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3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river 3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river

10-12-2010 , 05:38 PM
Villain in this hand is a middle aged, drunk white guy (he got cut off 1/2 hour after this hand), playing super loose and running super hot, ran his $300 stack into $1400.

Notable hands/reads:

Watched him flat $15 pre with KQ OTB

Flop ($45): J 2 5

BB checks, PFR cbets $15, he minraises to $30, BB folds, PFR calls.

Turn ($105): J 2 5 A

PFR quickly bets $75, he insta calls.

River ($255): J 2 5 A K

PFR bets $100, he insta calls, PFR shows 66

Watched him open 47s to $20 pre from UTG and show after folds.

Seems to check/call with his draws and raise with bluffs/made hands.

Anyways, hand in question:

9 handed, folded to Hero in CO with KT and opens to $15. Folds to villain in the BB who calls. Hero has $500, villain covers.

Flop ($30): J 4 2

Villain checks, Hero bets $20, Villain motions to remove his cards from his card protector and muck, and then in a rather total change of thought quickly throws in $20.

Turn ($70): J 4 2 T

Villain checks, Hero insta checks.

River ($70): J 4 2 T J

Villain insta checks, Hero wings out $55 rather quickly to try and look bluffy, Villain grabs 2 stacks and throws them in the middle (it ended up being a raise to $175)...Hero???
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-12-2010 , 06:26 PM
You got what you wanted, looking bluffy, so call.
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 04:14 AM
My instinct said snap call, his hand makes no sense to have a jack there esp. after I quick check the turn and I really thought I had the best hand...I called and villain tabled AA lol I love accidental drunk thin value.
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 07:29 AM
I think this was beyond thin value to vapor value. You have SPSK. Not too many hands are calling that you beat. You're beat, fold to the river raise.

Now you know he can act, too.
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 08:48 AM
The acting on the flop would get my attention. As played I might raise the river. If your goal was to look like a bluff, there shouldn't be a consideration to calling, either fold or raise. If you think you're bluffing, you can't call anything. If you want to continue the bluff, reraise if you think he's weak. If you don't think he'll fold, just fold yourself.

Personally, If he called down with 66 before, I don't think he's folding, so I just check behind or fold to this raise. Would take some serious stones to value raise your pair.
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 08:49 AM
he hollywooded u so hard lol

edit - im pretty sure this drunk dude wont fold to a raise\

edit #2 - he called down with KQ not 66.

edit #3 - im 99% hero was betting river for value
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 10:13 AM
Seems to me you misread him. In the other hand he just called down (and he probably called down a lot because people think you should bluff the drunk guy). This time though he c/r'd OTR... any llsnl game no matter how drunk the guy is I think this is strength like 99% of the time. It is just so rare to see anyone c/r the river that you just give them credit until they prove you wrong.
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
10-13-2010 , 02:21 PM
i used to c/r river to bluff but it never worked
ever since then i only c/r river for value - when it's for value it always work!!
because it's so rare, they dont comprehend a river c/r lol
3/5 NL value bet gets c/r'd on river Quote
