villain has been hit over the heas by the deck gotten dealt a lot of high pairs and had an epic suckout when he 3bet the flop on A73r turn j river 9 and he showed A9o vs AK
then i caught him playing similarly weak holdings when i raised my button with KJs over a bunch of limpers
reads on villain: he tends to size it high when he has a good hand and low when he doesnt so i consider his sizing to be linear, but he doesnt kmow relative hand strength as the hand above illustrstes. he will bet heaps whrn he thinks he has the best hand but overvalues TP
flop Q24 checks around
turn K checks to v he bets i call
river k he bets close to pot i raise he calls with K9o and i scoop a massive pot
villain straddles and covers table
hero (2k) is UTG1 and opens to 30 K

one call in mp, v defends


v bets 65, hero calls, mp folds
turn 2
v bets 200