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2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD) 2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD)

11-01-2013 , 01:50 PM
New table started 30 mins ago.

Hero SB - AJcc w/600$ stack
V1 CO - $800 stack. Tilt-prone -has lost some pots to me after doubling up w/a set. Capable of thinking but has MUB syndrome and will eventually call. But tries to overplay hands and is too overconfident. He has raised in position before on a draw and got lucky to hit both times vs others for small pots.
Other V irrelevant - regular loose passive CS fish who have ~300 - 500 stacks.

UTG +1 raises to 20$
2 callers incl V1
H calls and bb w/280$ calls as well.

Pot - $100
Flop - AsJsQh

PFR bets $35
V1 raises to $105
H calls after tanking.
SD, FD, naked A, made st8 are all in his range.

Pot -$345
Turn 2d

I am trying to follow commitment threshold concept and not fold once 30% of my stack in pot. Unless it is clear I am beat. So many hands could get there OTR.


Last edited by DryAngel; 11-01-2013 at 02:08 PM.
2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD) Quote
11-01-2013 , 02:06 PM
Do you have AJ or AQ? Title says top 2, post looks like top and bottom?
2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD) Quote
11-01-2013 , 02:09 PM
Fixed. Thanks.
2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD) Quote
11-01-2013 , 02:21 PM
Think you have to ship it vs that villian, his draw history, pot size, remaining stack. If he did flop a straight, just hit your J on the river.
2/5nl- 2 pair on drawy board (FD, SD) Quote
