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2/5 straight paired river 2/5 straight paired river

07-09-2017 , 06:48 AM
Villain (CO): early 20s Asian, aggressive and has shown many bluffs ($1000)
Hero (BTN): mid 20s Asian, TAG image (covers)

One limper to villain who makes it $25. Hero 3 bets to $75 with AQ. Villain calls.

Flop: KJ4 ($157)

Checked to hero who bets $100. Villain quickly calls.

Turn: K ($357)

Checked around.

River: T ($357)

Checked to hero.

What sizing do we do here? Also can we fold to a x/r from this guy? Could easily be a made hand turned into a bluff since I capped my range pretty hard by checking back turn.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-09-2017 , 07:01 AM
I'd pick a sizing that looks like you missed spades. $250. He's never folding AK/KQ.

You could have checked behind turn with KJ/JJ so don't think you should be that bothered about your range being capped.

Also, folding to a c/r as it's mostly going to be butted.

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2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-09-2017 , 07:57 AM
put pressure on all his Kx if you think he's never c/r bluffing and 2/3rds pot it imo.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-09-2017 , 08:38 AM
I don't think you necessarily capped your range by checking turn since you can check KJ here on the turn to let them draw to their hands.

I would generally bet small here since I'm rarely bluffing this spot and opponent has shown a lot of weakness so something like $100-$150.

Flop bet seems big. I think $75 again accomplishes the same thing.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-09-2017 , 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by smokingrobot
put pressure on all his Kx if you think he's never c/r bluffing and 2/3rds pot it imo.
Assuming villian folds offsuit kx combos pre, he doesn't have many kx combos that aren't boats here, kcqc would be the only one that isnt ak (which he should be 4betting pre at some frequency) so I think a smaller sizing targeting jx should be better
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-09-2017 , 09:55 AM
Bet fold for $200 or so.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-10-2017 , 02:13 PM
I'm mubsy on this board. I don't really see what he's calling with that we beat, and I don't see him folding anything ahead of us. Plus, if there is a chance he'll bluff/raise, it's just not worth the bet.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-10-2017 , 02:26 PM
I think villian's range consists mostly of jacks and some lower pocket pairs like 99 and 88s. I think villian would be leading Kings and boats on the river so knowing this we have to choose a bet size to let a Jack or 99s to call, i think a size of 160-190 would be a good size.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-10-2017 , 03:55 PM
I think it's hard to range villain with given brief description. We know his betting and raising range is wider than average, but what about his starting hand selection and reaction to 3bets? Can he open 97ss for example and continue to a 3b OOP? Does he like face cards? Is he bad enough to have something like K3 here? What about just a PP floating your c-bet?

Anyways, I'm still getting used to working with flopzilla (meaning I'm not sure how to include possible spade draws), but for the following range I assigned (Which might be off completely), it seems like we're beat ~21% of the time (maybe a tad more for some random runner-runner diamonds) and facing a weak pair a bit over half the time. I think to target a weak pair, & also possibly induce a bluff or Kx going for value, we should lead small, ~$130. I think we'd be fine calling ~3x raise if needed.

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2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-10-2017 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by momo_uk
I'd pick a sizing that looks like you missed spades. $250. He's never folding AK/KQ.

You could have checked behind turn with KJ/JJ so don't think you should be that bothered about your range being capped.

Also, folding to a c/r as it's mostly going to be butted.

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This, but I like sizing around 150. Checking back AdQd OTT often too. Going a little smaller bcz we block all of the calls that we're targeting... AK KQ QQ
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-10-2017 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by LordRiverRat
Villain (CO): early 20s Asian, aggressive and has shown many bluffs ($1000)
Hero (BTN): mid 20s Asian, TAG image (covers)

One limper to villain who makes it $25. Hero 3 bets to $75 with AQ. Villain calls.

Flop: KJ4 ($157)

Checked to hero who bets $100. Villain quickly calls.

Turn: K ($357)

Checked around.

River: T ($357)

Checked to hero.

What sizing do we do here? Also can we fold to a x/r from this guy? Could easily be a made hand turned into a bluff since I capped my range pretty hard by checking back turn.
You did not cap your range at all. It's logical for you to have checked back turn w AA, KK, JJ, AK, AQ, AQ and A4, and all of your 3bet bluffs.

His range looks pretty wide at this point as well, so I'd bet about 1/2 pot to capture all his Trips, QQ, AJ, and other weaker bluff catchers. This is a really bad board to bluff for him because 1) it's logical for you to have backdoored a flush and 2) Anything that you beat would bet the river given you checked the turn.

If you want to induce a bluff, bet small like 1/4-1/3 pot. Make it look like you have AA and going for thin value. Be prepared to call a ship, though.
2/5 straight paired river Quote
07-11-2017 , 09:45 AM
I wouldn't want to bet so small that I'm inducing a bluff and put in a tough spot. Recommend betting around $200-250. Don't think Villain is raising back here without the nuts or a'll get max value from Kx
2/5 straight paired river Quote
