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4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop 4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop

06-06-2023 , 10:00 PM
Villain is a mega action player with basically unlimited cash for these stakes. He is a total maniac, but a very smart guy. Huge blind raises and straddles, blind hands postflop, overbet jams with draws, but no one gets paid more than him when he has it.

Somehow hero covers villain. Hero has a solid but kind of gambling image preflop. Hero just lost a hand to villain jamming 2k preflop with K8s into the 25/50/350 left to act, villain in the $350 blind bet called with A7o which held. Hero just doubled up his 2k stack in a similar hand with AQo preflop vs a different villain with a king high hand that jammed over my jam pre.

$4,550 effective.

5/10/25/50, villain in SB raises dark to $300. Hero has about 6k covered by other villains in BB and raises to $700 with KhJh. Folds to villain who calls blind lol

Flop $1,475: KcTc8s

Villain checks. Hero bets $400. Villain looks at hand and snap jams for $3,850. I tank a bit and ask villain if he has a flush draw. Villain is adamant that he does not have a flush draw. I ask him if he has 2 pair and he says he can't say his hand. He is generally honest with his answers when I have played him. I believed he did not have a flush draw.

4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-06-2023 , 10:13 PM
Under 3SPR, snap call. He can easily show up with worse Kx for value or he can have a draw.
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-06-2023 , 10:17 PM
From the looney tunes game you're describing, you have to call.

I would have raised more pre and bet closer to 2/3 on the flop but sizing is probably irrelevant vs this opponent and his "shoving range". Hope you called.
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 01:22 AM
i get he doesnt always jam but if you're not excited to get the money in in some capacity id just x the flop. with that being said id always bet. can still have straight draws with the speech too
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 03:11 AM
You have TPGK against a maniac on a drawheavy board with a 15bb stack and you've already put in 4. How is this even a question? I'd call a T too.

This sounds like a very profitable game, but you need a solid roll and must be prepared to lose 10k+ in 10 minutes to be playing with this guy. You just have to get it in light and pay him off when he is dealt good cards.
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 07:01 AM
Bigger pre since he’s not folding. Obv call the jam.
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 12:51 PM
Lets say this was 1/3, you raise to 7$

Cbet 4$ and maniac jams to 38$

This is a snap always
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 10:13 PM

I butchered it.

I tank folded. I believed he didn't have a flush draw, but I made a few mistakes in thought.

First, miscalculated pot and bet size a bit and thought it was a 2x pot shove. Second, I didn't realize in the moment he has 45 combos of open enders that are not flush draws, I block 8, but there are still loads. I didn't think of all the J9 and 97 he could have in addition to QJ. Third, I have seen villain trap two pair several times. I think he is more likely to trap strong hands and bluff draws.

Villain shows QJo
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
06-07-2023 , 10:24 PM
I snap call from this guy, think you have to. He could have A8 or K2 or K9 just as easily as anything else.
4 Handed 5/10/25/50/300 blind raise, TPMK facing 1.5x pot C/shove vs a blind hand preflop Quote
