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2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw 2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw

02-09-2012 , 12:18 AM
so the table is a pretty standard table nothing really stands out except a couple regs that ive played with before but other than that it doesnt seem too loose or too tight. guy to my left just came back to the table and posts his missed blinds, im sure the table views me as a decent player and probablly only the regs see me as a tag. so the hand goes like this

i have K10 of spades in utg+1 and make it 20$ (my standard raise is 3x) i usually dump this hand in this spot but since there was dead money in the pot and the sb was a fish i decided to open with it and really felt like i wasnt going to get played back at

guy to my left in mp calls, mp2 calls, hijack calls, cutoff calls, button calls, sb calls, and bb calls.

flop K j 7 two spades

i get checked toand go into a thaught process while im thinking the guy to my right says whats the hold up and i say somthing to him im thinking. (but in more of a rude way) after that i couldnt get back into my thaught process. what i was originally thinking was that the only thing that really calls a bet there is another flush draw anything else will raise and i will be the one drawing. i dont really see Kq calling a bet especially not in a 8 way pot so i checked. and the rest of the table checks

turn: Q of spades

this is where i am the most confused and didnt really know the best line to take. a check raise seems decent in this spot if i know somone was going to bet but i didnt really know. what are your thaughts
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 12:42 AM
stack sizes?

not betting this flop is criminal with $160 in the pot. bet/shove the flop, shove the turn.

as played, i guess its likely that someone stabs at the pot 8 handed. so shoving over any bet has its merits... although i'm not in love with it. really, this would be an easy street to play if we hadn't screwed up the flop.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 02:36 AM
my stack was 500 and i think the smallest stack out of the 7 villans was around 300 the reason i didnt want to stack off on the flop is what do i really beat thats going to stack off there. i feel the only things people are going to stack off with are hands that beat me. in that game hardly anyone 3bets jacks so theres jj, kj, 77, 89 of spades, Ax of spades . everything else i see will fold to a flop bet. so in my mind a flop bet doest do anything except get called by better hands except the flush draws which arnt as likely
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 02:42 AM
Bet 100 otf. Bet 135 on turn now
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 03:05 AM
do you have reasoning why. what if somone shoves on the flop after i bet 100 then i cant be good and now im drawing
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 05:11 AM
Originally Posted by askillz2
do you have reasoning why. what if somone shoves on the flop after i bet 100 then i cant be good and now im drawing
FFS, if this situation is a problem for you then why in the hell are you raising UTG+1 w KTs?

Serious question no snark intended.

Raising UTG+1 with KT isn't terrible provided that you:
#1 have a good image
#2 have a firm grasp on the table dynamics
#3 have a good read on your villains
#4 are at a passive table you have been running over...

but based on your post, I get the feel that maybe only #4 is the case which means you should be either limping KTs here or even folding KTs here UTG+1.

When you raise pre UTG+1 and get this flop with a pot of $160, you should have a massive raging full-on boner that is threatening to burst through your pants and slam into the table with the force of a jackhammer.

For all that is poker, FFS bet this flop $130 easy!!!! With the plan to shove over the top of any raise and or to jam turn.

checking this flop is so terribad that I want to jam a pencil into my ear.

Backing up a bit, why did you even raise KTs Out of Position?

Serious question? What was your plan? What was your table image? What were the table dynamics? Who are the villains at your table that you need to be wary off? Who are the villains at your table that you are dying to stack off against?

You've got to have the answers to all the above questions before you raise UTG+1 with KTs. Otherwise, just play ABC poker and either limp (if everyone is deep) or fold.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:16 AM
This is such a easy bet/shove or bet flop + shove turn spot. You are 50/50 against any 1pair hands and you are only and underdog to a set, which you still have 33% equity against.

You have too much fold equity to be checking this flop. Bet $120 on the flop and shove the turn. (Unless your deep stacked)

Also, wtf are you doing raising with KT UTG...? You flop top pair with a flush draw and you don't know what to do... FOLD PRE!
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:37 AM
wow thats a bunch of flatters....anyway i like your flop thought process and that's basically mine to , i feel we have medium showdown value with our TP but don't want to have to cram it in on the flop either which is just what's gonna happen if we bet and are raised

so turn. i think i like betting. flop checked through we hold 1 of the 2 exposed kings + a blocker to broadway , so TP or better isn't a whole lot likely. anything that may have slowplayed that flop may not necc want to get there stack in now but will still maybe give us 2 streets and i think c/r is just going to scare a ton of hands away and i don't really expect a Q to fire that board but wouldn't be surprised to get a street of value on the turn vs bad players.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 10:23 AM
This flop should be bet directly or via c/r. U may have the best hand with TP, and if not u have a great backup plan. Any card A-8 may allow a weak hand to take the lead ott. Winning 160 is not bad in itself even if no one ever calls.

