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300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? 300bb+ deep do I bluff this river?

06-07-2015 , 10:13 PM
Vill- About 30 seems to know all the dealers and a few of the players. Seems to be on the Lag side but has been making some ultra loose preflop calls. Earlier in session he 3 bet my open and continued on a q88 flop checked back q turn and bet k river. I tank called and he showed qko and I told him if he bets turn I double him up. He views me as at least a semi competent action player as I've been involved in most of the big pots at the table.

Pre - mp opens 25 I call on bu with 5c6s and vill in sb calls.

Flop (80) - 234 (2 clubs). Checked to me I bet 50 vill calls.

Turn (180) 10c. Vill opens 75 and I call.

River (330) 3c. Vill bets 175.

In previous hands vill would bluff less then half pot and vbet more like 2/3. Vill seems to be a thinking/non station. He's seen me bluff but in the big pots I've always had it. Having not played with him before I can't really say what he would cr flop with vs cc and the turn bet was pretty strange but I really think he's got big flush here most of the time.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-07-2015 , 11:05 PM
lol @ preflop

As played, raise to 625-650
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-07-2015 , 11:14 PM
Fold pre wtf are you doing
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-08-2015 , 12:22 AM
I don't think this is a good spot to bluff. If you do decide to pull the trigger, you are going to have to make it big, like 800, but overall I think fold is a better option.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-08-2015 , 02:16 AM
Originally Posted by ziggyzaooo
lol @ preflop

As played, raise to 625-650
Forgot to mention this is a 2/5 nl game.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-08-2015 , 03:41 AM
fold pre as played r/f turn (turn seems interesting, call is correct vs some player types) as played fold river

don't bluff hands without fh blockers. if you bluff this, you are bluffing way too much
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-08-2015 , 05:45 PM
pre is fine, ignore the hate.

Not really liking a river bluff.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-08-2015 , 05:59 PM
What range are you representing with a river raise? I strongly suspect villain has A from his flop/turn play. What else is in his range? Does your hand hold any value as a bluff catcher?
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-10-2015 , 11:42 AM
Originally Posted by TimeBomb
Forgot to mention this is a 2/5 nl game.
ah ok that's why it was moved from the medium-high stakes section,

i'm pretty sure alot more people would've agreed with me there on the river bluff.
The live low-stakes posters will not surprisingly take the low variance route which isn't bad obv.

As for bluffing river, I think you can rep a boat pretty well but it's also the fact that your not suppose to have any bluffs in your range on that river that makes it look so strong. Vilain will be like "wow he's only repping 3-4 hands here, but wtf i can't think of any possible bluffs he can have either and I'm a 2/5 player so this is big money for me, we should snap fold this"

I'm pretty sure if you did this hand in reverse and we had Acxc , most people in this forum will tell you to fold river if vilain raises.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-10-2015 , 11:48 AM
Please dont light money on fire by bluffing river.

Edit: Also I would have preferred r/f turn.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-10-2015 , 02:34 PM
River is a blocking bet. Raise to 875.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
06-10-2015 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by The Rumor
pre is fine, ignore the hate.

Not really liking a river bluff.
Care to elaborate? Especially the pre-flop being fine part. I mean are we flatting opens with like 50% of all hands OTB or something? 56o is a pretty bad hand.
300bb+ deep do I bluff this river? Quote
