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2nd Set Vs OMC 2nd Set Vs OMC

05-19-2021 , 03:24 AM
$2/3 75% stack match, 9 handed

Me - $2500
OMC - $2000. White guy probably mid 60s, I've played with him a few times. Standard OMC type, super low VPIP, when he does raise pre he makes it huge, etc.

I open UTG+1 TT $15, call, call, Villain makes it $75, loose fish calls the $75, I call, folds out.

A29 ($260)

I check, check, check


I lead $105, OMC raises to $300, fold.

OMC has AA right? Like literally only AA? Checks back top set
I lead the turn smallish hoping to get crying called by like QQ and KK that checked the flop because the Ace hit. If he happened to have AK or if he lost his mind pre with AQs he bets that flop 100% of the time.

Just make an exploitative fold here?

I called turn, check folded a blank river when OMC bet $475
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 06:28 AM
i dont think anyone can help with this one. we shouldnt ever be folding but only you know this particular villain. i empathise as i know the type of player and its pretty grim.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 06:44 AM
It really comes down to whether he can 3 bet AK pf and resist donking on the flop. Most can't so it is fold on the turn. The worst play is to call the turn and fold on the river. He's never raising the turn on a backdoor FD as a bluff.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 11:22 AM
As I read along I was like "this guy has AA". I just see no way this guy checks AK/AQ (and I bet he doesn't 3 bet AQ) and I also discount him raising any draws or turning KK/QQ into bluffs. 100% agree we either call the turn raise and stack off or just fold turn. Overall I just fold turn.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 11:22 AM
I never play this crazy deep but...

I can understand the open this deep. Will still be in a monster high SPR but the small raise simply enables us to possibly play for bigger stacks if we hit our set.

Calling the hugenormous 3bet OOP is pretty meh, imo. If the big fish we have position on is capable of losing a bunch, ok maybe. But otherwise no OMC is going to go stark raving mad with just an overpair in position when we flop our set (nor is he going to lose a lot on A high flops with KK-, AK UI, etc.), and we have to make up a helluva lotta money (OOP against most likely target) to justify this setmining call.

I also check flop.

I also bet small on the turn. I might even go smaller just to eke out 2 calls from what is now looking to be KK-.

Think I could make a hero fold against most OMC types facing the turn raise. Course, my game never plays this deep, so no OMC is tarping the flop with AK just to raise the turn; they are scared as **** that we've flopped a set and will just calldown at this point not wanting to risk these hugenormous stacks (the whole reason they checked back the flop, a perfectly reasonable pot control play that they now continue with). In a game that constantly plays hugely deep, I dunno, do things differ? I would doubt it, but I have zero experience in these types of games...

2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 12:03 PM
I had a similar hand. MP raises to $15, I 3et KK to $45, tight as hell player flats from BB. Flop AKX, BB shoves. I know 100% he has AA, but I still can't fold -- thank goodness he had only $75 left. LOL.

Sometimes you just have to go with your gut. I wonder what I would have done if BB had more money -- I hope I could have folded.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 12:21 PM
Never folding.....
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 03:49 PM
If you can fold TT on the turn you should definitely be folding it pre.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by MDMASherdog
If you can fold TT on the turn you should definitely be folding it pre.
+1 to this.

If he's an OMC, then his 3bet range is basically AA/KK, so we are set mining. We basically need to stack him close to every time we get a set, so unless we know he's sticky and can't get away from an overpair, it's a fold pre, though I guess the calling fish changes the odds a little.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
05-19-2021 , 05:05 PM
The only way I get behind the call pre is the loose fish -- and the deep stacks assuming fish is also deep.
2nd Set Vs OMC Quote
