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2/5 nl hand at the V 2/5 nl hand at the V

12-17-2014 , 10:11 AM
Been at table 2 hands, no reads

I have $750, hijack 2Kish to start the hand

I'm utg+1, there's a 10$ button straddle, I have KcKh and make it $40, hijack flats ,bb flats

Flop AcKsJs, I bet $100, hijack flats, bb folds

Turn 3s I bet $175 hijack asked how much I'm playing, dealer says $430ish, then he calls

river 8h, I jam $430ish, hijack snaps with As2s

I like to see some thoughts on way the hand played out

,hate/love river jam?

turn call was sick bye him, but can u really check fold river?

can u really check turn?

with no reads(I play there a ton never seen V) I find it hard to check turn even with 3rd spade hitting and possible straight on flop, to many set, two pair, one pair combo draws to check turn?
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 10:21 AM
What do you expect to get value from on the river or did you decide to turn your hand into a bluff?

I don't see why you think it is a sick call by villain on the turn. Worst case, he loses to nine outs, so I don't mind flatting because it allows his opponents to pt most of their money in drawing dead when they miss.
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 10:59 AM
Bye sick I meant for me, as I didn't like it the river shove turning my hand into a bluff?

Do u check call/fold river?

What did I expect to get value from?

You see some weird **** at 2/5, two pair, set, combo draw with a ace, two pair, all kinds of ****.
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 10:59 AM
OP, would you fold turn if V shoved over your $175 bet?
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 11:06 AM
Given no reads....

I believe you're over-valuing your hand on river.....I actually like a smaller bet size on all streets. Flop about $80, turn $130-$140....check/calling on river most likely. Only hand you could be hoping to call a turn bet that you beat is 2 pair...set of Jacks, you would've got a raise from on the flop.

Last edited by OSUTexan; 12-17-2014 at 11:12 AM.
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 11:13 AM
Actually disagreeing with my post before....without knowing the outcome...I like bet/folding river to @$175. Gives you enough room to get away from the hand if V moves all-in.
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by fizzypants
OP, would you fold turn if V shoved over your $175 bet?
That is a very good question, I do believe I would have
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by OSUTexan
Given no reads....

I believe you're over-valuing your hand on river.....I actually like a smaller bet size on all streets. Flop about $80, turn $130-$140....check/calling on river most likely. Only hand you could be hoping to call a turn bet that you beat is 2 pair...set of Jacks, you would've got a raise from on the flop.
I like this line, I made my sizing the way I did to set up the river shove, the more we talk the more I think I overplayed my hand
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 11:39 AM
Was gonna say , check calling would be the worst. I agree betting a bit smaller and bet folding river would be the best option, imo. You can deff get looked up by two pair
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 12:09 PM
The huge flop cbet getting called sent alarm bells off for a poss flush draw.

I bet 140 on turn and 195 on river. There really is very little the villain can call off with here for the AP line. (We have all the kings, leaving AJ as a poss maybe)
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
12-17-2014 , 01:53 PM
Very true. Would be hard to call with a unless he had two pair which is unlikely.
2/5 nl hand at the V Quote
