Playing 2/5 for about 2 hours at this table at mgm national harbor, effective stacks are 600. Some pre flop 3 betting at table but not more than average.
First position 20 something asian opens to 20 and 3 people call 20. I look at J


and raise to 125. I raised because I was fine with stealing the 80 and I didnt want to call and allow someone else to squeeze, any opinions on that?
Folds back to the original raiser and he folds, utg+1 thinks for about 60 seconds and calls. LAst 2 individuals to act fold.
Villain in this hand is about 35 years old white male. He has been playing fairly tight. I would say his range is 88 to QQ, AK, AQ
Flop is K


Villain looks at flop for about 5 seconds and checks to me.
I have 475 left and he has me covered. I bet 180 into a pot of 310. Any reason to check this flop? Any flops that you would check ? Thanks for input