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**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** **** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD ****

12-24-2012 , 11:20 AM
This is std 2p2 practice. Not sure if this forum has one or not but its a great way to set goals and then see how you did later that year

Play 2500hrs of poker
Profit $100K (5/10 and below)
Save $40K separate from BR
Fix credit
Move to FL over summer and crush the entire ****in state
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 11:31 AM
- Get BR high enough to strictly and comfortably play $2/5 by year end.
- Put in 600+ hours of volume.
- Book a trip to Vegas this year.
- Log in any hand that I contributed 30+bb and the opponents hand if shown.
- Better game selection. This is the toughest one to me. Due to my schedule, it's tough leaving when I only have limited time to play sometimes.

No actual winrate goals, if I have a winrate goal it makes me worried too much on "where I stand." As long as I am playing optimal poker (and I am super picky on this, any leak and I obsess over it), that's all I care about.

Last edited by Pay4Myschool; 12-24-2012 at 11:38 AM.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 12:11 PM
play 150 hours between now and graduation, and 1000 hours by the end of the year

build bankroll to comfortably play 2/5 and on track towards 5/10

Work on eliminating my C-game and playing near my A-game at all times

Drastically improve my A-game with work away from the table

off-topic but has to be said since my biggest goal, make moves towards playing soccer professionally (at least get paid to play for some time)
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 12:40 PM
Play in Vegas during WSOP and maybe actually play an event.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:00 PM
I can't set an hr goal due to family and job requirements, so my goals are all performance related:

Eliminate the times I stack off stupidly in spots where I can't possibly be ahead.
Measurable- record every significant stack off and analyze

Perfect the art of identifying player types and having the patience to be a nit when the conditions call for it.
Measurable- note on table conditions for every session for later analysis.

Note: I think it's important we also list exactly how we plan to accomplish out goals and ways to track them. Otherwise it's just words.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:03 PM
Playing as a nit is basically the easiest and most profitsble way to play llsnl
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:07 PM
Acquire Diamond status at the Horseshoe Cleveland playing only poker. That means around 45 hours a month from now until August.

Improve my $/h to $13+ in 1/2 and move into 2/5 by the end of winter. I may be pushing my poker bankroll a little to do this, but I have a secure life bankroll and can always go back to 1/2 if I miss.

Work on noticing c-bet % in opponents and keep working on looking at opponents when they look at their cards/flop/turn/river instead of at the board or at my own cards.

Have the balls to float more flops (and play less fit or fold) against aggressive opponents. I need to use the c/c donk turn line which seems to be very effective against weaker players.

Continue recording hands and studying the game to plug leaks. Never stop getting better.

And last, add more goals to this list by the end of the year. I do know there are still many things I don't know that I don't know.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 01:11 PM
play lots o pokerz (1500 hrs+)
do more hookerz
do more blow
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 02:32 PM
Play 1200 hours minimum (100/month)

Increase length of sessions (averaging 3-4 hours a session this year )

Improve game selection, even if this means sucking it up and driving an extra 45 minutes each way.

Build roll high enough to regularly play 5/10

Devote more time to physical and mental health away from the tables.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 02:45 PM

Play 300 hours but pick nights where there are no family obligations to attend to

Play more 1/3 and 2/5 even if it means driving a little more

Play less craps

Lose 10 lbs by drinking less beer
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 03:55 PM
Wsop cash games and a couple of events.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 04:48 PM
Play 1000+ hours this year.
Go to Vegas at least 14 days this year for cash games.
Play at least one deep stack tourney in Vegas.
Play as much $2/$5 as possible.
Plug leaks like tilt.

Last edited by YoungPokerStar; 12-24-2012 at 05:15 PM.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 04:49 PM


pay off school loan and be totally debt free

make 100k legitimately (I made 110k+ but half was from a bbj)

move to 5/10
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 07:18 PM
-Win $50k playing 1/2
-Play more 2/5
-Hit my first royal flush, hopefully at Red Rock and bink a jackpot
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 10:22 PM
2013 will be my first year to pursue poker regularly, with an adequate bankroll and sustained play/study. I'm starting with 2K, playing 1/2 (obviously). My goal is to make 10k profit in 2013.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-24-2012 , 10:28 PM
Good idea for a thread. For me, this will be the first year that I will be able to dedicate the majority of my extra time to poker. I say extra time, because I do have a full-time 40 hour a week job. But I will be able to dedicate my weekends to poker, instead of previously where I would spend my time refereeing soccer and only play poker occasionally.

