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5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board 5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board

12-01-2011 , 10:21 PM
and if you do decide to fold, why would u show? what are you getting out of it? I am new to posting here so just want an opinion of others if they see any value in showing a hand like that, playing 6 handed
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-01-2011 , 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
bet flop, bet turn.

as played I call, but I don't feel great about it. Shoving is horrible.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-01-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by eugene44
and if you do decide to fold, why would u show? what are you getting out of it? I am new to posting here so just want an opinion of others if they see any value in showing a hand like that, playing 6 handed
OP answered this already.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:02 AM
Originally Posted by BoredAtheist
I'm a compulsive exhibitionist.

Also, I was confused about the hand and I was hoping Booth would show, or that someone at the table would comment on my play so that I would learn something.

Booth later claimed he had K4o. I feigned disbelief, and he asserted several times that he had K4o. I mostly believe him. I'd probably give it a 70% chance that he's telling the truth, but I don't really know. It was my first time playing with him.

When Booth 3bets, he's not repping anything except a bluff, and normally that would make me want to call. But in this case, I'm not really sure it's relevant. Not repping anything is a mistake that BAD players make, and we profit from this mistake because the bad player fails to balance their bluffs with value hands. But Booth seemed like an excellent player to me, and I think he knows that he's not repping anything here. So if he's not repping anything, it's on purpose, and not necessarily a mistake that I can profit from.

After my river raise, I think my range is almost entirely flushes, and I think Booth knows this. So when he re-raises, he's either trying to get me to fold a flush, or he's trying to get value from a flush. And I think it's far more likely that he'd try to get value from a flush. It's really hard to get people to fold flushes, and his crazy bet sizing means I have to fold 73% of the time for him to show a profit in a vaccuum. I don't think this is a move that a good player makes, ever, unless they have a specific read that they're up against someone who folds too much on the river. And I don't think he had any reason to think that about me. I self-identify as a passive nit, but I probably call a lot more than average on the river, and I had already shown one thin (incorrect) call against Booth with an underpair against a pot-sized river bet he made earlier in the session.

And then there is his unusual image. My guess is that people call Booth down a LOT because of his maniac image, and if we assume that he's a good player, we can assume he has correctly adjusted to his image by getting a lot of thin value on the river with really big bets. Bluffing people off flushes is hard for most people, but I imagine it's VERY hard for Booth. It's probably not something he ever does without very specific reads.

sorry I missed this...great explanation!
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 12:34 AM
good fold dude much props
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:37 AM
River 3-bets in 2011 are pretty strong.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 01:42 AM
Does this game go every night? I'm in Vegas next week and this hand makes me lololllll.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 03:51 AM
Originally Posted by mike dexter
River 3-bets in 2011 are pretty strong.
Very true.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by eugene44
Booth is staked and has been broke for a while.
Poker is very perilous career.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-02-2011 , 04:52 PM
He turns over a flush here most of the time
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-04-2011 , 08:46 AM
Good fold. If he says he has K4 it's probably true.

That big a raise is certainly not a smaller flush. And very unlikely it's a bluff at that point.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:03 AM
people call K4o in the SB to a BTN open? doubt he had K4o...
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by mg0698
people call K4o in the SB to a BTN open? doubt he had K4o...
I dunno, it makes more sense than this smaller flush everyone keeps putting Booth on when he lead-snap 3bets huge on the river...

Pot was limped in cutoff and button raised, 6handed- ranges seem pretty wide at this point (depending on the players). "I've been at the table for about three hours, and Brad Booth has been playing very loose preflop, possibly playing as much as 75% of his hands." Seems highly possible Booth would play K4o here. Most players would consider this hand junk, but his play style suggests he believes can play a hand like this profitably postflop (and probably can), he might even have a pretty good read on hero. And a hand like K4o is just slightly ahead of button's range (think hands like 87s, QTo, etc).

I still believe OP's read of the spot is far far more correct than any others.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-05-2011 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by mg0698
people call K4o in the SB to a BTN open? doubt he had K4o...
Welcome to live poker.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-05-2011 , 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by Gorgon6
I dunno, it makes more sense than this smaller flush everyone keeps putting Booth on when he lead-snap 3bets huge on the river...

Pot was limped in cutoff and button raised, 6handed- ranges seem pretty wide at this point (depending on the players). "I've been at the table for about three hours, and Brad Booth has been playing very loose preflop, possibly playing as much as 75% of his hands." Seems highly possible Booth would play K4o here. Most players would consider this hand junk, but his play style suggests he believes can play a hand like this profitably postflop (and probably can), he might even have a pretty good read on hero. And a hand like K4o is just slightly ahead of button's range (think hands like 87s, QTo, etc).

I still believe OP's read of the spot is far far more correct than any others.
Lol at him being able to play K4o Oop vs a btn open profitabaly. I don't care who he is, but he isn't gonna be profitable in the long run playing that, vs any competent player.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-07-2011 , 04:52 PM
Originally Posted by zachvac
I played a ton not with people like him, but him specifically, including a session of HU, and I said it's a call. I'm not going to elaborate on specific reads against real people on a public forum because I think that's pretty bad form but I'm almost positive this is a very easy call.

Also to people asking how likely it is for him to have a bluff vs. value hand you're missing one thing. Before his river raise his range looks like about a million combos of hands that we beat and like 2 combos of hands that beat us. He doesn't have to bluff or raise a worse flush a very large % of the time at all for it to be a call.
This, especially the second paragraph, AINEC. Listen to this man...he is very good.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 08:31 PM
I'm surprised that not a single poster mentioned that as played OP should have just called the iniitial River bet. In Limit HE, it would clearly be a raise, but in NL, the potential to possibly be blown off the pot by a huge 3-bet, should point to just a call with the Ace-High flush and the board paired.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by iiiiCraig
I'm surprised that not a single poster mentioned that as played OP should have just called the iniitial River bet. In Limit HE, it would clearly be a raise, but in NL, the potential to possibly be blown off the pot by a huge 3-bet, should point to just a call with the Ace-High flush and the board paired.
I'm gonna guess that no one else mentioned it because it's laughable not to raise here.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFink
I'm gonna guess that no one else mentioned it because it's laughable not to raise here.
Well the last laugh is on you when Villian 3-bet bombs.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by iiiiCraig
Well the last laugh is on you when Villian 3-bet bombs.
and the laugh is on us when we call and he flips 10j of hearts
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by iiiiCraig
I'm surprised that not a single poster mentioned that as played OP should have just called the iniitial River bet. In Limit HE, it would clearly be a raise, but in NL, the potential to possibly be blown off the pot by a huge 3-bet, should point to just a call with the Ace-High flush and the board paired.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:46 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFink
I'm gonna guess that no one else mentioned it because it's laughable not to raise here.
More importantly though, who does this ass belong to?
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-08-2011 , 11:50 PM
Originally Posted by iiiiCraig
I'm surprised that not a single poster mentioned that as played OP should have just called the iniitial River bet. In Limit HE, it would clearly be a raise, but in NL, the potential to possibly be blown off the pot by a huge 3-bet, should point to just a call with the Ace-High flush and the board paired.
this is probably the worst advice I've heard on here. That's like saying why would you raise AQ pre when someone could 3-bet you off of it..
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-09-2011 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by RosaParks
More importantly though, who does this ass belong to?

5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
12-09-2011 , 02:12 AM
Originally Posted by PokerFink
Oh mother of God.

This thread just took a turn for the better.
5/10 live, Brad Booth 2x pots river, I have nut flush on paired board Quote
