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2/5 spew or standard 2/5 spew or standard

01-15-2017 , 03:10 AM
Hero is 25/20 with 130BB effective.

Villian is recreational and plays too many hands -

Hero is BB with JT

short stack jams for $36
Villian calls $36
Another random calls $36
Hero tries to isolate to $150
Villian calls $36
Random folds
Recreational player calls

Hero bets $200

Hero has AQ - $700 stack in SB

Random station makes it $15 - $1400 stack Mid position +1
Another passive caller $1000 stack calls
Hero squeeze to $70

Both call

Hero leads $100
Random station calls

K turn
Hero leads $200

Kind of in a rush when posted this so will tweak and answer questions later.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 03:27 AM
H1 seems fine.
H2 isn't really a squeeze, seems more like a value 3! I like the double barrel.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 03:45 AM
Both are spew oop and multi way
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 04:59 AM
H1 needs reads of players who called, but overall, it's finish if you have FE, your sizing is bad though, need to make it like $200-$220 You have to sadly c/f flop if you just got cold called pre-flop to a 3-bet in a very big pot. You should almost never be c-betting KKx board here, because you have not many value hands that do it. You should not be betting most Kings or underpairs/overpairs. You don't bet your Kx because you are checking so many underpairs/overpair you need some strong hands in that range as well. If I get the feeling they are dead morons, you can bet more of your Kx.


Seems fine to value 3-bet there vs station, but depends on opening range. Can actually flat here as well vs these guys and make easy money, you probably control how big the pots get as stations rarely bet correctly.

As played, turn is a great card to barrel, but it's tough because our villain is a station and you might have to 3 barrel him off his pairs under Kings and even then he might not fold. If I think he has a fold button and not super stationy, I put in a turn bet. By the way, you're not leading anything when you're the 3-bettor, you're now c-betting. FWIW 3x opens with AQo OOP with high rake is harder to make a profit with than people think.


Last edited by Dochrohan; 01-15-2017 at 05:08 AM.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 10:13 AM
well the hands that end up calling me didn't make much sense, and maybe I am thinking too much into it but I was at the table for maybe 2 hours before it broke, so the only reads I could go on was how they were acting in hands. They weren't too calm and collected, they were drinking, and probably just recreational players. Maybe not the ideal player to bluff, but I don't think it was that bad.

Hand 2 is probably bad. I think I can get on board with just flatting the AQ but maybe even fold it OOP since I probably check fold so often.

After a few responses i'll tell you what I get called by, and It blew my mind.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 10:32 AM
Hand 1...just fold preflop. I guess if you get lucky and everyone folds you may be 40/60 or so with tons of dead money in the pot, but when someone calls you're screwed. I just fold

Hand 2...I dont make the 3 bet OOP unless Ive picked up a sizing tell. Lots of people raise $20-$25 with big pairs/AK and raise $15 with things like suited Aces and mid pairs. If I dont have a sizing tell on the guy, I dont 3 bet this.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
Hand 1...just fold preflop. I guess if you get lucky and everyone folds you may be 40/60 or so with tons of dead money in the pot, but when someone calls you're screwed. I just fold

Hand 2...I dont make the 3 bet OOP unless Ive picked up a sizing tell. Lots of people raise $20-$25 with big pairs/AK and raise $15 with things like suited Aces and mid pairs. If I dont have a sizing tell on the guy, I dont 3 bet this.
you are pretty spot on about the $15 raise

Hand 1 - the guy calls me with 66 and just jams the turn when I check. I had to fold for the last $300 and I would of rivered a T. The 66 held and beat the guy who opened $36

Hand 2 - I get called on turn and check the river which was a 7. The guy checks back and rolls over pocket 3's. He literally called 2 streets with 33 LOL. Of course both of these players got felted about 2 hours later, but still didn't hate my plays. I ended up breaking even for the night after being stuck $1650.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 11:45 AM
I don't like the pre flop play in hand 1 at all. If short stack is jamming with the top 20% of all hands you have a bit less than 40% equity. So you're trying to isolate to have 40% equity into about a $140 pot, and if you succeed you have $56 worth of equity and paid $36 so made $20. You're putting $150 at risk. Would like the squeeze much much more of initial raiser could fold.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 11:50 AM
Hand 1 is huge spew
Hand 2 is fine if your 3ball range is somewhat sane

Only barrel good turns (K is good obv) and don't unload otr. Usually just be one and done. But value bet to death with value. (I would 3 barrel TT here)

ProPokerTools Hold'em Simulation
12,144 trials (Exhaustive)
board: 862k
Hand Pot equity Wins Ties
AQ+,TT+,KsQs,KdQd,KcQc,KhQh67.71% 8,2230
3332.29% 3,9210
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 05:58 PM
H1: Super spew! You have about 40% equity if both villains fold, for $21 +EV. You need both villains to fold a high % of the time to make risking $150 profitable. You have about 35% equity when called by a capped range. A hand like ATs has 45% equity.

Calling pre isn't great either. You have about 23% equity vs. their ranges. I'd just fold.

H2: Pre is fine for value against two passive players, though a little on the larger side. Why would you cbet a station? I know the flop misses most of his range. However, if he's not betting hands that hit the flop, I'd check.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 06:51 PM
Both hands are spew IMO.
H1: JTs is a clear fold here with 2 callers behind and OOP. What are you trying to gain by isolating when: 1. you have a marginal hand 2. SPR is so low 3. The players are calling stations.
H2: 3-bet is fine, more than a squeeze play this a value raise against 2 weak players. Preflop, it would be a close call between a 3-bet and a call to keep the pot low till I hit my hand/have value against these sorts of players. Every other street play by H makes no sense. There is absolutely no fold equity given the Vs image.
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-15-2017 , 08:39 PM
Looks like you just picked the worst players to bluff against.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
2/5 spew or standard Quote
01-16-2017 , 03:55 AM
Originally Posted by JohnnyBux
Looks like you just picked the worst players to bluff against.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
and not hitting any pair is pretty unlucky too

So my fold equity was garbage and my show down equity fakes
2/5 spew or standard Quote
