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/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack / NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack

06-01-2014 , 06:01 AM
Villain is playing $110. V is a complete donkey AND he's on tilt after losing 70% of his stack due to sheer bad play. Folds to V in MP2 who raises to $20. Besides the donkey the table is overall quite tight. Folds to me in SB with KQo. BB is very tight and has $500 as do I.

Do you just make it $120 here? And if so, why?
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 08:50 AM
Yes, i would 3 bet. But i go to around 65-70: like a normal 3 bet. If he wants to get it in you obviously snap call. My reasons are:

1) He is on tilt as you describe it, and his raising range is most likely very wide at this point-especially from middle position.

2) When a player tilts he may very well do mistakes that he normally dont do. Like calling your 3 bet with all sorts of garbage, because he wants to gamble and try win his money back. Give him the opportunity to make these big mistakes by reraising him preflop.

3) As a conclusion of point 1 and 2, the 3 bet preflop here is for pure value against a weak range- and if he manage to find a fold we pick up the pot without seing a flop wich is pretty much always a good thing.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 09:37 AM
Yes, stick in $120. If he happens to fold any Ax hands it is a nice win for us EV wise.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 10:19 AM
I'd go less than 120 for the times the bb wakes up w a monster hand, we save some $$. Probably making it 75.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 04:17 PM
$120 will look like exactly what it is to the BB so if he has anything decent he'll play back at you

think a normal 3bet to around $70 is better
not sure what to do if you miss the flop, villain might not call without hitting something, he'll probably try to bet if he doesn't hit though, so I'd probably check/call unless I hit
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gilmour
Yes, i would 3 bet. But i go to around 65-70: like a normal 3 bet. If he wants to get it in you obviously snap call. My reasons are:

1) He is on tilt as you describe it, and his raising range is most likely very wide at this point-especially from middle position.

2) When a player tilts he may very well do mistakes that he normally dont do. Like calling your 3 bet with all sorts of garbage, because he wants to gamble and try win his money back. Give him the opportunity to make these big mistakes by reraising him preflop.

3) As a conclusion of point 1 and 2, the 3 bet preflop here is for pure value against a weak range- and if he manage to find a fold we pick up the pot without seing a flop wich is pretty much always a good thing.
Don't like suggested 3-bet size. He will likely just call, we will likely miss flop and he will likely ship air putting us in a bad spot after we've comitted 1/2 of our effective (his) stack. He's horrible but playing against him given his stack size postflop is actually a bad spot.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by Olaff
Don't like suggested 3-bet size. He will likely just call, we will likely miss and he will likely ship air putting us in a bad spot. He's horrible but playing against him given his stack size postflop is actually a bad spot.
If he calls and bets air, we still have the better hand so we can just call and win?
Obviously we're never folding to his bets after our 3bet ...
This is like exactly what we want to happen?
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Yeodan
$120 will look like exactly what it is to the BB so if he has anything decent he'll play back at you
It would take a very aggro BB to do so. And this BB has less "play" in him than a snail.

think a normal 3bet to around $70 is better
not sure what to do if you miss the flop, villain might not call without hitting something, he'll probably try to bet if he doesn't hit though, so I'd probably check/call unless I hit
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Olaff
Don't like suggested 3-bet size. He will likely just call, we will likely miss flop and he will likely ship air putting us in a bad spot after we've comitted 1/2 of our effective (his) stack. He's horrible but playing against him given his stack size postflop is actually a bad spot.

Your missing the main point Olaff, with all respect.

We have villains raising range crushed, so our 3 bet here is for pure value. If we flop a pair, draw or whiff the flop is not relevant at all with this stacksizes.

If he call with his entire openingrange here (wich is truly possible if he is on tilt) its exactly what we want, because he is making a big mistake no matter what the flop is.

No matter what the flop is after 3 bet to 70 preflop we are obviously never folding if he bets- if he checks to us we are auto allin on 100 percent of flops of course. We are forcing him to make a mistake no matter what the flop is. I dont care if he is maybe luckboxing and hit bottom pair and we whiff the flop: he has like 40 behind with approx 150 in the pot if we 3 bet to 70 dollars pre. He cant do any significant damage to us no matter what he does here.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:29 PM
The other part of that sentence was kinda important though ...
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:58 PM
I generally 3bet to 70sh and cbet 100% of the flops. But that seems pretty high variance.

