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4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left 4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left

03-31-2012 , 12:15 PM
I was in my local casino playing $1-2 no limit. I started with $200 but had dropped to $120 after 40 minutes. Average players at the table, a few above average as well. There was an UTG raise to $11, followed by 4 flats. I look down at AK spades on the button. I reraise to $50 feeling strong about the hand and if I took down the pot right there I was OK with that too. The blinds fold and UTG reraises to $115. The flatters all fold and it is back to me with only $70 left and it is $65 more to me. The UTG imo is one of the above average players and has about $500. Should I get away or is there anyway I can't fold? I am almost feeling Aces or Kings but couldn't he do this with AK suited also or QQ or JJ with his stack against my short stack?
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:19 PM
folding seems ridiculous to me but what do i know
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:26 PM
If UTG is a white male over the age of 60 or old lady. Fold.

All other player types, call.

You got half your stack in there my friend.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:29 PM
easy all in
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:31 PM
That is how I was feeling. He was a white male my age, mid to late 20's. I do not see how I can fold because of the chips in the pot and my stack size. I was still worried about aces or kings though.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:40 PM
what did you think about the initial UTG raise? is villian only raising AA/KK here? probably not.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:43 PM
Yuck! You can't just consider his range against a short stack, as all of those flatters have yet to act as well, though anyone who just flatted the first raise is unlikely to go nuts now.

You're prob dominated here, but I don't see how you can fold. Against a range of QQ+, you have 32% equity and your call will be 23% of the pot. You're getting the right price unless you range him on only KK+, and even then it's close (19% equity).

Gotta call, but usually gonna lose. Then reload full.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:43 PM
Originally Posted by nehianh
what did you think about the initial UTG raise? is villian only raising AA/KK here? probably not.
No I definitely know he had a wide range of hands he had been playing. My concern was not the initial raise but the 4 bet. Still I agree with all of you as far as it should be an easy call. I did not think there was any way to fold this hand.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:48 PM
For 60 BB, I 3bet/call all day (especially with so much dead money out there) unless I know villain to be a rock. When you 3bet, always plan in advance what you're going to do if you're 4bet. If you're not sure, then you should probably just call.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by DonkeyDonk
For 60 BB, I 3bet/call all day (especially with so much dead money out there) unless I know villain to be a rock. When you 3bet, always plan in advance what you're going to do if you're 4bet. If you're not sure, then you should probably just call.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 01:18 PM
Thank you for the input. I felt like all in was the only option. Too many chips in the pot at my stack. I did hesitate for a brief moment before I came to the decision to call, but knew there was no way to fold. I call, ask UTG, Aces? He nods. Flop A22, and that ended that. I felt it was kind of a no brainer myself but I always like other peoples opinions as I know I can always learn something from someone else I may not have thought of. Bad part for me in that spot, whether I flatted like the others or not. I am still getting it in with that flop.I just chalk it up to nothing I could in that situation and moved on.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 01:24 PM
The only real consideration is given stack sizes you might want to shove for your 3 bet pre flop...

as played if you get one caller...the pot will be 130 and you will have..70 behind...guess what you are committed on any flop....

If you shove now you have a bettor chance of getting 88 to fold now....may even get AQ to think your bluffing and call....

Of course for 50 some players will make stupid calls hopping to get lucky or out play you and not notice your 70 stack..... but for the most part shoving here I think is bettor.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 03:20 PM
definitely all in
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 04:27 PM
It's tough situations like this that illustrate why you should never play <100bb poker.

If there's a way to profitably play short stack LLSNL, I don't know it.

As played, get it in. 77+, AJ+, KQ are all in his range. Flatting is terrible, at least by shipping you get to see all 5 cards and you are ahead of his range.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 04:58 PM
I don't think OP would be folding for his last $5 if he'd flatted. No matter what the board.l

And yes, $1/2 can be played profitably with a short stack, but it's soul crushing and high variance.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 05:31 PM
If you are feeling like you are dominated you should fold. Why would you call 35% of BI when you know you're crushed?

That seems incredibly stupid.

I guess if you are incapable of getting a read but I see you say you're feeling KK's or AA's.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 06:18 PM
Originally Posted by camelblue99s
If you are feeling like you are dominated you should fold. Why would you call 35% of BI when you know you're crushed?

That seems incredibly stupid.