I actually like going for the CRAI IF u think someone behind u will probably bet. This reps really strong and may cause opp to fold better Kx. If u get called, u still have 35% equity vs the tightest range of JJ, 77, KJ and would be only slightly under the true pot odds needed vs that tight range. So, in reality u could get AI vs a much wider range - AsXs, QsTs, Qs9s, 9s8s, J7, K7. If we add in these previous hands to opp range, your equity becomes 51% and we haven't even factored in fold equity from your CRAI.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 05:32 PM
everyone says bet the flop but you dont even have reasons why, you say bet because you have top pair and a flush draw so bet. the only people actually explaining there thaughts are the last two posters. to restate again, what is going to call me on the flop that i am ahead of besides a weaker flush draw. everyone else is either going to fold or raise me and put me in a tough spot to where im looking to draw to the flush

also i stated that i raised preflop because there was one player at the table who just sat back down and posted his blinds and there was a fish in the sb and everyone else seemed pretty standard and would fold to my pf raise
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 05:53 PM
They all gave you reasons. Equity and a ton of dead money in the pot. You have lots of real Equity if called and you also have some fold equity that might get better K to fold. Versus AKo you are almost a coin flip with 47%. You are putting in much less than half of the total pot so are getting great odds.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:05 PM
On the flop flush draw and a pair - any pair and remember middle or bottom pair can give you more outs so can be better than top pair as this is in villains range - are hands to go to war with. You are almost always getting good odds and taking fold equity into account will often be a slight favourite. Nine flush outs and five more for 2 pair/trips over two streets is great equity. Here you have so much extra dead money yopu have to go after it. Also when you have a King theres are only two left in the deck and that has to be in someones hand along with another good card. Not too many combos can call and when they do you win almost half the time.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:22 PM
There are a ton of hands that fold to a flop bet that have equity versus you. There are also loads of hands that call a bet that you have good equity against.

Bet $60 on the flop. If you get raised, reevaluate based on reads - if any sort of aggressive player you can jam easy. Most likely situation is most people fold, you get 1-3 callers with a wide variety of hands, from QT, Jx, Kx, flush draws that you crush.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:26 PM
Here hopefully this will be more clear
1. Protection of equity in the pot.
2. Collection of dead money from the other 6 or 7 callers in the pot that likely have gutshots, or small one pr hands that can bink the turn and take the lead in the hand. You might even get called one street by one of these hands....
3. Fold equity, by keeping the lead in the hand and potting flop, shoving turn you're repping super strong and might end up getting a better Kx to fold.
4. Keeping initiative in the hand and the more decisions your opponent has to make when faced with aggression the more likely they are to make a mistake. Which is what we want, our opponents making mistakes!!!
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 06:58 PM
i get the fact that you guys are saying bet to protect the hand from straights and a hand that might make 2 pair or a set. also i dont see that much fold equity. the people that are folding would be people i already have beat AK would have 3 bet pre, and kq is the only hand that i could seem to get fold that has me beat. i am on board with the fact to protect but im not onboard with betting for value which is why i am confused with the direction the hand should be played
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:39 PM
It would be a much more difficult analysis if you were deeper like 200+ bbs. But 100 bbs this hand should play it self. Its super standard jam jam jam based on equity and stack sizes and spr. Get the monies in ainec.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:44 PM
You'd be surprised by what might call you when you bet on flop.

Any king is calling (yes, some of them are better than yours, but many aren't). A jack probably calls.
Flush draws are calling.
Q10 (straight draw) is calling.
AQ (gut shot + 1 over) may call.
Gut shot straights (108, 109) might call.
Hell, pocket pairs might even call.

Bet the flop.

Bet the turn.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:54 PM
You are betting for value. The small amount of fold equity adds to your equity to make you a favoutite versus the villains range. You will be getting near 50% Equity and you have contributed only around 40% of the pot. Great odds that make you money in the long run so a value bet.
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by askillz2
.... i am on board with the fact to protect but im not onboard with betting for value which is why i am confused with the direction the hand should be played
We are betting for value because of the amount of EQUITY we have along with the FOLD EQUITY we generate by taking the initiative.

Then add in the amount of dead money and all of this combined means we are monster here.

I get the sense you don't understand why we should feel good here.

If I had to hazard a guess, you are usually passive in these situations and thus you don't know the benefit of being aggressive here.

Typically in these spots, I pay attention to sizing so that I can push V off on turn and then if V calls I still have outs.

Equity + Aggression + Outs + Fold Equity + Correct Sizing + Initiative = MONSTER!!!!
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
02-09-2012 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by dgiharris

When you raise pre UTG+1 and get this flop with a pot of $160, you should have a massive raging full-on boner that is threatening to burst through your pants and slam into the table with the force of a jackhammer.
I am in agreement with this statement. Also I wanted to quote it for lulz
2/5 top pair decent kicker and flush draw Quote
