's really just a stove question but im inclined to say the turn shove isn't bad.

if you have 50% equity vs 78 QsXs, A3s, 34s then its a shove because im assuming hes never folding any of these hands
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by armor32
Why is it "awful" ? We are almost 180 bb deep
we have the best hand here the vast majority of the time so we should bet for value. pot controlling on turn given the board texture is just lighting money on fire. i'm absolutely going for three streets of value.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 08:49 PM
100bb deep effective your betsizing pretty much blows on all streets as is your thought process... if you think he's calling wide pre then either he has 78/sets or you have him beat there should really be no hesitation once you chose to bet turn. The worst thing you can do is to barrel not knowing what to do when raised.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 09:12 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
we have the best hand here the vast majority of the time so we should bet for value. pot controlling on turn given the board texture is just lighting money on fire. i'm absolutely going for three streets of value.
I misread the OP, thought both hero and villain have 2k to start. The fact that villain is actually less than 100bb deep makes it closer, but I still wouldn't be so sure that checking turn is "awful" or lighting money on fire. If you are prepared to hang 100bb every time you have TPGK on a drawy board, that's lighting money on fire IMO. It is a delicate dance between getting value and protecting our stack which is by far not as trivial as you make it look like. IMO.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by 663366
The worst thing you can do is to barrel not knowing what to do when raised.
And this.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by armor32
I misread the OP, thought both hero and villain have 2k to start. The fact that villain is actually less than 100bb deep makes it closer, but I still wouldn't be so sure that checking turn is "awful" or lighting money on fire. If you are prepared to hang 100bb every time you have TPGK on a drawy board, that's lighting money on fire IMO. It is a delicate dance between getting value and protecting our stack which is by far not as trivial as you make it look like. IMO.

i guess we will have to agree to disagree. it's super easy to bet fold (though i don't advocate doing it in this particular hand) at these stakes. no way im leaving all that value on the table.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 10:05 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i guess we will have to agree to disagree. it's super easy to bet fold (though i don't advocate doing it in this particular hand) at these stakes. no way im leaving all that value on the table.
Bet folding is a different story. I understood your point as "always bet and commit if raised"
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-15-2014 , 10:10 PM
not sure where u got that from
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-25-2014 , 11:06 AM
checking turn is not awful, but neither is betting. i think the turn is a very good spot to b/f. V just shows up with too many 88 77 87 type hands.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-26-2014 , 05:27 PM
Your flop and turn sizings got you into this weird spot.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
01-26-2014 , 07:24 PM
Originally Posted by diskoteque
i'm assuming villain isn't a strong player?

checking turn is awful .
I like checking turns in spots like this sometimes because lots of villains will bet almost 100% of rivers when we do that because they'll assume we cbet and then give up. Yes we give the draws a free card but we also score a river bet many times when the draws miss. If you have any reading skills then you should be able to make a high percentage of correct river plays after checking the turn.

If we check turn and they check river we can also value bet the river and get called by many 2nd pair type hands that might've folded the turn.
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
02-03-2014 , 10:36 PM
Bad sizings, and you absolutely bet turn for value. Had you used better sizings, the turn becomes a trivial shove
5 10 minraise on turn Quote
