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2/5 Not Liking This One 2/5 Not Liking This One

12-17-2019 , 12:56 AM
2/5, 9 handed, $500 effective. Hero probably has a TAG image. I've played about 10 hours altogether with villain and based off it he seems like a break even-ish TAG that is slightly looser and calls raises sightly wider than the traditional TAG.


LAG straddles BTN $10, loose player who is passive pre and aggressive post limps SB, loose passive who likes to gamble calls BB, hero raises $65 UTG with 8 8 and only villain calls CO.

Flop ($160): T 9 7. Hero bets $90, villain calls.

Turn ($340): 5. Hero? What is the best line to take Ott?

What do you think about flop play, by the way? I felt like my hand was too good to x-f, but it's also a flop that should connect decently well with his range.

I'm open to discussion about pre, too, but that was where I felt most confident. I think 88 is borderline, but should be raised pre.
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12-17-2019 , 01:14 AM
I always raise 88s UTG 100 BB effective but 50 BB eff. I'm not sure it's profitable. W/e.

I would exploitatively x. flop, even HU. Given the fact that it's rainbow, what worse hands are calling?

AP shove turn and maximize your FE against a 10. IP I'd x. back OTT
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12-17-2019 , 07:13 AM
I don’t mind your flop bet but I think checking is probably slightly better. As played, you should jam turn for max F/E as you obviously have all over-pairs, most sets (as does he) and you have good equity if called by Tx.
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12-17-2019 , 07:54 AM
since when did stacking off trying to get guys to fold top pair become okay?

just call pre, way too many callers in front of us
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12-17-2019 , 10:23 AM
none of your options are fantastic but for <psb, jam looks reasonable
flop debatable as well, depends on how you construct your range, you might have individual/pop reads, betting certainly an option and sizing is good
high variance spot, what can you do..
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12-17-2019 , 12:45 PM
Check flop and give him the opportunity to bluff. Call if he bets. AP check/eval turn, folding to a large sizing.

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12-17-2019 , 01:49 PM
So it seems like in general this is just not a great spot pre, flop, and on turn . Like ionutd said, it's a high variance spot to no matter what.
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12-17-2019 , 02:07 PM
as a general piece of advice , in big pots with low spr, you being overly aggressive is a considerably smaller mistake then your opp over folding

because of the super technical nature of these spots, it's very hard to give accurate advice if you don't know close to exact ranges. ranges are narrower and the spr leave little room to maneuver so every bit of info is crucial

if you throw this spot in a solver, very small adjustments to your opp's range will result in sometimes drastic shifts in your play
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12-17-2019 , 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by ionutd
as a general piece of advice , in big pots with low spr, you being overly aggressive is a considerably smaller mistake then your opp over folding

because of the super technical nature of these spots, it's very hard to give accurate advice if you don't know close to exact ranges. ranges are narrower and the spr leave little room to maneuver so every bit of info is crucial

if you throw this spot in a solver, very small adjustments to your opp's range will result in sometimes drastic shifts in your play
+1. Assuming you're properly rolled for the stretches where you consistently run into the top of villain's range
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12-17-2019 , 06:38 PM
Common spot at 100 bbs eff + straddle. Raising leaves little flexibility post/low SPR, nevertheless I'd still raise and try to pot control post.

Flop - I'd lean toward X/C.

AP - likely X/F to reasonable sizing. I think we have little FE with a jam.
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12-17-2019 , 07:46 PM
Given that the straddle is on, this may be the rare good time to size down pre as an exploit. Maybe go $35~. You're unlikely to get 3! as people play tighter in straddled pots and you'll have more manuevaribility post
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