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2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight 2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight

05-23-2022 , 11:41 AM
This was a hand IÂ’m unsure of how I played.

H MP 800$ Jh8h

All decent players have left table and left are only loose passives with 3-bet maybe QQ+, AK, and one stickier loose fish who has seemed to tighten up pre.

I decide to open to 10 as IÂ’ve just been on a heater applying pressure to 1-3 callers with either made hands or pretty wide semi-bluffs.

2 loose passive players call in CO and SB 300effective

Flop 4h6x7xrainbow

SB x I decided to c bet 20 with gutter and back door hearts.

Both call

Turn 5 rainbow.

Since these players are more passive I think I shouldÂ’ve definitely bet this.
But my default is that the 5 is terrible for my opening range+c-bet and like to play this hand tricky against players who like to steal the pot from me on this street or bet 2-pair for value vs perceived TAG range. I check, so do both players

River is 3 completing straight on board.
SB leads 45$.

My read is that V in cutoff will over call for the chop if I flat. But that neither player can have an 8 or 89. I feel like if I raise itÂ’s likely to look like steal but both players are likely to fold.

Is this a mandatory raise or can looking for the over call be max value and lower risk if SB was trapping with 89.

Last edited by SetOfNines; 05-23-2022 at 11:47 AM.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-23-2022 , 12:28 PM
Not betting turn is bad. Hitting the money card that is outside our perceived range is best in poker. Why not take advantage. Like I can't imagine how you didn't bet here bad.

As played I think a call is correct. CO never has an 8 or 89, but SB might as he may have been trying to c/r the turn. So, call and best case scoop, but most likely chop with SB and least likely lose minimum to SB.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-23-2022 , 02:05 PM
I also can’t believe I didn’t bet turn, but against tough players who like to speculate IP and apply pressure it can be a good play right, they are usually so eager to rep this board, I guess I can give them opportunity to do that by raising my bet though. In the hand I spaced on the fact that the players had passive tendencies, not to mention only the CO left to act. It was a very bad check I’ll admit. Let’s say it’s two tough regs to act behind, checking is good?
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-23-2022 , 03:05 PM
If you know its always an overcall, but rarely is a raise called…..seems like easy math.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-23-2022 , 04:31 PM
Guess I was unsure of how often a raise gets called. Over all felt 100% but really didn’t know if SB would look me up. I just called and so did CO and scooped
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-23-2022 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by SetOfNines
Guess I was unsure of how often a raise gets called. Over all felt 100% but really didn’t know if SB would look me up. I just called and so did CO and scooped
Not sure how much we can help here, since you know better.

I fold this pre. I don't quite understand that because you've been on a heater you need to raise this, especially since the players behind are loose and not tight.

As played, I wonder if min-raise is an option. Also if you're convinced no-one has 89 (not sure how you can be 100% sure), sometimes a jam here that looks like you're trying to steal a chop *may* make some people call it off. All of this is so player dependent it's hard to know.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-24-2022 , 08:12 AM
No offense, OP, but I make literally the opposite play on every street against LPs. I would fold this pre in MP without a second thought. I would not c-bet J-high multi-way against two LPs on a board that doe not at all favor my opening range. I would bet/fold the turn and river for value.

When people call too much and bet too little, let them make those mistakes. Don't bet when you don't have it, as they'll likely call, and do bet when you have a strong hand, for the same reason.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-24-2022 , 12:20 PM
I fold preflop.

I don't hate a small flop cbet here. It is supposed to hit their ranges more than ours, but with J high we really just want to steal some pots from A/K/Q high.

I would just bet our somewhat disguised hand on the turn and hope two pear / pear + draw can pay off. Passive players in multiway pots aren't going to stab at this. ETA: Against aggro players I would lean to a check and let them attempt to steal it.

Not sure why the SB can't have 98/8. Anyhoo, if our reads are that Button will overcall to a flat and yet both will probably fold to a raise (and I think that reasoning is perfectly fine), then flat is obvious, imo.

2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-24-2022 , 01:19 PM
Just noticed that two version of this thread existed, so I merged them.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
05-24-2022 , 01:44 PM
Thanks Garrick I appreciate it and the advice. Earlier I meant to say I felt 100% on the overcall, auto corrected to overall. I thought I was very likely good and very rarely running into 89. I can get behind playing every street differently especially flop and turn, I do like playing this hand when the table gets weak/stationy though. Retrospect trying to make it look like a steal and raise river for value might be better or min raise is maybe a good idea idk I think flatting river worked out well enough for it not to be so obvious though. SB had 56 so turned two pair and would’ve made more betting the turn most likely. Don’t remember what CO had.
2 loose passives wanting a chop, I have 2nd nut straight Quote
