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2/5nl 1010 OOP deep 2/5nl 1010 OOP deep

04-23-2012 , 09:44 AM
2/5 no limit

10 handed

Hero- super LAG winning image. $1800

Villain- young TAG thinking player. definitley competent. $1100

1 limp, Hero raises to $25 with 1010. villain on the button calls.
limper folds.

($55) 662

Hero bets $40
Villain calls

($135) 662J

Hero bets $80
Villain raises to $185
Hero calls

($505) 662J9

Hero?..... b/f? c/f? c/c? why?
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 09:54 AM
Leading river is terrible. In most cases it's a ch/f. We all get into these spots in daily basis and it's purely villain dependent.
It's just a guessing game, yours is as good as mine.

Having a competent player having position on you sucks especially when he is capable of making your life hell. Why did you bet-call turn? You thought you were good? In that case you just have to close your eyes and call river too either wise the turn play is burning money. Too many ppl "HOPE it gets checked down" LOLz.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:05 AM
This feels like a c/c.

This is a pretty dry board, so Villain's raise OTT could be trying to take the pot away from an empty 2 barrel. Villain could have floated with AJ, or could be semi-bluffing a spade draw, but he's a thinker and knows we're a bit of an action junkie, so there is a good chance he is trying to steal the pot.

If we bet OTR, he's probably flatting with any kind of Jx hand. He may even flat with 6x but is almost always raising with 22/99. We can probably discount JJ since villain just flatted on the button. He isn't calling with anything we can beat, unless he decides to make a hero call with 88 or A9.

If we check, he's probably firing again with ATC to steal the pot. This seems like the best line to maximize value (if we have the best hand). If we wanted to get sexy, we could CRAI to fold out Jx hands, but given our lag image, this probably won't work the majority of the time.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by stressed
Leading river is terrible. In most cases it's a ch/f. We all get into these spots in daily basis and it's purely villain dependent.
It's just a guessing game, yours is as good as mine.

Having a competent player having position on you sucks especially when he is capable of making your life hell. Why did you bet-call turn? You thought you were good? In that case you just have to close your eyes and call river too either wise the turn play is burning money. Too many ppl "HOPE it gets checked down" LOLz.
yea i really thought there was a decent chance i was good. He had seen me double barrel good board textures before and fold to a raise. I know finding players that are good enough to 1. recognize this and 2. then actually exploit it is a really tough thing but i believed this was that guy. So you really think this is a good spot to induce and c/c? if he is running a bluff he is going to bluff big where if i b/f i can control the sizing and know that i am never getting raised by worse. I guess what im getting at is why do you say leading river is terrible?
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by HoneyKnuckles
This feels like a c/c.

This is a pretty dry board, so Villain's raise OTT could be trying to take the pot away from an empty 2 barrel. Villain could have floated with AJ, or could be semi-bluffing a spade draw, but he's a thinker and knows we're a bit of an action junkie, so there is a good chance he is trying to steal the pot.

If we bet OTR, he's probably flatting with any kind of Jx hand. He may even flat with 6x but is almost always raising with 22/99. We can probably discount JJ since villain just flatted on the button. He isn't calling with anything we can beat, unless he decides to make a hero call with 88 or A9.

If we check, he's probably firing again with ATC to steal the pot. This seems like the best line to maximize value (if we have the best hand). If we wanted to get sexy, we could CRAI to fold out Jx hands, but given our lag image, this probably won't work the majority of the time.
You say he is not calling with anything we beat. I disagree with this. I obv dont know whats going through his mind with respect to me as a player. He may just view me as a maniac spewtard and hero look me up with 77, 88, or 9x that ran into second pair. in other words he could very easily be sitting there thinking this guy must think the only way he can win this pot is by betting at it...
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:48 AM
b/f $325 IMO

If you get raised you can fold and sleep well at night. You can get called by a lot of smaller PPs and even ace high hands (assuming V has interpreted your LAG image).
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 10:55 AM
Is b/f river better than just 3b the turn? Seems like when u call the turn u must put some bluffs in his range so I'd probably c/c now although could be way off.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:24 AM
if i thought i was good on the turn i would definitely c/c here. i think hes either got nuts or air personally. dont see what betting into him accomplishes. the 9 is a complete blank unless he got 9x of spades which is obviously very unlikely.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by Superman1
You say he is not calling with anything we beat. I disagree with this. I obv dont know whats going through his mind with respect to me as a player. He may just view me as a maniac spewtard and hero look me up with 77, 88, or 9x that ran into second pair. in other words he could very easily be sitting there thinking this guy must think the only way he can win this pot is by betting at it...
doubt he ever has 77 or 88, 9x is very unlikely, sounds like superthin value IMO.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:44 AM
Fold the turn, if you are a super LAG then people aren't bluffing you when they play back at you; they will tend to have a pretty big hand.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Fold the turn, if you are a super LAG then people aren't bluffing you when they play back at you; they will tend to have a pretty big hand.
wow...thats a really interesting way of looking at it and i really think i agree. you think this applies across the board regardless of opponent capability?
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:05 PM
c/f. Your line looks super strong once you call the turn, he shouldn't be bluffing you on this runout, on the river.

edit - not JJ strong, but like QQ+ strong
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Superman1
wow...thats a really interesting way of looking at it and i really think i agree. you think this applies across the board regardless of opponent capability?
No it does not but look at it like this: people playing back at you might account for 10% of the times they play back at you but even then (in a situation like this) you are crushed so just add 10% air to their range if they are good and play it like that.

Folding here is at worst a very small mistake whereas continuing very well might be a very large mistake.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
04-23-2012 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by 11t
Fold the turn, if you are a super LAG then people aren't bluffing you when they play back at you; they will tend to have a pretty big hand.
Kinda agree here... Just fold turn.

Anyway, I think check/calling river is much better than bet/folding. I prefer check/folding river though unless you get a read.
2/5nl 1010 OOP deep Quote