I am fully rolled with a 10 BI bankroll for $1/3. I think that is good enough for a LLSNL player that is just a weekend warrior and not going to play full time. Here are my goals:

-Play around 1000 hours. This is 20 hours a weekend times about 50 weeks. I will play during the week some during the tournament series that we have in Tunica. I also want to take a couple of week-long trips to Vegas, but that will depend on if the wife wants to do that as well.
-Take is the WSOP experience. I probably will not play any tournaments, but I want to take in the scene and play some cash games.
-Continue to spend a significant time studying the game. I do have a full-time job, but I am fortunate enough to be able to spend some time during my work day on 2p2. I want to grunch as many hands as I can and continue to watch the Crush Live Poker videos and listen to the Seat Open podcasts from Bart Hanson.
-I want to read one poker book per week. I don't have any kids so I have plenty of time to come home and focus on reading a book to get a deeper understanding of the game. Right now, I am concentrating on the Ed Miller books.
-Eventually, I need to transition to $2/5. However, I want to make sure I post a solid win-rate at $1/3 first. Tunica is a bit weird in the fact that $2/5 is uncapped and tends to play pretty big times. So I will need to figure out how to go from a 100BB cap game to an uncapped game with no real in-between.
-I plan on hiring a coach at some point to do some Skype sessions with to help speed-up my understanding of the game.
-I might start a blog and post sessions and write some strategy articles. I think writing helps develop your game more and more. That is part of why posting on 2p2 is so beneficial.
-Begin SS plus some cardio to drop some weight (see Health and Fitness forum for what SS is).

I am heading into my late 20's and have established my career and I am in the process of setting up my finances for life. But I want to be a really good poker player because I enjoy the challenge and have a passion for the game. I want to take huge steps in 2013 toward that.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 12:18 AM
1. Play at least 1000 hours this year.
2. Make the transition to playing at least 1/3 of my hours at 2/5.
3. Add at least 2BB/hr to my 1/2 win rate.
4. Make an effort to start learning range equities vs hands that I normally play.

5. Propose to my gf. (Obv not poker related, but I'm using my winning to save for a ring.)
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 12:44 AM
Originally Posted by dhcg86
Playing as a nit is basically the easiest and most profitsble way to play llsnl
If you can handle the ego abuse and verbal jabs from other players and the dealers, this is the most profitable way to play. I speak from experience.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 12:51 AM
I also forgot to mention that I might start to play a bit of online poker and maybe try out some PLO online in my spare time. I have heard it is a sick game though.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 01:28 AM
-Generate at least a 10K bankroll
-Take some shots at 2/5
-Hit a Royal (unbelievable I still have never hit one)
-Improve hand reading/setting ranges
-Improve my poker math/pot odds; pretty good already though.
-more poker friends + talking strategy
-win another $100 tournament
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 07:31 AM
Tilt less
Suffer less

That's it. (See if you can guess what's fresh on my mind. It really is the nuts though...)

But, I believe that being a winning player is immensely more painful than being an losing player. If that was not true, there would be no poker. The losing players would say "OK, I hate this, I quit". And then the weakest winning players would now be losing, and they would quit, and this would go on until there was one person left who would have nobody to play with.

The losers (the ones who aren't just fully sick degens at least) enjoy playing, and the winners deal with the pain - the pain being the times they lose, or make less than their expected earn, because they are winners and they should be making $x per y) because they believe the end - the money they will make being a winning player - justifies the suffering they will endure.

I would like to be a winning player who does not suffer, and that will be my goal.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 10:53 AM
Play once a week and profit.

Get back in the gym and in better shape than I've ever been. (Was in a car accident in August and had to stop going the gym.) This is my main goal.

I would also like to move up to $2/$5. But i don't think I play enough. (Work)

Get better at other games; Open face Chinese poker, PLO

Play a medium sized tournament every other month.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by mrducks
If you can handle the ego abuse and verbal jabs from other players and the dealers, this is the most profitable way to play. I speak from experience.
I have literally NEVER heard of or have seen this ever happen
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 09:07 PM
- better tilt control

- better game selection

- play longer when winning and shorter when losing

- build up a big enough br to comfortably play 2/5 and start putting away money
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
12-25-2012 , 09:09 PM
Be more involved in LLSNL
Study More/Improve Game
Profit 2K+ this year (only 10 BIs)

If I do all these things, and confidence/profits are up, take profitable shot(s) at 2/5.

I SHOULD be able to do all of these things...let's ****ing go.
**** 2013 LLSNL GOALS THREAD **** Quote
