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2/5 Pocket 7's in the big blind 2/5 Pocket 7's in the big blind

03-12-2012 , 05:36 PM
The Setup: It's about 2am in West Virginia. The table consists of 3 people with <$100, 3 LAG Asians with $1000 stacks, 1 iranian youngster with $800 who sucks, 1 black youngster with $1000 stack, 2 white youngsters (including me) with $700ish stacks.

Asians all LAG
Black youngster (BY) - tries to play aggro but keeps folding to strength / not clear yet if his folds were good or not - i'm guessing not
Everyone else - not concerned

V1 (BY): >$1000
Hero: $700 - Image is probably negligible although I'd only played about 6 hands in position at this point in about an hour of play. I was actually getting serious fold respect at the table, although I'm not sure i'd noticed yet

The Hand:

V1 limps, Asian LAG1 limps, Asian LAG 2 limps, button limps, Hero checks BB with 7s7c

Flop: ($25) A,4,5
Hero checks, V1 bets $20, Asian LAG1 folds, Asian LAG2 folds, Hero calls

Turn: ($65) A,4,5, 6
Hero bets $45, V1 calls

River: ($155) A,4,5, 6 Q

Thoughts? Interesting spot. Will post results subsequent comments. Commentary on all streets appreciated.
03-12-2012 , 05:42 PM
What are you trying to accomplish OTT?

I wouldn't bluff OTR, clubs missed, villain has Ax or FD. You beat FD.
03-12-2012 , 06:03 PM
C/f flop

Flop As played, c/c turn
03-12-2012 , 06:06 PM
just fold the flop. you've invested $5 and missed.
03-12-2012 , 06:14 PM
Uhh, what are we doing otf? Should be folding.
Also what are you doing ott? I don't mind a blocker bet ott but you made it way too big (Guess you weren't intending it to be a blocker bet).
You played this hand pretty bad.
As setsy said he either has Ax and isn't going to fold to a bet or a club draw.
It sucks when he bluffs his clubs draws but that's what you get for misplaying a hand when you're oop . Just check and hope he checks behind with missed FD.
03-12-2012 , 06:31 PM
For the love of everything poker, how are you not insta-folding flop?

Let me guess, your poker ego reared up with the ol' "I'll outplay this villain becuz Iz is so awesome"

That is what happened here, your ego took the reins. Okay, fine, lets play some ego maniac poker.

Since you called the flop then your plan is obviously to steal.

So, you need to c/r turn and bomb river.

As played, bomb river w 2/3 pot to pot size bet.

Regardless if you fold V out or not, you need a KITN here.

Bluff lines on busted wet boards DO NOT WORK because since there is a busted flush draw V's are almost always going to call you on river. ANd if they miss the draw, then your 77 is ahead anyways.
03-12-2012 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by wiscopollock
The Setup: It's about 2am in West Virginia. The table consists of 3 people with <$100, 3 LAG Asians with $1000 stacks, 1 iranian youngster with $800 who sucks, 1 black youngster with $1000 stack, 2 white youngsters (including me) with $700ish stacks.
The descriptions.... man o' man the descriptions.... All Asians LAG had me laughing though... Racist ban IMO

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