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2/5 nl  flopped top two. 2/5 nl  flopped top two.

06-10-2016 , 02:36 PM
Been at the table for about an hour. Villain is a mawg. Seems like a regular. Likes to see a lot of flops, and keeps his bets small compared to the pot.

Villain 1500
Hero 985

Hero is in bb with aq of hearts. Villain is sb.
3 limpers. Villain makes it 25. Hero calls. Two other callers.
Pots $109
Flops acqd6h rainbow. Villain bets 25. Hero makes it 75. Villain calls.
Pots 259
Turns 4c
Villain checks. Hero bets 175. Villain tanks a little and makes it $350.
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:00 PM
Laser, the way you write out your flop is very tough to read. Next time please capitalize the cards and put spaces between them (ex: Ac Qd 6h)

This is a gross spot vs a reg who should be unlikely to take this line with AK or A4. We block AA and QQ, which leaves 66 and A6.

Don't think we can fold (even though it's hard to see what we're beating) and shoving folds out all worse, so that leaves calling...which means we have to commit to calling down river given that half our stack is in.

He'll probably put us all in but we can hope that he makes his usual small bet OTR. A club could slow him down too.
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:14 PM
Very tough spot. Poster above noted hands(combos) that beat us... AA(1) QQ(1) 66(3). That's only 5 combos (we'll exclude 44 since that would almost always fold OTF).

What about hands we beat/chop that could bet this way... AQ(4), KQcc (1), A6ss(2). I suppose we could throw in a few combos of hands that are spazzing (AK). So 5 combos beat us, 4 chop, and a couple of unlikely ones lose to us.

If we call pot will be almost 1000 and we've got 550 back - so it's likely all going if we're behind. Feels to me that we'd be risking rest of our stack (>700) hoping for a chop. No thanks. I fold.

Last edited by jake; 06-10-2016 at 03:15 PM. Reason: typo
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:30 PM
Thank you for the advise. This is the first hand I've posted. I'll try to make it more legible next time. I couldn't see this player raising from the sb with 66.
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
06-10-2016 , 03:48 PM
Yeah, tough spot. What's your image, and do you think he's capable of adjusting?

For a typical MAWG (and I speak as one), I just can't see him doing this with anything less than 2p. I also think it's more likely, he limps along behind with A6ss or 66.

Bottom line: I think this is highly weighted to AA, QQ, AQ even though you have blockers. With the given info, I think this is fold. Not saying I ever find it, mind you.
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
06-10-2016 , 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by hitchens97
Bottom line: I think this is highly weighted to AA, QQ, AQ even though you have blockers. With the given info, I think this is fold. Not saying I ever find it, mind you.
That's what I was zooming in on as well. If that is his range then the chop is twice as likely as the AA/QQ. With the $ already invested - it's just math to choose the right play in that case (I think it's still fold).

An interesting play would be to call OTT, and shove any club, OTR.
2/5 nl  flopped top two. Quote
