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/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop / NL: JJ on A-high Flop

06-01-2014 , 05:56 AM
$500 eff. I'm very new to the table. No read on villain. V middle-aged Asian man, clean cut, serious. V raises from MP to $20, CO calls, I call with JJ in BB.

Flop: A98r Pot ~ $60 I check, MP bets $45, CO folds.

You, why and please provide a plan for future streets.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 06:04 AM
If you are not gonna 3! JJ preflop, don't get cute with it postflop, you missed your set, the worst overcard fell, chuck it.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 09:29 AM
I'm folding. This could be a c-bet with air, but there are factors that weight against this. It was multiway to the flop, the flop is ace high and villain bet with possible action action. There are also three things that make me dislike calling and evaluating on turn. Hero does not have position in the hand. does not have a hand that can easily improve to best and is playing a totally unknown villain.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 03:55 PM
I would 3 bet the jacks, I'm op so I'd start with that. AP I would fold, all thought I could see a call then a check evaluate the turn.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 04:08 PM
definitely 3bet since you're out of position

really depends on how villain plays, if he would do this with air or middle/bottom pair you can easily call
if he doesn't you can fold

you could raise too, then fold to any more aggression
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:06 PM
So call flop, check-fold turn is bad?
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:16 PM
It isn't obviously terrible, but it's not obviously right either. Villain can be c-betting with nothing, but on this sort of board if that is the case villain probably isn't putting more money in. On the other hand, if villain does have the best hand they probably know it and can bet for value.

Against most villains you should call here some of the time, but this isn't a good board or position for it and against an unknown villain you have no idea how often he is c-betting air so how often you should call and what you should do on turn is guesswork.

Preflop, when you flat your essentially set mining or hoping for an otherwise favorable flop. You didn't get one, and without any read on villain it's probably best to get away cheaply. Flatting one bet and evaluating turn is also viable, particularly if you think villain didn't like the ace and thus has a better chance of being on a bluff c-bet.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:19 PM
This is a though one ...

Based on my experience with typical 2/2 players I'd say he could just as easily have an 8 or a 9 as an A.
There are some straight draws out there, maybe even two pair or a set.

That said I think there's plenty of chance we have the best hand here. I'd call and probably check/fold the turn?
Wouldn't want to build a huge pot in this situation.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
06-01-2014 , 05:22 PM
I think by calling the flop here, villain would probably put us on an A and if he doesn't have something better he's probably checking behind on the turn.

I'd put out a small block/value bet on the river if the turn goes check/check, obviously folding to a big raise, calling if we get decent odds.
/ NL: JJ on A-high Flop Quote