I'm also curious about just calling here and only trying to get it AI when we flop a K or Q. or on a JTX or 9TX board. If BB is a nit than we don't have to worry too much about him calling/ playing back at us and there is a decent change that the tilting short stack will put his money in regardless of what the flop is.

So why don't we wait until we have him crushed with our KQ on a Qxx board as opposed to being "only" a 64% favorite against his JT?
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-01-2014 , 06:50 PM
What are you talking about he will ship air? You're sb, 3bet to 70 and shove his 40 in blind.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-02-2014 , 07:35 AM
Does no one else think 3betting to 70 and then waiting for villain to bet again instead of betting ourselves is the better way to get his money in?

He's probably not calling our 40 with worse so if we bet it we turn our hand into a bluff.

He would try to get us out of the pot with 40 so he would bet with air and we can even call those bets with K high?
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-02-2014 , 11:25 AM
Don't shove. 3bet for value to 65 or 70 IF you think he's opening a wide enough range. Obv call off if he 4 bets. 3 betting your whole stack is unnecessary.

We can easily fold to a 4 bet if bb happens to wake up with a hand. No reason to risk 120.

Edit: If he happens to flat with that lol stack then were shoving pretty much every flop. (I'd actually check if I flop tp)

Last edited by andees10; 06-02-2014 at 11:36 AM.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-02-2014 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by Yeodan
Does no one else think 3betting to 70 and then waiting for villain to bet again instead of betting ourselves is the better way to get his money in?

He's probably not calling our 40 with worse so if we bet it we turn our hand into a bluff.

He would try to get us out of the pot with 40 so he would bet with air and we can even call those bets with K high?
I don't think KQ is strong enough to induce a bluff unimproved. We are giving him at least 6 free outs depending on the flop and he may fold an unpaired A hi or 22 on AT9 say. I would agree if we had AK or AQ.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-02-2014 , 01:30 PM
making it 95 would be enough to commit him. If the BB has 99/TT/AQs he would probably be more willing to call 120 as it looks lighter and that you are just isolating the bad player (idk how tight/nitty the bb really is).
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-03-2014 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by examinedexercises
I generally 3bet to 70sh and cbet 100% of the flops. But that seems pretty high variance.

I'm also curious about just calling here and only trying to get it AI when we flop a K or Q. or on a JTX or 9TX board. If BB is a nit than we don't have to worry too much about him calling/ playing back at us and there is a decent change that the tilting short stack will put his money in regardless of what the flop is.

So why don't we wait until we have him crushed with our KQ on a Qxx board as opposed to being "only" a 64% favorite against his JT?
Good question, I want to know this too.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-03-2014 , 08:47 PM
I don't like smaller 3-bet because most likely we'll miss the flop and we have to ship the remaining $40 with K-high and almost no FE as the V's on tilt. But I'm still thinking about this. On the other hand... if we 3-bet to $70, he calls, there's $145 in the pot. Let's say he flops an underpair to our KQ or has a lower PP.

I ran a sample scenario:

Text results appended to pokerstove.txt

95,040 games 0.012 secs 7,920,000 games/sec

Board: Jc 7d 3s

equity win tie pots won pots tied
Hand 0: 28.785% 28.78% 00.00% 27357 0.00 { KQs, KQo }
Hand 1: 71.215% 71.22% 00.00% 67683 0.00 { 44 }

So if we ship $40 into $145 we're getting 3.6:1 and need 22% equity. From my sample stove we have 29% to hit our overs.

So maybe it doesn't really matter from that point of view.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-04-2014 , 07:03 AM
im in the normal 3 bet size camp
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-09-2014 , 11:23 AM
3bet to $70 and call a shove. If he just flats the 3bet, then shove any flop that you miss, and check any flop where you hit TP+.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-09-2014 , 11:30 AM
3b/c pre. $70-$75 is fine. Call off on pretty much every flop. What's the problem here?

And obv fold if BB plays back.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
06-09-2014 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by ATsai
3bet to $70 and call a shove. If he just flats the 3bet, then shove any flop that you miss, and check any flop where you hit TP+.

Nothing else makes sense.

Bigger 3 bets just expose us more against the BB and in fact makes it worse agaist the V in case he gets scared and folds a worse hand.
/ NL: KQo vs Ultra-Short Stack Quote
