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2/5 - Out of my comfort zone with AA against LAG Villain 200bbs deep, 3bet pot 2/5 - Out of my comfort zone with AA against LAG Villain 200bbs deep, 3bet pot

03-19-2015 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by flyingtriangle
Yeah, playing under-rolled sucks, but I live in a state with no legal card rooms, and the only underground games in my town worth playing in mostly tend to be 2/5. So basically my only options are to spend the next few months trying to grind up a roll playing 2/2 one night a week with a bunch of short stacks, or just throw BRM out the window and play the bigger games. For now I'm going with option B, but if I wind up going broke I might re-evaluate.

Anyway, result: Hero raises all in for $625 total, villain calls with T9o, and hero watches all of his profits from the nut flush hand from earlier get shipped back across the table.
Brutal, sorry to see this result. I figured you probably didn't win the hand since it got posted on here.

And yeah as for the BRM, I'd probably go with the 2/5 in your situation as well. Hopefully this guy is a regular, bc you should have no problem getting your money back and then some.
2/5 - Out of my comfort zone with AA against LAG Villain 200bbs deep, 3bet pot Quote
03-20-2015 , 05:31 AM
A really important thing to take from this is that even somewhat thinking live players understand the image of a nit. I've seen this over and over, people going broke with one pair hands this deep in 3b pots against seeming idiots without really needing to.
They see your 3b for what it is (QQ+,AK) and call pre very wide to try and outflop you.
Postflop they are really polarized when they show aggresion. The average live player is passive in this spot, hoping to hit something that beats your overpair, but may bluff with equity if he is really aggro or tilted. I've seen this spot live so many times, that to me this comes down to 2 simple things: having a good understanding of villains current mood [winning vs loosing, frustrated passive vs frustrated aggressive, tilt factor] and good reads on his sizings.
You are going to have a lot of trouble extracting value with premiums this deep and will get in difficult spots like these against even the biggest fish if any 3b you're making means QQ+. They just need to think you're capable of having some crap in you're 3b range without you ever really having it. 3betting some K7hh or 86ss in really good spots and showing after taking it down will help a great deal.
2/5 - Out of my comfort zone with AA against LAG Villain 200bbs deep, 3bet pot Quote
