Sorry, it's been a while and I ve got some fuzzy memories.
Hand #1.
Villain straddles UTG.
Still don't have a complete read of villain, but seems to me that while he's trying to do hand reading, he doesn't put people on ranges, but instead decides to put them on a couple of hands. He runs 50/11 ( i know because I use a live HUD)
Here on the B with 36o calls. Stack of 500 or so, covered by villain.
SB calls, BB checks.
Villain raises to 15. 3 calls.
Flop comes A-3-6 with flush draw on spades. I do not have a spade in my hand.
Villain bets 30, I reraise to 85. Villain seems a bit flustered, but manages to call while mumbling something about putting me on 3-6.
Turn (230ish pot) comes and completes the flash. I don't remember the exact card I think a 7 or a 9. Within a couple of seconds Villain bets 210.
That seems quite a spot and I for the life of me I can't figure out what happened here. I can think two core scenarios, both of which derive from the fact that Villain had put me on 36.
Under scenario number 1, Villain reading that my hand was 3-6 and that my reraise was trying to punish flush draws, so as soon as the draw came in he tried to bluff me out of the pot. This scenario is supported by the quick bet as soon as the turn hit (strong is weak), although I ve seen him value bet with quick bets before.
Under scenario number 2, Villain had a stronger hand than 36, but in thinking that i had a strong hand, he decided to extract value out of me. Trouble there aren't many hands with which his line makes sense. A set of Aces? A two pair? The flush itself? A semibluff?
So what do I do there?
Hand #2.
Two people limp, I raise to 30 from the CO with AQo. The Villain calls at the Buttons and so do the other two limpers. Villain is middle aged Asian runs 60-11 or so. Not many more reads at the time.
Flop (120) comes rugged Q-9-x with a flush draw of Hearts. I bet 75, Villain flats, two limpers fold.
Turn (270) completes flush, i check, villain bets 100. I call.
Should I have folded here?
River (470) leaves the board rugged, still 3 cards to a flush. I check, Villain bets 200.
Here's an issue that bugs me with both of those hands. While most players' play horribly preflop and have a ton of leaks, they are to one degree or another observant and have some hand reading skills. My betting in both of those hands screamed that I was afraid of the flush, giving them thusly fodder to bluff me out of the best hand all the while putting me in tough spots.
What countermeasures can I take to avoid being exploited in spots like this?
Hand #3. I don't have a decision for this hand, but I think it merits discussion.
UTG limps, Laggy UTG +2 raises to 30, gets 3 more callers - one of them on the SB. I am on the BB with 99 so I call.
Flop (150) comes 3-4-6 with two

Sb donk bets 100, I fold my 99, laggy preflop raiser, reraises all in 250, SB snap calls, everyone else folds.
Once River is dealt SB says "if you have KK, you re good" and he tables 6


. That prompts my curiosity as it seems to me that betting against 4 people with a top pair in a low flop and a gutshot isn't EV+, so I ask him in bewilderment why he did that if he read that the other guy had KK.
To which he replies that "if the other guy had KK, then he wants to get it in on the flop".
Obviously a quick perusal of Pokerstove will show that that kind of hand has 32% equity against KK. As it happens, the way the hand played SB ended up having the pots odds to go all in against the KK, but for some reason, I doubt that this is what the guy had in mind when he said he wanted to get it in with his 67o; never mind that there were 3 other people involved in the pot which could very well had sets, flush draws with overs and so on and so on.
best part was this guy was a reg.
Anyway, I digress. There are a couple of issues here. With my position and the strength of my hand, it was pretty tough to call, even though I ended up having the best hand. I could very well be in the PF raiser's spot having KK and I would hate having to play for stacks with an overpair with such a wet board.
At issue here is how do we adjust our SPRs and our commitment threshold when we get reads that a villain is willing to get it in lighter than what is standard?
That's it for now. Thanks for reading.
Last edited by OvertlySexual; 02-09-2014 at 11:28 PM.