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5/10 Live JJ spot 5/10 Live JJ spot

11-27-2011 , 06:00 AM
$1600 effective stacks. My image is pretty aggro, I have done a decent amount of opening/isolating and have taken down a lot of pots w/o showdown and won the few showdowns I have seen.

The button in this hand is a guy in his 30s who I haven't seen before but seems to be a solid TAG a little on the aggro side. We have played maybe 4 or 5 pots together and I have won all of them so I am getting the feeling that he is getting annoyed with me. Only big hand of note villain has played he flopped quads in position vs an aggro older guy and he flat called big bets on flop and turn on 722Qss board and snap shoved when checked to when flush draw hit river.

Fish limps in MP, I raise to 50 with JJ next to act, button calls, fish calls. (165)

Flop 7 5 5 rainbow. Fish checks, I bet $95, button raises to $215, fish folds, I flat (thoughts?). Pot (595)

Turn Td brings a flush draw. I check and he bets 475 pretty quickly...What do you do and why?
5/10 Live JJ spot Quote
11-28-2011 , 10:34 AM
The turn is a really easy fold. He may have easily flatted pre with QQ-AA to keep the fish in the hand. You are beating nothing, he is never doing it TT. This is a pretty dumb spot to turn overcards into a bluff. Just fold.
5/10 Live JJ spot Quote
11-28-2011 , 02:08 PM
Definitely agree villain's value range has QQ+ a bunch along with any five, so that significantly de-polarizes his value range. I also don't see him ever bluffing with air or even a straight draw on the flop this way since he'd usually float with those. The only hands you beat that I could see him taking this line with is if he's randomly spazzing with a 44 type hand that just wants to end the hand.

It's admittedly a little tempting to peel the turn bet anyway since I'd expect villain to give up almost 100% of the time on the river with a hand worse than jacks, but with just two outs and not a ton of potential scare cards to slow down his value range, folding the turn seems like the best play.

On an overall note when I get a TAG steamed up they generally react by donking into me with random crap or stationing/floating me super light, but their post-flop raising ranges tend to remain pretty strong.
5/10 Live JJ spot Quote
