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3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb 3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb

12-02-2015 , 10:21 PM
Not a great table. Table full of players who know pot odds, outs, etc., but prolly call too much, typical. Hands often 4-5 handed.

V1 (900) is a Russian 40's rec player. Fits description above. V1 and H have lots of experience together.

V2 (270) unknown Asian male, 30's. Playing a little bit tighter than average. Maybe somewhat scared money.

V3 (95) Asian male, 30's. A reg. H and V3 have some experience, but not as much as V1. V3 usually plays more gambly. Not sure why he's short stacking. Seems to be playing reasonably though - fold or commit mostly.

H (450) 40's white male. Playing looser than I should. And aggressively. Had just rebought after a cooler.

Folds to H in CO (unusual) with J9
H raises to 25.
V1 (BTN) calls.
V2 (SB) calls.
V3 (BB) AI for 95.


Hero looks left. V1 is def calling. V2 looks likely as well.
Hero calls.
V1 calls.
V2 calls.

Flop (375) QJ6

V2 checks.
Hero bets 150, leaving 205 back.
V1 tank calls.
V2 shoves for 175 total.
H calls.
V1 calls.

Turn (900) 7

Hero bets 205 AI.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-02-2015 , 11:03 PM
Open smaller pre.
as played I'd make it 215.

Post is spew. Why are you betting flop? Why are you betting turn?
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-02-2015 , 11:05 PM

You know you can just fold pre to the original 3bet agaisn't that bunch of nits

Honestly I would'nt bet flop, would bet turn if flop checks around.
If called OTT I'd check river and evaluate. As played this is a disaster man.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-03-2015 , 03:56 PM
I'm betting flop mostly for protection against Axs and Kxs plus KT, T9. Was thinking SPR is =1, so I can't fold with J middle pair. Maybe that was wrong. Shows the problem with middish suited connectors when you're not deep enough. Even though I hit something, I'm still in a bad spot post flop. So that's an argument for folding pre.

Betting the turn may be worse, but there are more draws now.

I almost folded to the short stack shove pre. Could see that being the best play. Would have folded if it wasn't obvious V1 was calling.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-03-2015 , 07:45 PM
shove pre
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-03-2015 , 07:59 PM
Your shove seems to be for 180 actually and since you're never folding when you get to the turn this way whatever.

You said there are more draws, what are they? Which hands called the flop and turned a draw? So few I would think.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-03-2015 , 09:04 PM
Folding pre is obv best

After you open to $25 and see this action I don't mind the call, but I think a shove pre could be better with dead money and you probably have decent equity vs V3 if he holds a hand like AK or AQ.

I'm defiantly not betting this flop - it's pretty wet and we have a trouble hand.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-03-2015 , 09:10 PM
Originally Posted by PajamaBottoms
Your shove seems to be for 180 actually and since you're never folding when you get to the turn this way whatever.

You said there are more draws, what are they? Which hands called the flop and turned a draw? So few I would think.
You're right there are very many hands that call flop that turned more draws. 89, 45. Hmmm, can't think of any more. Though all of the Axss and Kxss are still in.

I guess kekeeke nailed it.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 05:36 AM
Flatting the $95 AI is a big mistake. You will be playing a massively bloated pot OOP, with less than a psb left. You need to shove or fold. I would probably shove, but folding is also fine.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 11:01 AM
You're not deep enough to be making this call're committing too much of your stack. Pre needs to just be a fold. When you're opening with a slightly stronger range such as AT+,77+, KQ...I would recommend 4bet shoving pre with given stack sizes and descriptions (doing it with small-mid suited connectors, one gappers, two gappers is just spew).
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 12:42 PM
Why 25$ pre?
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 04:49 PM
^ my thought too. why not come in for a pot sweetener like 15-18$

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3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:02 PM
Someone changed the thread title today to something that makes sense.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by D.M.O.U.
Why 25$ pre?
I don't very my bet size pre based on my hand. Typically 20+(5/1.5limpers) in LP. In this case I was at 25+(5/1.5limpers), though I don't recall why it was 5 higher than normal.

Regarding calling 95 pre, there is 175 in the pot, H can see that V1 is calling, and that makes it likely V2 will call. So it costs H 70 to see 245 (or 315 if V2 also calls). H is getting immediate odds of 245:70 or 315:70 (so 3.5:1 or very likely 4.5:1). SPR will be very close to 1, making position less valuable. Maybe it's still a fold.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by whickerda
Someone changed the thread title today to something that makes sense.
No, that's the title I gave it.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:10 PM
Trivial fold to the 3b. You need big cards for this type of spot since its going multiway.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
You need bug cards for this type of spot since its going multiway.
I think this is the key, though I'm not sure what they do when you turn up with an offsuit rhinoceros beetle, dung beetle.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-06-2015 , 11:20 PM
Just fold to the 3! AI betting is reopened and it will not be fun when the 270 V ships with 77, 88 type hands
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-07-2015 , 12:09 AM
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
12-07-2015 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
lol, thanks.

Results: V1 called. Shows QT, river T, so V1 scoops. V3 unnecessarily shows AQ.

So, I guess this nails it: Spew.
3/5, spewing with J9s, H in CO with 120 bb Quote
