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5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams 5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams

01-31-2011 , 11:10 PM
My hand AA in the BB, I have 1400, and villain's stack is approximately the same size tight asian kid opens from early mid position to 80, this was an unusually large raise for this table and as I said this kid was tight so I put him on a narrow range. Montel Williams then folded his hand preflop. It folded to me in the BB and I made it 210. I realize this is probably too small and I will probably get criticized for this but I hope there are other comments as well. I felt as if my hand was going to be turned up when I 3bet and I like to flat AA quite often but I didnt here because I was oop. My 3bet was called.

Flop Pot Size= 430
6h 9d Qs
I lead for 250, Villain calls

Turn Pot Size= 930
6h 9d Qs Th

Here I'm not sure whether I should have lead out large or checked. My decision was to check to represent AK. My main reason is I figured this would allow me to get another bet on the river if he had KK or JJ. I also figured this would give him an opportunity to stab with any random stuff he might have although I didnt expect him to have random hands often. When I checked the guy bet 400. Calling would have left me with ~500 behind so I thought it was best to get it all in there.

At no point did I consider folding. I apologize that Montel isnt actually involved in the hand but like a paternity test he unfortunately wasnt the one. Thx for any comments.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
01-31-2011 , 11:19 PM
What does M Williams have anything to do with you playing a hand poorly?
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
01-31-2011 , 11:38 PM
Sorry meant to post this in full ring forum. Mods please move.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 12:15 AM
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 04:54 AM
Montel is the coolest celeb I've ever played with... And obv get it in.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 05:48 AM
raise more pf. bet more on the flop. shove turn. but the mistakes you made weren't disasterous and as DGAF said putting the money in on the turn is obviously fine
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:11 AM
I don't mind your pre raise size, it's all good. He doesn't get odds to set mine so basically he's making a mistake with every hand while you still potentially can have something worse than a big pair. Flop sizing is good for getting it in with 3 streets of betting and lures weaker hands to call. The flop isn't really drawy, if your reads are correct (maybe a few action killer out there).
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:18 AM
But are you guys appreciating the title of this thread enough?

MW never put a dollar in this pot.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:37 AM
Originally Posted by meleader2
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Imaginary F(r)iend
I don't mind your pre raise size, it's all good. He doesn't get odds to set mine so basically he's making a mistake with every hand while you still potentially can have something worse than a big pair. Flop sizing is good for getting it in with 3 streets of betting and lures weaker hands to call. The flop isn't really drawy, if your reads are correct (maybe a few action killer out there).
if this guy has the range described pf then we need to put more money in the pot early so that when the big bet finally comes he's going to feel committed to the hand. sizing is bad because on the turn we're either betting half pot to set up a 1/4 river bet (pretty bad imo and just reeking of value and never bluffs) or we're shoving for 100bb into a pot of a 100b which might just be enough to make a weak tight villain scared.

if we size both pf and flop slightly bigger we can make a turn shove just over half pot with villain having committed almost half of his stack. I strongly believe that will result in the largest range of hands that we beat calling, as well as preventing us from screwing ourselves on the turn when we check and villain checks back JJ and gets a free shot at his 8 outer.

I mean lets be honest the sizing is not well thought out.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 09:22 AM
I hate sizing bets just because you can get it in some street earlier. I think that is very backwards way of thinking and misses more important points like ranges, implied odds and forcing your opponent into a tough spot where he can make a costly mistake more often etc.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 09:30 AM
Originally Posted by thepizzlefosho
if this guy has the range described pf then we need to put more money in the pot early so that when the big bet finally comes he's going to feel committed to the hand. sizing is bad because on the turn we're either betting half pot to set up a 1/4 river bet (pretty bad imo and just reeking of value and never bluffs) or we're shoving for 100bb into a pot of a 100b which might just be enough to make a weak tight villain scared.

if we size both pf and flop slightly bigger we can make a turn shove just over half pot with villain having committed almost half of his stack. I strongly believe that will result in the largest range of hands that we beat calling, as well as preventing us from screwing ourselves on the turn when we check and villain checks back JJ and gets a free shot at his 8 outer.

I mean lets be honest the sizing is not well thought out.
excellent post
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by Imaginary F(r)iend
I hate sizing bets just because you can get it in some street earlier. I think that is very backwards way of thinking and misses more important points like ranges, implied odds and forcing your opponent into a tough spot where he can make a costly mistake more often etc.
ok so this could be a reason that OP sized his bets well. if that is the case please use the above considerations as the foundation and respond with a strong argument why OPs bet sizing was better than my suggestion (slightly bigger pf, slightly bigger flop, shove the turn for slightly more than villain ended up betting himself when checked too). because I feel that I gave some logical and strong +EV reasons behind my suggestion, and I'm merely reading that you don't like trying to get in more money with a wider range while you're ahead because you think it doesn't allow people to make big mistakes. so why does OP's sizing allow for opponent to make more mistakes that are going to result in more profitable situations for us?
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 11:56 AM
If villain is the kind that always put you on AK then well played.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 12:15 PM
Very nice posts pizzle. You outline very well the importance in having some foresight in a hand so that you can properly tailor your bet sizing to achieve maximum returns.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 02:31 PM
I doubt pizzle ever gets to play against villains who are so weak/tight that taking a completely transparent/gentle line against them is optimal. But in lol live poker, they actually still exist. You have to massage the pot on every street as to not lose them, and then you have to trick them into committing themselves by checking the turn and getting them to bet to "protect against AK." It's mind-numbing and embarassing (since every other human being in the casino knows exactly what you have), but it gets the money against these villains.

Against MOST villains today however pizzle's analysis is the nuts. I just wanted to point out the exception to the rule in case it happens to apply to this particular hand/villain.

Last edited by DGAF; 02-01-2011 at 02:33 PM. Reason: def nice to see the internet crew weighing in more these days.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-01-2011 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by DGAF
I doubt pizzle ever gets to play against villains who are so weak/tight that taking a completely transparent/gentle line against them is optimal. But in lol live poker, they actually still exist. You have to massage the pot on every street as to not lose them, and then you have to trick them into committing themselves by checking the turn and getting them to bet to "protect against AK." It's mind-numbing and embarassing (since every other human being in the casino knows exactly what you have), but it gets the money against these villains.

Against MOST villains today however pizzle's analysis is the nuts. I just wanted to point out the exception to the rule in case it happens to apply to this particular hand/villain.
this is exactly why i find myself not mashing the pot button live, as much as i want to. but i might be overdoing it, so am trying to see how far i can take it without scaring people way.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-02-2011 , 01:18 AM
it's drilled in our heads to consider our stack in terms of big blinds and buyins, not amount of money. with live poker though, most of the villains that are our ATMs see it in terms of $, so (depending on stakes) betting 100$ is scarier than betting 69$. or betting 1/2 pot vs 3/4 pots.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
02-02-2011 , 02:01 AM
Like others said bet sizing should setup a turn shove better.

As played on turn, stare at Montel Williams (who's not in the hand) and ask him if he smoked his weed today. No matter how he replies, then turn to the player in the hand and state loudly I'M GOING TO SET YOU ALLIN NOW.

Last edited by Rampage_Jackson; 02-02-2011 at 02:06 AM.
5-10 live at Borgata with Montel Williams Quote