I guess if you are incapable of getting a read but I see you say you're feeling KK's or AA's.
your read bettor be one hell of a good read. If you call the pot going to be

120 * 2 + 11 * 4 = 284 say 280 after rake....
You have to call 70 (well shove 70 but the same thing)... so now 70/280 = .25

So you only have to be good 25% of the time....

if he only has AA and KK thats a calling mistake cost you at worst... 70 - (280*.226) = 7 so you loose $7

Now add in AK and do you really a player plays these too your raise seeing only a short stack you have 42% equity...

(280 *.42) - 70 = 117.6-70 = 47.6...

So at worst you are making a $7 mistake calling and probably folding is make a 47.6 mistake or larger...

I still think shoving rather the betting 50 is going to be bettor but to fold after raising to 50 needs one hell of a read.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 06:30 PM
Why aren't we just originally 3bet shoving? Over 40% of our stack is in the middle before it's even our action. We have a monster hand. Should be a rather simple shove spot.

As played, folding here is absurd. If you werent prepared to call a shove, then you shouldnt have 3bet.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by 4ACESRS
I was in my local casino playing $1-2 no limit. I started with $200 but had dropped to $120 after 40 minutes. Average players at the table, a few above average as well. There was an UTG raise to $11, followed by 4 flats. I look down at AK spades on the button. I reraise to $50 feeling strong about the hand and if I took down the pot right there I was OK with that too. The blinds fold and UTG reraises to $115. The flatters all fold and it is back to me with only $70 left and it is $65 more to me. The UTG imo is one of the above average players and has about $500. Should I get away or is there anyway I can't fold? I am almost feeling Aces or Kings but couldn't he do this with AK suited also or QQ or JJ with his stack against my short stack?

Pot is $55 when it gets to you and you only have $120 behind????

Super easy shove here. Raising to $50 is horrible as you are giving odds for everyone and their grandma to call. Pot is almost 1/2 your stack... Easy shove all-in w AK AINEC
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 09:43 PM
easy all-in— you've got too much equity vs. his range considering the price you're getting. i guess we could consider flatting pre-flop but i think a squeeze is fine.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by a breath of air
easy all-in— you've got too much equity vs. his range considering the price you're getting. i guess we could consider flatting pre-flop but i think a squeeze is fine.
Flatting???? Absolutely 100% incorrect. Flatting in this spot with our stack vs 5 villians and a pot roughly 50% of our stack is so terrible that I want to wash out this thread with bleach just to remove the God awful advice.

OP has to shove here AINEC. You couldn't custom make a better situation for shoving here. This is the poster child short stacking case for exactly the perfect situation for shoving. Seriously, considering flatting in this spot as an acceptable option is ri-freaking-diculous
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
Flatting???? Absolutely 100% incorrect. Flatting in this spot with our stack vs 5 villians and a pot roughly 50% of our stack is so terrible that I want to wash out this thread with bleach just to remove the God awful advice.

OP has to shove here AINEC. You couldn't custom make a better situation for shoving here. This is the poster child short stacking case for exactly the perfect situation for shoving. Seriously, considering flatting in this spot as an acceptable option is ri-freaking-diculous
Couldnt agrre more. Shoving here is super super standard, and must be made if one is serious about being a winning player at this game. Any other decision has no merit or reason. Shoving here is the best play....and the only play that should be made. Every single time. Period.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
03-31-2012 , 10:56 PM
If you even hesitate for a moment to jam what's left you need to study the archives. That's not meant in a derogatory way- this is an absolutely clear shove and BTW I'm shoving the first time around planning to pick up the $55.

Last edited by AngryJohnny; 03-31-2012 at 11:05 PM. Reason: Minus rake of course
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
04-01-2012 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
Flatting???? Absolutely 100% incorrect. Flatting in this spot with our stack vs 5 villians and a pot roughly 50% of our stack is so terrible that I want to wash out this thread with bleach just to remove the God awful advice.

OP has to shove here AINEC. You couldn't custom make a better situation for shoving here. This is the poster child short stacking case for exactly the perfect situation for shoving. Seriously, considering flatting in this spot as an acceptable option is ri-freaking-diculous
to clarify, i meant flatting the $11 open.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
04-01-2012 , 12:53 AM
Originally Posted by a breath of air
to clarify, i meant flatting the $11 open.
to clarify, flatting the $11 is exactly what I was talking about.

Flatting $11 when the pot is $55 and we have $120 and AK makes me cringe...

flatting the $11 in this spot is 100% dead wrong, if we are ever in this situation with ANY hand that has value and we have significant fold equity we should be shoving.

That is this situation to a Tee.
4 Bet After Putting In Half Your Stack With 35 BB Left Quote
