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200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot 200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot

10-05-2010 , 01:25 AM
Typical 1/2 live game. was sitting at a feeder table but just got moved to the main game. villain is incredibly loose-passive fish. i had seen him betting tiny with relatively big hands (roughly 10-20% of the pot) and fail to get max value.

Effective stack: 230

7way limped pot.

Hero (BB): J4dd

Flop: J54r

($14) SB checks, Hero bets 15, utg1 calls 15, folds, .. folds, Villain (late position) raises 30 to 45, folds,

action back to me...

Hero: 3bet 85 more to 130. utg1 folds. Villain thinks and calls.

($289) Turn: 6 completing rambo

Hero: bet 100 all-in.
Villain: time banks, calls.


Villain shows 55 for set of 5s. FML.

Did I play this wrong? It wasn't an auto b3b spot given villains tendencies. but i did it anyway.
200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:34 AM
Don't 3-bet flop against a passive opponent. He is almost never doing this just top pair. Just call raise then call turn and river.
200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot Quote
10-05-2010 , 01:42 AM
i honestly thought 45 was his probable holding. when he was time banking the turn, i thought he had just a naked jack, so i was thinking "please call please call please call". finally he calls and i think im about to get paid only to find villain roll over the flop second nuts. i reasonably thought, given by 3bet sizing, that all sets would 4bet all-in given i had only 100 behind for turn shove. but of course he just calls. and so should have i. thanks.
200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot Quote
10-05-2010 , 05:06 AM
As said above you can't really expect to get paid off by TP in this hand OTF so I'd probably flat the flop raise then c/r all in OTT for value.

To be clear you aren't getting away from this hand no matter what, but 3 betting the flop just folds out a lot of hands you could extract value from.
200NL Top & Bottom on BB in limped pot Quote
