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/: Line Check from OOP /: Line Check from OOP

11-15-2012 , 03:08 AM
UTG was spotted earlier playing $5/$10. By the time the following hand had taken place, he had been at my $3/$5 table for an hour. He is middle-aged Russian man about 45 years old and graying. He is wearing aviator sunglasses and has a tattoo on his right bicep. He has a macho man attitude and acts like table captain. He likes to talk a lot. He also plays LAG and isn't afraid to play big pots with a wide range of hands. He stacked a player holding Q2 after calling an EP's raise to $30. He also was seen calling a 3-bet from blinds pre in position against another LAG woman, floating flop, floating turn, then overbet shoving river after LAG woman checked river to him. He seems like he enjoys action and is capable of outplaying opponents. He seems somewhat decent but has also admitted losing big.

UTG+2 is LAG spanish woman. She shows tons of aggression on all streets. If she is the preflop raiser, she will continue to raise on all 3 streets never putting on the breaks. If she just limps pre and then flop gets checked around. She will bet the turn and if called bet the river. She claimed to have been playing 24 hours during the past 2 days.

MP is 25-29 year old Indian guy. Claimed to have been playing 30+ hours over the past 2 days. He's been playing relatively tight and staying quiet. He has been seen to call pre with K9 suited in MP after an early position raiser made it $25. He has also been seen to bluff with air OTR after calling preflop raise IP and pot gets checked around to him all the way to the river with 4 cards to a flush.

Full Ring

UTG: $2500
UTG+2: $1800
MP: $515
Hero: $955

Pre-Flop: ($18) Hero is BB with AK
UTG straddles to $10, UTG+2 calls $10, MP calls $10, Hero calls $5, UTG raises to $45, UTG+2 calls $35, MP calls $35, Hero calls $35

Flop: K7T ($179, 4 players)
Hero checks, UTG checks, UTG+2 checks, MP checks

Turn: K ($179, 4 players)
Hero bets $90, UTG folds, UTG+2 folds, MP raises to $320, Hero raises All-In to $820

Preflop and flop action happens relatively quickly. Things slow down significantly on the turn. I act deliberately taking my time to cut out a half pot bet before pushing it to the center. UTG Russian guy starts talking when it's his turn to act. He takes his time looking like he's really thinking. He's faced my way but I can't tell if he's looking at me or the board or elsewhere because his sunglasses are too dark. He says things out loud like "This looks like a bluff." "The first one to bet takes down the pot." After about 1 minute or so he finally folds. UTG+2 spanish woman folds relatively quickly. Then, unexpectedly, the Indian guy raises me to $230 more for $320 total. I say this is unexpected because I noticed him staring me down when the action was on UTG Russian guy. He looked like he was trying to read me and I just thought he looked weak. This hand, I expected the Russian guy to make a play and the Spanish woman and Indian guy to quickly fold.

What's your evaluation of the line I decided to take here OOP on all streets?

Last edited by jsissy; 11-15-2012 at 03:26 AM. Reason: Adding more detail during the pivotal point of hand
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 04:35 AM
Raise pre? But since you didn't raise pre and successfully got a raise from the spewy LAG straddler, 3-bet and stack off pre?

When we get raised it's kind of meh as he would've probably bet Kx when everyone checks to him. There are pretty much 0 bluffs in his range here, all this talk that he could be on a bluff is just you being paranoid. Reads on how he plays flopped monsters and flopped top pairs are crucial here. As a default without those reads I think it's a crying fold.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 12:29 PM
Not raising pre here is kind of odd. 3 bet and get low SPR OOP heads up.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 12:36 PM
I couldn't believe you didn't raise preflop, then read that the straddler raised it up for you and thought to myself that your gamble of limping was going to work out for you. Then you flat called again! you kidding me? Pop it when it gets to you, if you do decide to limp and the straddler raises you have to reraise him.

