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5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board 5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board

02-17-2011 , 10:57 AM
Hero sat down one hour ago. Hero is a 2/5 reg who is taking a shot at 5/10. Hero's image should be tight. Stack is $900 and villain covers.

Villain is reg, about 40 years old, seems competent and moderately tight. So far he's cbet a few flops and taken it down, has not been to showdown yet.

Hero dealt KK in UTG+2 and raises to $50. Villain calls in CO. BB calls.

Flop (Pot=$150): JJ8
BB checks, Hero bets $100, Villain calls, BB folds. (Note: I think villain calls here with a Jack, an eight, 66-TT, T9, and maybe AK/AQ.)

Turn (Pot=$350): A

I'm struggling here because if I bet say 2/3 pot again and get raised (or called) I am most likely beat and would have put in over 40% of my stack and folding is horrible. Check/folding seems weak as I have the best hand a decent portion of the time. Can't see a reason to check-raise. Check-call seems like he will take me to valuetown, but perhaps I get more value from the hands I beat.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:23 PM
b/f turn and c/f river
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 12:54 PM
Biesterfield, where you from? I went to HS with a kid named Biesterfield I've never met another one.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by jimmyvjv13
Biesterfield, where you from? I went to HS with a kid named Biesterfield I've never met another one.
Its a nickname based off of my first name. I'm from Chicago btw.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Biesterfield
Its a nickname based off of my first name. I'm from Chicago btw.
The plot thickens.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 05:31 PM
if you don't have reads on if villain can bluff scare cards, i guess from your range analysis, i don't think you can get much value from betting turn unless you're smashed, so i would likely c/c turn, and c/f river (or maybe c/c again if i get a read).
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 06:26 PM
Seems you have 2 options. First is to fire and hope he folds, because it seems unlikely he will call a second time with a pp, an 8 or draw. The second is to c/c and basicly turn your hand into a bluff catcher. If he checks behind on the turn you may even be able to fire the river for value, but maybe not as much if you believe he could be floating with an ace. If you are behind leading probably best limits your losses, while checking may allow you to win even more if you are ahead.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 07:29 PM
B/f against most villains.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:21 PM
Originally Posted by TimeBomb
Seems you have 2 options. First is to fire and hope he folds, because it seems unlikely he will call a second time with a pp, an 8 or draw. The second is to c/c and basicly turn your hand into a bluff catcher. If he checks behind on the turn you may even be able to fire the river for value, but maybe not as much if you believe he could be floating with an ace. If you are behind leading probably best limits your losses, while checking may allow you to win even more if you are ahead.
If you are "firing the turn", it definitely is not to hope he folds....You are trying to get called by worse.

And in your second scenario, checking does not allow you to win more because described villain iss probably unlikely to be turning worse made hands into bluffs and isn't floating with pure air, so his betting range is probably pretty nuttish.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-17-2011 , 10:54 PM
Since you said villain is moderately tight and 40 years old C/calling turn and river seems like the worst possible line to take. If this guy rarely bluffs you in this spot c/calling is terribad.

I actually don't mind betting turn and shoving river as a merge if he thinks your tight as he should know that the A is a scare card and that you really wouldn't be taking this line with other hands weaker than a big Ace. He might even level himself into calling a river shove as he would think that you'd actually check back most aces that make you top pair (if you did have AQ/AK) on the turn rather than lead out and shove river with.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-18-2011 , 02:35 AM
seems like you are in a way ahead way behind situation on both the flop and turn. Certainly by the turn no better hand is going to fold, and few worse hands will call. Seems like c/c the turn is reasonable, would prob c/c or c/f river depending on final pot odds, and other reads
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-18-2011 , 04:07 PM
whoa whoa whoa, i thought we were talking about Biesterfield here
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-18-2011 , 07:27 PM
Results (imo):

Hero checks.
Villain bets.
Hero tanks, announces "Ace magnets", and folds.
Villain shakes his head, flashes a J, and says, "that Ace saved you!"
The few players at the table paying attention collectively nod their heads in agreement with villain.
(No one even thinks about flop play)
Dealer rolls his eyes and goes on further life tilt.
Next hand...

Hero later pm's jimmyvjv13 and is like, "yeah, it's me, Biesterfield, you got a stake for your boy?" jimmyvjv13 is like, "sure, lol live poker, how much you need?" Hero receives a stake and the rest is history/both parties prosper greatly.

Last edited by DGAF; 02-18-2011 at 07:28 PM. Reason: obv fail, I need sleep, sorry
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-18-2011 , 08:34 PM
Not bad. I bet, he shoved, I folded, and I'm pretty sure I don't know jimmyv
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-18-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by DGAF
Results (imo):

Hero checks.
Villain bets.
Hero tanks, announces "Ace magnets", and folds.
Villain shakes his head, flashes a J, and says, "that Ace saved you!"
The few players at the table paying attention collectively nod their heads in agreement with villain.
(No one even thinks about flop play)
Dealer rolls his eyes and goes on further life tilt.
Next hand...

Hero later pm's jimmyvjv13 and is like, "yeah, it's me, Biesterfield, you got a stake for your boy?" jimmyvjv13 is like, "sure, lol live poker, how much you need?" Hero receives a stake and the rest is history/both parties prosper greatly.

lol! dgaf has played his share of live poker obv
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
02-19-2011 , 02:20 AM
Originally Posted by DGAF
Results (imo):

Hero checks.
Villain bets.
Hero tanks, announces "Ace magnets", and folds.
Villain shakes his head, flashes a J, and says, "that Ace saved you!"
The few players at the table paying attention collectively nod their heads in agreement with villain.
(No one even thinks about flop play)
Dealer rolls his eyes and goes on further life tilt.
Next hand...

Hero later pm's jimmyvjv13 and is like, "yeah, it's me, Biesterfield, you got a stake for your boy?" jimmyvjv13 is like, "sure, lol live poker, how much you need?" Hero receives a stake and the rest is history/both parties prosper greatly.
5/10 live: KK on JJ8 board Quote
