Originally Posted by onedollars
I have position, so this line is irrelevant. Without position, I'm never gonna try this off against such a good hand reader. Even with position, I would very rarely flat call here because there are too many draws out there, and by my count, 22 action killing turns cards. Top set on a 10 8 6 two tone flop is much different from top set on a 10 5 2 monotone flop - caller is more feasible with the latter. Villain is also going to shut down on the turn with air and may decide to check/call big draws due to awkward stack sizes. My goal in the hand was to get him to make a mistake, which is much easier to do by putting in a re-raise than flatting and hoping he fires again. We want him to overplay his hand by representing a weak range and either give off the illusion of fold equity through a smaller raise, or give off the illusion that I'm semi-bluffing or shoving light and get him to call.
i can be a nit, so i personally would likely fold out too much of the bottom end of his range if i were to reraise (i think). so this would be a better line for people not so nitty.
also, i don't know if i agree with THAT many scare cards. his draws and 2ps and undersets he doesn't care about the broadways that much. i think the straight cards are bad for one (or both) of you.