I'd be real surprised if the indian guy checked behind on the flop with a set with such a draw heavy board. As played I would have played it the same postflop.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 12:52 PM
Not a fan of not raising PF. I would have made it $50. If you were a lot deeper, like 300bb+ and didn't want to have bad SPRs oop vs. aggro player then maybe, but the straddle here solves the problem for you. If the guy calls with trash, why wouldn't you let him make the mistake? As played, easy 3-bet pre once aggro-Russian raises. Maybe trap AA here sometimes, but not even that is that great given stacks.

Flop check probably fine to induce aggros behind you.

Turn bet also good for the same reason.

As played easy commit, his range includes many worse Kx combos. Sets should usually bet flop given that he has position, so can be heavily discounted.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 01:17 PM
What Setsy said. Raise pre, three bet pre but fine after that.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 01:51 PM
Listen to Setsy.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 04:17 PM
Also agree with Setsy on all streets. You seem to be observant and had good reads develop so can you explain your reasoning behind both PF calls?
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by High__Rolla
Also agree with Setsy on all streets. You seem to be observant and had good reads develop so can you explain your reasoning behind both PF calls?
To clarify, do you mean my reasoning on why I completed the BB and then called the raise from straddler or my reasoning on why I think UTG+2 and MP called preflop?
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 05:15 PM
Originally Posted by Setsy
Not a fan of not raising PF. I would have made it $50. If you were a lot deeper, like 300bb+ and didn't want to have bad SPRs oop vs. aggro player then maybe, but the straddle here solves the problem for you. If the guy calls with trash, why wouldn't you let him make the mistake? As played, easy 3-bet pre once aggro-Russian raises. Maybe trap AA here sometimes, but not even that is that great given stacks.
What amount would you 3-bet to given that UTG+2 and MP called UTG's raise and you started the hand with $955?

Would you call a min 4-bet from any of V's and see a flop?

Would you call a 4-bet All-in here from any of V's?
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 07:57 PM
raise to like 55 pre, as played 3bet to 2-225 pre and then stack off.

as played postflop is fine and i'm always stacking off on the turn.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-15-2012 , 09:25 PM
Originally Posted by jsissy
To clarify, do you mean my reasoning on why I completed the BB and then called the raise from straddler or my reasoning on why I think UTG+2 and MP called preflop?
Yes both of your flatcalls PF.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-16-2012 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by jsissy
What amount would you 3-bet to given that UTG+2 and MP called UTG's raise and you started the hand with $955?

Would you call a min 4-bet from any of V's and see a flop?

Would you call a 4-bet All-in here from any of V's?
1. 55-60
2. Certainly never against the short stack and probably never against the one of the others as described OOP. MAYBE with more history and if you knew that a villain was both good and thought you were a PP chaser you could rep a small set with some fourth-level action on a trash flop, but that would be pretty rare.
3. Yes. Pre discounts aces for V2 and V3 big-time, and V1 is a loudmouth.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-16-2012 , 10:17 AM
On #2, V2 is the only one to worry about due to stack size and possibility of planned limp-reraise with loudmouth in straddle. Not saying limp-minraise doesn't seem scary, but I would have trouble calling IRL (b/f > b/c > f > c, I guess). Her barreling the flop doesn't tell us much and let's her play perfectly after our flop reraise.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
11-17-2012 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by High__Rolla
Yes both of your flatcalls PF.
Honestly, I was getting ready to leave after 1 orbit. I wanted to lock up my win and was playing a bit conservatively. I didn't want to over commit myself to the pot but also didn't want to lay down a hand as strong as AKs. So I decided to just flat the straddle and the 3-bet and see a flop. If I missed I would just c/f. Since I hit the K, my plan was to c/r and take it down right there and get ready to go home. Since it was checked around, my plan now was to lead out on the turn no matter what card came out and proceed from there. I'd probably b/f the turn and if called b/f the river.
/: Line Check from OOP Quote
