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2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw 2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw

10-27-2022 , 07:01 AM
Effective stack ~600
Hero A 4 opens from Middle position to 15
Late position, Button and BB call

Flop $60
A 7 3

BB checks
Hero bets 35
Late pos Folds
Button raises to 100
BB folds

What is your move here?
We have 550 behind, if we call the pot will be 260 leaving us with 475.
Do you like a call or prefer to raise?

I have played with BB multiple times in the past, he is a competent young player.
I cannot recall seeing him make any big mistakes or get out of line.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 07:55 AM
Do you think V is going to raise on the flop with AT-AJ?
Have you seen V reraise on flops with non nut flush draws?
Im ruling out AQ+AK pre flats cause its a young player.

Having an A weighs V more towards FD's or sets. You block 5h4h. I much prefer combo draws as middle or bottom pair because we don't block top pair hands we can push out with a raise. I really don't see anything you can do but call and probably fold turn if he blasts again unless you think V can raise on the flop with ATo+AJo.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 08:08 AM
I dont see most players ever getting OOL with a non nut flush draw. Seems like V has 2 pair or better almost always. Call an evaluate turn since fold equity is likely slim at best
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 09:49 AM
Call and hope V has 6h5h. We're not dead to his sets.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 12:09 PM
Just rip it in, you win a 65BB pot right now against his AJ/AT/PureBluff hands, you get him to commit drawing basically dead with his KhJh hands, and then you still have like 40% equity against his A7/A3/77/33 calling range.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 01:06 PM
what does V think of you? Does he see you as loose enough to BB air or a non nut flush draw?

I default to all random V's x/r as very strong, at a min a multi draw but you are blocking most of those hands. Only the trickiest of players are ever going to fold a x/r to a r/r. You didn't give us a lot to work with on your read of him, so in this case I assume he's unlikely to have TPGK for his x/r. I'm thinking an A7, or A3 that are suited in irrelevant suits, maybe a set, maybe as bad as 56hh?

I'm thinking he is strong enough that if we reraise, he shoves, and we would have built a pot for him while behind. I would be forced to call with 2 cards to come holding TPBK, a couple of BDFDs and NFD. So I'm going to call here and see what he does when he has to act first on the turn.

I don't think a shove is bad at all, it maxes your win if he is on a worst FD or a SD, but it also maxes your loss if he has A7, 77, or 33 and we don't improve. But I'm pot controlling this time.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 01:42 PM
I'm a little confused by the action. Villain is on the Button, he's just raising the bet, right? Or is he the BB?

If he's on the Button and is a thinking player, his raising range should include a few bluffs--some heart draws, some gutshots, some JsTs / 7s6s type of hands, etc--to go along with his sets and two-pairs.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-27-2022 , 01:45 PM
My error, davo, V is BU, not BB.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-28-2022 , 08:15 PM
Thanks for the feedback.
I was most definitely on tilt.
I decided to re raise the flop to 250
He thinks for a moment and jams
I call
He shows me 77

Turn J

River A

Just calling the flop raise would have been the best option, then leading big on the turn when a heart comes.
Not sure if he is folding much on the turn to be honest. I probably lose a big pot here no matter what.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Just rip it in, you win a 65BB pot right now against his AJ/AT/PureBluff hands, you get him to commit drawing basically dead with his KhJh hands, and then you still have like 40% equity against his A7/A3/77/33 calling range.
Why would you want to take down a pot right now vs bluff hands?
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by plopbc
Thanks for the feedback.
I was most definitely on tilt.
I decided to re raise the flop to 250
He thinks for a moment and jams
I call
He shows me 77

Turn J

River A

Just calling the flop raise would have been the best option, then leading big on the turn when a heart comes.
Not sure if he is folding much on the turn to be honest. I probably lose a big pot here no matter what.
Probably would not have folded, but I have seen crazier things.

Saw this month- an 80 year old asian lady folded a flush face up when the river paired the board, after a guy donk bet $20 into a $100 pot.
Guy had the FH though. Went for max value and whiffed
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by larry the legend
Why would you want to take down a pot right now vs bluff hands?
Because his bluff hands still have equity against us. On an As7h3h board, his bluff range should include hands like Ks3s, 6s5s, 7s6s, 8s9s, etc, which all have between 8 and 17% equity against our holding, which we can deny by raising. If we just call we're letting him realize it, since we're playing OOP (ie, we're checking the Turn).
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Because his bluff hands still have equity against us. On an As7h3h board, his bluff range should include hands like Ks3s, 6s5s, 7s6s, 8s9s, etc, which all have between 8 and 17% equity against our holding, which we can deny by raising. If we just call we're letting him realize it, since we're playing OOP (ie, we're checking the Turn).
Just calling allows him to make a 2nd best hand hes going to stack off with. Is BTN really reraising flop with any of those hands you listed?

V is heavily weighted towards things that have us beat or draws he is dead to. Easy call.
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 05:37 AM
Hey, OP, what was your range for the villain?
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
10-29-2022 , 08:35 AM
Originally Posted by davomalvolio
Because his bluff hands still have equity against us. On an As7h3h board, his bluff range should include hands like Ks3s, 6s5s, 7s6s, 8s9s, etc, which all have between 8 and 17% equity against our holding, which we can deny by raising. If we just call we're letting him realize it, since we're playing OOP (ie, we're checking the Turn).
If He continues firing with over half his bluffs we lose money blowing him off 12% equity
2/5 Top Pair Nut Flush Draw Quote
