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2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing 2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing

04-30-2011 , 11:38 PM
Just came into this game. Villain is unknown, I bought in for $800 and he covers.

Bunch of limpers, I limp in the cutoff with T8.

Flop 358.

Bunch of checks, I bet 20, villain (in position) raises to 65, folds around to me, I reraise to $200, villain calls.
Turn: 3

2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:33 AM
I flat his raise otf but as played:

I check with the intention of calling a bet. Your flop bet from late position looks like a total steal, and his 3b isn't frequently going to be very strong. Were this 1/2 (or a generally more-passive-than-normal 2/5), i would c/f. But at 2/5 you see players who will float/bet this spot.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:47 AM
Complete spew OOP, no FE
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 02:37 AM
Stacks are weird but for what I would want to accomplish I would bet 400 and then check/call on every possible river card the last 200. I like the flop 3 bet too here.

It is kind of rare weird situation but i feel when villain calls flop 3 bet, he is drawing a majority of the time.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 06:12 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Complete spew OOP, no FE

When he just calls our 3bet OTF, that looks to me like a draw, as well. I'm betting the turn. After villain takes this line I don't see how we can fold. I guess he could be way overplaying a limped in big pair, but if he's that bad then we'll just get his money later. B/C Turn looks good.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 06:50 AM
Originally Posted by iLikeCaliDonks
Complete spew OOP, no FE
This is really bad. We shouldnt mind either way if villain folds or not. We have so much equity in this pot with TPMK+FD that getting all the money in on the flop is perfectly acceptable. And if we did 3-b jam here, i believe we have alot of FE from overpairs. 3b jam may be overdoing it, but i definitely like 3betting this flop.

Being OOP make this even a better reason to take an aggressive line on flop. If folding flop enters our mind we should consider qutting poker.

Turn is a pretty bad card. Its unlikely villain has a big overpair as he probably raises pre, but if he has a smallish overpair we lose 3 outs. Still, i prefer betting turn. But i personally wouldnt know how to respond to shove. Villain should have a lot of combo draws in his range. B/shove turn bad??

Last edited by DanielKim; 05-01-2011 at 07:03 AM.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by AintNoLimit
Stacks are weird but for what I would want to accomplish I would bet 400 and then check/call on every possible river card the last 200. I like the flop 3 bet too here.

It is kind of rare weird situation but i feel when villain calls flop 3 bet, he is drawing a majority of the time.
I've seen this behavior with bottom set, too. Hero is basically saying he has a set and people get this idea that they want to pot control. They won't fold it, but they'll try not to lose everything.

Of course, if he had a set, Hero has 0-2 outs on the turn. I'd bet $200 here instead. If he's got quads, he'll shove over with all the righteousness of the Moral Majority. A FH will call and the better FD will likely fold. There's no way to extract more value from a weaker hand as it has played out.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:33 PM
Early in the session against an unknown I would just flat the flop raise OOP. And I honestly don't agree with stacks this deep and limped around in preflop that you're perfectly content to get everything in on the flop. I'd like to get an idea of the person's play style/range/aggression factor before going nuts in there situation. As an extreme example, 3 betting/calling(?) shove against a nit in this spot is beyond bad on the flop.

If we're deciding to 3-bet OOP, I'd 3-bet slightly smaller. Stacks are just big enough that sizing on the turn is awkward. I would bet/fold the turn as played, something like 250.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 12:54 PM
On the turn I take my $400 bills, count out four of them, and, put them down and check!

Villain quickly checks behind, river is a black 9.

I check, villain bets $200, hero?
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Mr_Nice_Guy
On the turn I take my $400 bills, count out four of them, and, put them down and check!

Villain quickly checks behind, river is a black 9.

I check, villain bets $200, hero?
mucks his cards and gets up from the table to avoid further embarrassment because he looked like a complete TV player counting out the money, then checking twice .
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 01:15 PM
once you 3 bet the flop i think you need to bet/call the turn
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-01-2011 , 08:07 PM
lmao are you trolling are did you really count your money then check..
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 08:09 AM
Yes, I was gonna bet the turn, counted out 4 bills, and then changed my mind. I came from a different casino, from this crazy 5/10 game an was kindof in a very hyper mood.

Anyway I checked the river too, villain bet $200, I put him on a busted flush draw since I gave him a chance to take it away from me on the turn and he didn take it.

I called and he shows Q3 of hearts, and looked really pissed when saw that I had smaller hearts, making it seem like I sucked out on him.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 09:21 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_Nice_Guy
I called and he shows Q3 of hearts, and looked really pissed when saw that I had smaller hearts, making it seem like I sucked out on him.
You didn't suck out. Villain wins the pot with trip threes, or am I missing something?

Last edited by Matt_BB; 05-02-2011 at 09:22 AM. Reason: Typo
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by Matt_BB
You didn't suck out. Villain wins the pot with trip threes, or am I missing something?
also, wasn't the 3 on the board?
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 09:34 AM
I am not keen on 3-betting the flop there. You are more likely to see things like 85 or A8s than if it was a raised pot and you will sometimes be up against a higher flush draw. I think I would rather draw cheaply with a little something to showdown if I don't improve.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 12:00 PM
Sorry, typo, he had q4 of hearts, basically naked flush draw that missed.
Yes, I realize my 3-bet was pretty bad, he could've had a set and ship it, and I would have to call. Being too hyper on a poker table is not good.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 12:01 PM
Don't like my flop play, but do like turn and river
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by Mr_Nice_Guy
Yes, I was gonna bet the turn, counted out 4 bills, and then changed my mind. I came from a different casino, from this crazy 5/10 game an was kindof in a very hyper mood.

Anyway I checked the river too, villain bet $200, I put him on a busted flush draw since I gave him a chance to take it away from me on the turn and he didn take it.

I called and he shows Q3 of hearts, and looked really pissed when saw that I had smaller hearts, making it seem like I sucked out on him.

God I do love nailing these things. The reason I 3 bet flop here and bet pot on turn and check river is to get the call or shove from flush draw on turn, then let him bluff the last 200 off when he misses.

I felt that villain raises with any/all flush draws here on the flop, and that is why i put FD ahead of sets in this particular situation.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-02-2011 , 09:56 PM
If villain 4-bet ships on the flop, I think sets are 90% of his range, and we would be in horrible shape. We can probably fold out 2-pairs with this 3-bet, which is a good thing as we get an apponent to make a mistake. Also, we are in good shape v all draws, so that's good too. I guess I don't mind my flop 3-bet, just seems stupid to go broke for 160 big blinds in a limped pot vs a set. In other words I can only make my opponent make a small mistake ( folding and giving up a ~100$ pot), but I can only make a big mistake myself (playing a $1600 pot with 25% equity against a set).

If it was raised preflop, we would obv get it in much easier, but as played is kinda questionable.
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
05-03-2011 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by Mr_Nice_Guy
If villain 4-bet ships on the flop, I think sets are 90% of his range, and we would be in horrible shape. We can probably fold out 2-pairs with this 3-bet, which is a good thing as we get an apponent to make a mistake. Also, we are in good shape v all draws, so that's good too. I guess I don't mind my flop 3-bet, just seems stupid to go broke for 160 big blinds in a limped pot vs a set. In other words I can only make my opponent make a small mistake ( folding and giving up a ~100$ pot), but I can only make a big mistake myself (playing a $1600 pot with 25% equity against a set).

If it was raised preflop, we would obv get it in much easier, but as played is kinda questionable.
eh it was a limped pot but even for a late position limp i see most villians folding most hands that make 2 pr
2/5 Pair and Flush Draw, Semibluffing Quote
