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2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB 2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB

11-21-2013 , 01:08 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
The one thing is that of I think CO has a super narrow value range with a good % of air and gut shots should I be 3b the flop?
This is easy to say after knowing V1 folds OTF... I actually don't mind everyone in to be honest.. even if we are caught in between two sets in a raising war - we are not losing money getting it in with everyone. Now, why would V2 be so much light range here OTF? Has he been that aggro-tilt to just bluff raise a limp pot wet board first position lead out with you behind? I think he should actually have a hand here more often than not.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:13 AM
Also, kinda same story OTF as OTT.. if his range happens to be airball weak... why are we afraid to peel two more streets with a strong draw in position? Keep him firing IMO.. Ace high can win this pot if his range is such garbage... by the river, I doubt he fires with any SDV
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:16 AM
Haha like he is on monkey tilt and repping exactly 66/33/86s/63s whereas he has lots of draws/random ****.

The dynamic right now is the HJ crushing while the SB and CO keep trying to put pressure back on him.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:16 AM
You need to be folding this flop. Also why would anyone not raise there button straddle preflop? You your nit image. You have absolutely no fe on this board because of preflop. You do not want to bluff on a board that does not add up to your image. Villain has shown aggression postflop, just fold or cib. That would be awesome, but I just don't like your hand. You have just a naked fd because your kicker is so weak. I would make this play if you had some kind of equity with your kicker A2 should never be played in a limped pot. You need to raise pre. So 2 mistakes, calling flop and not raising pre. But that's a marginal error. Just depends on how comfortable you are missing the flop and betting near pot. If you don't have the heart just don't button straddle if you are not going to play correctly with your image.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:19 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Haha like he is on monkey tilt and repping exactly 66/33/86s/63s whereas he has lots of draws/random ****.

The dynamic right now is the HJ crushing while the SB and CO keep trying to put pressure back on him.
It is tough for me to understand exact "be there" dynamics through forum text... but if we just ask:

If he is polarized, exactly what part of his range would you target a fold from?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:25 AM
On a board that completely misses 11t's range lol. He wants to rep something. I can teach you board texture bruh. I average a 150 moves per 1k hands.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:28 AM
I don't think he is folding any of his value range otf, he folds all of his air, obviously I can get value from worse draws but a lot of tough run outs and if he check folds the turn with like K9cc it's nice to win the pot but its at the expense of getting in stacks.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:29 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
On a board that completely misses 11t's range lol. He wants to rep something. I can teach you board texture bruh. I average a 150 moves per 1k hands.
I straddled the btn so I def have the widest range possible otf.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:33 AM
I just don't want him to fold that air... sucks treating Ace high like the nuts, but this is a spot where you should.

Sometimes they hit crap (like a 4?) and you lose a pot you could have won with a raise... but that is not often enough and just results oriented to end up regretting just calling.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Villain has shown aggression postflop, just fold or cib.
Clicking it back is so crazy it just might work??? Now someone that is good at poker explain to me why this is terrible. Is it because v is never folding and he can shove on us?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 02:59 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Preflop: they are never ever folding ever for any ****ing reason and my hand plays way better deep than shallow.

Tbh I think raising here, with our hand, in this spot, is a decent sized mistake.

I also really doubt CO ever raises 33/66, btn straddle is a weird dynamic if you've never played it.
You forget when you raise, your hand is disguised. And thinking players will give you more credit when you show strength.

Sent from my Nexus 5 using 2+2 Forums
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 03:27 AM
Yeah...flop flat is probably the better long as HJ folds 8x when we flat right? I would think he folds 8x due to the action and how bad the board is going to run out for him but that would be one of my reasons for 3-betting flop. The other reason is because we have ace high and so CO doesn't bink some lol pair on us and win with a pair of 4s or whatever at showdown.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 03:49 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Tbh I think raising here, with our hand, in this spot, is a decent sized mistake.
I really don't feel like it's a mistake at all if HJ and CO are limping behind weak ranges and raising strong ones. Depending on how wide their limping ranges are A2s is a value raise and we have position. If we get the pot heads up or take down the blinds uncontested that's going to be more profitable than hoping to cooler someone.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 04:35 AM
Without dynamic, flatting flop just looks like flush draw and nothing more.

In his mind, are you ever flatting the flop raise with anything but a draw in that spot? Probably not, especially when you're perceived as a nit.

It's fine to flat flop given how deep you are, but don't make the mistake of thinking that you actually have FE if you choose to call.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 09:17 AM
call flop call turn
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 10:23 AM
I don't really see why you guys are all afraid to 3bet flop. We have all 2pairs in our range. If we are perceived as nitty preflop, we also have sets of 666 and 333 in our range. CO may be a live ****** who doesn't hand read well, but HJ seems to be a good handreader, so I think he will fold everything except 86s+ to a 3bet.

Given that CO is likely playing back at HJ, our 3bet with the NFD is a combo raise (value against his bluffs/semi-bluffs and bluff versus his one pair hands).

This is one of those spots where the BTN straddle has more of an uncapped range than the rest of the table, so it is correct for us to exploit our uncapped range by 3betting the NFD versus aggros betting and raising in late position.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 10:33 AM
what do you think his range is for limping pre and then raising the flop? We don't want him to fold flush draws, and he's not folding sets.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by ATsai
I don't really see why you guys are all afraid to 3bet flop. We have all 2pairs in our range. If we are perceived as nitty preflop, we also have sets of 666 and 333 in our range. CO may be a live ****** who doesn't hand read well, but HJ seems to be a good handreader, so I think he will fold everything except 86s+ to a 3bet.

Given that CO is likely playing back at HJ, our 3bet with the NFD is a combo raise (value against his bluffs/semi-bluffs and bluff versus his one pair hands).

This is one of those spots where the BTN straddle has more of an uncapped range than the rest of the table, so it is correct for us to exploit our uncapped range by 3betting the NFD versus aggros betting and raising in late position.
Would we be checking our option preflop with any PP?

IMO, as played, Hero's range is capped at 2p and OESD+FD, with sets being less likely since we checked it back preflop.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:28 AM
Why would we raise with 33/66?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
Would we be checking our option preflop with any PP?

IMO, as played, Hero's range is capped at 2p and OESD+FD, with sets being less likely since we checked it back preflop.
Because hero is a nit, and dynamic is weird.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Why would we raise with 33/66?
We've got the button.

A table full of aggressive players have all merely limped in front of us.

I'm just having a tough time getting my mind around the passive play preflop. I'm not sure if I even have a non-zero limping range here.

Would you consider posting your limping range here given this situation?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:34 AM
11t is known for his weak tight tendencies and unwillingness to put money in the pot. Probably his biggest leak.

Most "lags" aren't raising small pocket pairs here pre because it's pretty awful

I'm guessing 11t is limping 100% of cards he's not raising in this situation.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
11t is known for his weak tight tendencies and unwillingness to put money in the pot. Probably his biggest leak.

Most "lags" aren't raising small pocket pairs here pre because it's pretty awful

I'm guessing 11t is limping 100% of cards he's not raising in this situation.
Would this be the same if we were 200bb (or more) effective?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bluegrassplayer
what do you think his range is for limping pre and then raising the flop? We don't want him to fold flush draws, and he's not folding sets.
It could be quite wide, most connectors that hit a pair with backdoor straight draw, two pairs, set, OESD, gut shot even, or maybe as crazy as K3cc.

I don't eliminate much given dynamic. FE is hard to calculate ATM.
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
11-21-2013 , 11:36 AM
Well I straddled the button so I don't have a limping range.

I'm weak tight?
2/5/T - Turned Combo Draw OTB Quote
