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0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd 0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd

09-09-2010 , 07:12 AM
Not going back for AAPT. Not really a fan of Auckland to be honest. I grew up in Hawkes Bay and with to Uni in Wellington. There are two populations Aucklanders and everyone else.

Back to the hand. It seems consensus is that checking flop is best. Are we checking with our whole range then? AK? QQ? K5s?
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
09-09-2010 , 11:23 AM
Yea your 3-bet should be to like 45ish imo with your whole range. And I check flop pretty often, as I am usually check/folding this board with air.
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
09-09-2010 , 02:39 PM

If we decide to call the Turn wouldn't it be with the intent of calling that type of river card?
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
09-09-2010 , 05:49 PM
If villain isn't a nit postflop I don't mind calling the river I think. His value range is really small and your hand is pretty face up. Also, as deep as you are, I think he's calling your 3-bet with a much wider range than what you gave him.
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
09-09-2010 , 07:01 PM
I also don't mind a flop check, calling 3 bets of any size on blanks.

If I bet flop (quite likely), i'd probably bet a bit larger and fold to his raise. 15/10's usually have qq/tt/55 a large majority.
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
09-10-2010 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by Clever Nickname
If villain isn't a nit postflop I don't mind calling the river I think. His value range is really small and your hand is pretty face up. Also, as deep as you are, I think he's calling your 3-bet with a much wider range than what you gave him.
This is what i was just thinking. My hand is pretty face up, with his river sizing he only needs me to fold 40%ish. Could he reasonably expect me to fold kk/aa 40% of the time?

In game it just seemed so valuey...
0nl deep I think I might have been pwnd Quote
