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2/5 Is it wrong to ever ask to see the opponents hand for information? 2/5 Is it wrong to ever ask to see the opponents hand for information?

07-18-2015 , 02:52 PM
Hero just sat down this orbit. I am normally a 1/2 or 1/3 player until I pad my bankroll a little more. The table is very splashy preflop which makes for a pretty good game in my opinion.

UTG limps, Hero is UTG +1 with $485 dealt A A hero limps, 2 other limps to Very agressive Reg on button makes it $25. SB calls $25, BB calls $25, UTG calls $25, Hero raises to $130, folds to button who insta-shoves has me covered with about $1200 folds to me and I call.

Board runs out something like

7 8 4 Q 9

I noticed he shrugged on the turn like he had no equity. I didn't ask to see his hand but I really wanted to see it. Would it have been out of line from a poker etiquette point of view to ask to see the hand? Not to mention he was the last aggressor and I didn't have to flip my hand over until he showed or mucked
07-18-2015 , 03:17 PM
IMO, if you show and he doesn't then it's a lame move to ask to see. Whatever great intel you'll get from making him show a looser will be offset by looking like a jerk.

If you really want to know and he's the aggressor, let him show first.
07-18-2015 , 03:25 PM
Wait for him to tell you what he has. If you beat what he says he has, just flip over your cards and claim the pot. Always flipping over your cards first is for suckers. Insisting he flip over his cards after he tells you he has ''one pair'' or ''a queen'',and you beat him,is bad etiquette.
07-18-2015 , 03:29 PM
I tend to say something like, I called you so you have the honor of showing first. And then I wait. Or I ask the dealer, who shows first, and I wait. If they stall, I say, either show your hand and contest the pot or muck. And I wait.
If you don't have to show first, don't. But once you blow your load and show your cards out of turn, don't ask them to see their hand, just stack the pot.
07-18-2015 , 03:31 PM
I would stay away from doing anything that will piss this villain off including asking to see his hand - he is good for the game.
07-18-2015 , 03:36 PM
Since he made the last aggressive action he technically has to show first. If I was up against a good reg who I will play day after day, I'd make them show. But against a fish who I will likely never see again who will be more likely to leave if I insist he shows, I'll fast roll just to be nice and keep the game flowing.

He probably had kings.
07-18-2015 , 03:36 PM
dont make the other guy show after he says what he has and you beat him.
people make mistakes and if he assumes he only has a pair but lucked into an unlikely straight (or flush) you win a pot you would otherwise not have. happens more than you think, even to experienced players
07-18-2015 , 03:37 PM
This is a strategy forum. Etiquette questions belong in Live Casino Poker.
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