Join Date: Jun 2017
Posts: 5
2/3 live game in San Jose. Hero (UTG) has $175 behind at the start of the hand and picks up AQd.
Hero raises to $10
UTG+1 calls.
Villain 1 (UTG+3 nit) shoves all in for $63. Played about 3 hours with him, only played 2 hands (AA went to showdown, both shoved preflop). Strongly feels like QQ+, AK. He has been short stacked the entire game.
Villain 2 (BB with $240 behind) flats the 63. He sees at least 95% of flops for any price, stacks off with any pair, super degen.
Hero flats.
UTG+1 mucks.
Flop is 9s8c6s. Villain 2 shoves for $137, Hero mucks. Turn Qh, river Jc. Villain 2 takes it down with TcTd. Villain 1 had AcKh.
I did consider jamming pf, since AQd has ok equity against nitty short stack shoves, and I was way ahead of Villain 2's flatting range in that spot. What ultimately stopped me was the thought that I was likely behind for the main pot already, and perhaps only flipping or just a little ahead of Villain 2. Also Villain 1's range removed my outs. Since Villain 2 was regularly calling off his stack with any pair, and never bluffing with draws or air, I thought it would be better to act after the flop. Even if he whiffed I figured I could lure him along with small enough bets to get sufficient value. Naturally, The Qh on the turn made me want to kick myself after folding, but this might be too results oriented.