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2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre 2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre

01-11-2015 , 12:58 AM
Hero 26yo, $600 no real image except probably physically appears young and laggy

Villian 1 38yo? Quiet, $500 mentioned it's his first time playing live, used to play tournaments on PokerStars and plays an underground cash game once a month

Villian 2, 40yo Covers, tilted splashy Indian fish

One limp to V1 makes it $20 from CO, Hero 3bets to $65 on the button with QQ, V2 cold calls from LB, villian 4bets to $200 Hero?
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:02 AM
you can get it in now or you can get it on the flop. i like to shove now and give my opponents the orotundity to fold earlier vs later.

Has he played fairly straight forward or has he been ISO'ing and raising a bunch etc? if he hasn't, then this is AA/KK from a timid first timer. No way a dude who plays mostly passive or tight and "quiet" suddenly is like "im 4 betting with 99+ Axs+"

Could you give us some reads about his tendencies? they dont have to relate to preflop 3bet 4bet 5bet GII stuff - just is he very active or playin his cards?
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:22 AM
I would call b/c you're not getting KK, AA or AK to fold. And you want 10-10 and JJ in there. Calling also disguises your hand some and gives you a chance to get away if A or K flops.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:42 AM
He hadn't been very active at all at this point.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 01:48 AM
since we don't have much read, I would think before hand what will I do if he 4bets me... and readless, we can safely assume 4bet range of an unknown is KK+ so I would flat than 3bet.

as played, a bit nitty but I would fold.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 06:37 AM
Fold for sure. His range is usually AA/KK here..this is one reason I feel QQ/AK are not quite strong enough to 3 bet with...obviously depends to situation but I think you should have flatted pre
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:22 AM
QQ is a ok hand to 3bet fold with. He calls with plenty worse, tells you when you're beat by 4betting, we play perfectly very often, at best we're flipping vs AK.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 08:27 AM
Fist pump snap fold
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 09:12 AM
Easy fold.

Anything other than folding is spew, IMO.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 10:26 AM
Absent reads, I fold. In LLSNL most players don't bluff enough and most 4-bets are AA-KK, AK. At best we are flipping and at worst we are a huge dog. Not to mention we can't flat and take a flop because we have lost initiative and (presuming villain c-bets) we will have to GII on most flops anyway. Also, putting 40% of the effective stack in preflop only to fold when an A or K falls is lighting money on fire.

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2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 12:06 PM
i hate folding but i seriously doubt this dude 4bets AK in position. He may have played online tournaments at poker stars but that could mean free rolls and 1.10 lolaments etc etc. Quiet passives call 3 bets and hope they hit, they're not flatting for deception and they're not 4 bet semi bluffing an OOP 3bet.

Obviously its a non zero but its just not enough to warrant seeing the flop. thank him for his honesty in letting you see his cards and muck imo.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-11-2015 , 12:16 PM
These days I would 3 bet slightly less more like around $50 as to keep weaker hands in the pot.

I would fold to the 4 bet as I would expect this to be AA KK with only a modest amt. of combos of AK possibly, thus we are crushed vs that range. 4 bet ranges are so narrow at these limits from all but the most splashy villains, therefore I exploit by making folds such as these.

All too clear an example of every now and then slightly ahead but mostly far far behind, and will cost my stack a great majority of the time when I am crushed.

With AK discounted I get 27% equity vs this range hot and cold, but it plays in reality even much worse since the AK portion can cbet air once and quit. I sidestep this one early.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:32 PM
Fist pump stand up take off your glasses announce to the table fold
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-12-2015 , 09:37 PM
Pretty standard fold imo.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-13-2015 , 04:33 AM
Call.. Hope it's like 8high and Indian guy over call and makes tp... I guess we could fold too but just too good of spot for v1 to 4b to fold this I think... Is this tourney player really not 4b like jj/tt here knowing u fold super wide and indian guy has to be beat??? I prob sigh fold a/k flops GII otHwerise
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-13-2015 , 02:15 PM
snap fold
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-13-2015 , 04:53 PM
Villain has put in 2/5th of his stack, and he's likely to stack off on the flop. Villain's range is, I would think, a minimum of JJ+, AK+. We crush one hand combination, are about even to two hand combinations (we're slightly ahead of AK true), and are crushed by two hand combinations.

I think this is a fold, even in position. The fact that he's been quiet is, IMO, the determining factor. If he had been 3-betting or 4-betting some other spots in the past 1-2 hours, I might think he was 4-betting light. Your SPRs will also be very low (less than 1) if you call, and you're only happy if you flop a Q, which won't happen often enough when compared to the pot odds. Without any additional information, fold and find a better spot.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-13-2015 , 05:01 PM
I agree that anything other than folding is absolute spew
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-14-2015 , 12:24 AM
Fist pump, put your shoes on, pick up your chips, head to the cashier, phone your mum , fold
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-14-2015 , 02:38 AM
For 100bb effective, its definitely a shove/fold spot, with fold being WAY smarter than a shove barring any reads that the 4-bettor has been re-raising light.

The worst situation possible is to flat then face a shove on an A/K-high flop.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
01-15-2015 , 11:43 PM
My games I fold at the speed of light.

They both can't be bull****ting.
2/5 QQ facing 4bet pre Quote
