Nah I think folding here is fine and it is a snap fold without the read. In reality without the read I probably don't raise here but like I didn't think he had any set/2 pair combos in his range so I stacked off.
That's why I was asking about exactly how the hand with the set played out.
Thinking back about this, I can think of one guy I play with from time to time in Tunica who fits this style perfectly.
Terrible player - great donator to the game. Slow plays every set, and will often call with KK/AA pre.
If he is shoving a flop/turn, he is weak/on a draw. If he is betting/raising a river, he has you in the rim ram (or thinks he does).
I once snapped him off on an overbet turn shove on on a board something like A
with me holding A
9x where he showed up with 2
. Had played with him the day before and watched him shove nuts on the river, slow play sets, straights, and flushes until the river, and the only big bets he made before the river were bluffs. Patterns ftw!