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3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot 3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot

08-16-2015 , 08:00 PM
Typical 1/2 game at the casino. One villian is a maniac the rest the usual suspects. MY stack 350 maniac stack 320 other 2 have around 220.
Hero dealt 66 on button. 3 people limp for 2 dollars maniac directly to my right bumps it to 15. Hero calls. 3 other limpers call.
Flop 8d 6d 5s. Early position limper bets 30. Next limper in middle position raises all in to 200 Instantly making me sure he has over pair or a draw. Maniac flat call (he's called every allin with any draw all day) hero raises all in for 335 total. First to act folds the 7 9 nut straight lol. Maniac calls. 3 players allin pot 910 dollars.
Turn and river are uneventful cards.
Showdown: player one shows a missed flush draw. Maniac shows 88 for a set of 8s beating my set of 6s.
Should I have folded the set here was my allin a spew?Should I have protected my stack and folded?
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 08:07 PM
I think you should almost never have any problem folding when there's two all-ins for 100-150bb stacks on this board, somebody always has you beat.

Nobody is shipping here with twopair, bottomset, or overpair unless they are total fearless donkeys.

That being said, I think your all-in here is at best a break-even to slight-winner proposition at 1/2. If you're like me and adverse to variance, the 5% equity advantage you have in best case possible isn't worth shipping $300.

IMO you can find better spots than this at 1/2 to ship and it's worth waiting for.

Last edited by Burnit3x; 08-16-2015 at 08:15 PM.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by Evil Empire36
Flop 8d 6d 5s. Early position limper bets 30. Next limper in middle position raises all in to 200 Instantly making me sure he has over pair or a draw. Maniac flat call (he's called every allin with any draw all day) hero raises all in for 335 total. First to act folds the 7 9 nut straight lol. Maniac calls. 3 players allin pot 910 dollars.
So basically, if the maniac hadn't been right near the top of his super wide range, we'd be getting stacks in 3-way as a huge favorite. (Assuming our reads are accurate, of course.) What was the question again?
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by Burnit3x
I think you should almost never have any problem folding when there's two all-ins for 100-150bb stacks on this board, somebody always has you beat.

Nobody is shipping here with twopair, bottomset, or overpair unless they are total fearless donkeys.

That being said, I think your all-in here is at best a break-even to slight-winner proposition at 1/2. If you're like me and adverse to variance, the 5% equity advantage you have in best case possible isn't worth shipping $300.

IMO you can find better spots than this at 1/2 to ship and it's worth waiting for.
If you are afraid to get AI here with bottom set for 150bbs or less than you should not be playing poker for money.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 09:53 PM
Just on a 12 buying downswing this week posting bigger hands checking for leaks. Ran kings into aces 4 times lost full house to straight flush etc.... confidence a little shaken is all.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 10:03 PM
Originally Posted by Evil Empire36
Just on a 12 buying downswing this week posting bigger hands checking for leaks. Ran kings into aces 4 times lost full house to straight flush etc.... confidence a little shaken is all.
It's good that you're looking for leaks, since a 12 buy-in downswing probably has some bad play mixed in with variance.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 10:16 PM
So basically, if the maniac hadn't been right near the top of his super wide range, we'd be getting stacks in 3-way as a huge favorite. (Assuming our reads are accurate, of course.) What was the question again?
+1. Line looks good, never folding.
The question obviously is: where is this game and how do i get in?

A 12 BI downswing is fairly "standard". Even with leaks you seem to be a favorite to win in the longrun in the game you described here imo.
Plug them leaks anyway ldo.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-16-2015 , 10:28 PM
Originally Posted by Viral25
+1. Line looks good, never folding.
The question obviously is: where is this game and how do i get in?

A 12 BI downswing is fairly "standard". Even with leaks you seem to be a favorite to win in the longrun in the game you described here imo.
Plug them leaks anyway ldo.
Lol I made,it 50 dollars preflop with aa and got two callers. Lost to a guy calling with a 2d6d. He hit straight flush on river. Later lost to a guy who called 45 preflop with a6 while I was holding jj. Game definitely profitable but the swings are pretty crazy
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 12:21 AM
Wait...someone folded the nuts on the flop? What?
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 12:30 AM
Yes he was worried flush draw would hit. Scared money for sure. He bought in for 100 and was up to around 230.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
If you are afraid to get AI here with bottom set for 150bbs or less than you should not be playing poker for money.
Care to justify that statement or is it so self-evident it transcends explanation?
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 07:07 AM
Your advice to fold here is just flat out ridiculous, maybe you should read the OP again.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by Burnit3x
Care to justify that statement or is it so self-evident it transcends explanation?
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
If you are afraid to get AI here with bottom [middle set actually] set for 150bbs or less than you should not be playing poker for money.
the question was answered already.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 08:20 AM
Originally Posted by Evil Empire36
First to act folds the 7 9 nut straight lol.
Nobody folds the nuts intentionally.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 02:58 PM
Played it just fine. Never (ever) folding here.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
the question was answered already.
I see you've opted for the "transcends explanation" option.
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-17-2015 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by Burnit3x
I see you've opted for the "transcends explanation" option.
yes, but i guess people are here to learn, and since you asked, explaining it should be done on some level...

we have the 4th nuts. the nuts, 2nd nuts and 3rd nuts, while not outlandish to have, are just 16 combos (97), 16 combos (74) and 3 combos (88). 74 played in a raised pot is actually kind of outlandish, but that is V dependent.

the thing is, these are 35 combos of hands that they could have, but there are many other combos that make these specific hands less likely. you can add in multiple combos of the lower set, 2 pair hands, flush draws, straight draws, pair+straight draws, pair+flush draw, and overpairs

you could probably also eliminate some of the combos of hands that beat you because many Vs aren't going to play 74o in a raised pot (same with 97o)...

so by the time your done constructing a range of hands these players could have, it consists of a bunch of hands you are a head of and a few hands you are behind.

realistically speaking, with the exception of monotone flops and 3 card straight flops (like 876), there are few times we will get it all in with middle set and be behind, hence many people saying they are never folding on the board ITT
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-19-2015 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by johnny_on_the_spot
yes, but i guess people are here to learn, and since you asked, explaining it should be done on some level...

we have the 4th nuts. the nuts, 2nd nuts and 3rd nuts, while not outlandish to have, are just 16 combos (97), 16 combos (74) and 3 combos (88). 74 played in a raised pot is actually kind of outlandish, but that is V dependent.

the thing is, these are 35 combos of hands that they could have, but there are many other combos that make these specific hands less likely. you can add in multiple combos of the lower set, 2 pair hands, flush draws, straight draws, pair+straight draws, pair+flush draw, and overpairs

you could probably also eliminate some of the combos of hands that beat you because many Vs aren't going to play 74o in a raised pot (same with 97o)...

so by the time your done constructing a range of hands these players could have, it consists of a bunch of hands you are a head of and a few hands you are behind.

realistically speaking, with the exception of monotone flops and 3 card straight flops (like 876), there are few times we will get it all in with middle set and be behind, hence many people saying they are never folding on the board ITT
Much obliged
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
08-19-2015 , 10:07 AM
Well played man. Buy in again, and quickly. It sucks when the maniac really has a hand!

I feel your pain on the downswing. I was on a 9 BI swing that included AI w/ AA in three way pre flop pots. Each time the winner was the third man in with junk, their explanation "I don't get a chance to win pots that big very often, so I had to call.. I knew I was behind by a mile"..
3 way all in did I make the right play here 900+ pot Quote
