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2/5 nl can i call this river shove 2/5 nl can i call this river shove

10-31-2011 , 11:09 PM
this is from a week ago and just need some input on it..

its absolutely packed for once and they have 2 full 2/5 games running with a list (never seen this happen ever)

anywho i buy in for the max at 500 and im up to around 800ish i recognize 5 of the 9 others seated but this hand isnt with them..ive only gotten to showdown twice and it was against a married asian couple that ive never seen who i flopped the nuts against both of them but they were only in for the minimum each, thank god they rebought atleast 10x each after and stayed for a while

this hand is against someone i havent played with before and he has a stack of about 300. i have no real tells on him but he hasnt been showing down and has been getting people to fold on fourth and fifth st. hes been playing an avg of 4 hands per orbit as well as much as i remember

i am in the cutoff, villain is utg+1

villain raises to 25, fold, fold, call, fold, hj calls, hero dealt 99 and i just call, button and blinds both fold

pot is now $107 flop is 8, 2, 3 rainbow.

villain cbets $45, fold, fold, and i just call. i dont know why i just called, maybe i should of raised but havent played with villain before

pot is now $197 turn is 9

villain bets out $70, i smooth call again. i prob should of raised (right?) i still dont know what i should of done.

pot is now $337 river is J. villain insta ships it all in for his remainding stack which was 200ish give or take

2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:25 PM
Call and hope he doesn't show you JJ. They way you played it looks very much like a pair of eights with a questionable kicker that's trying to make it to the showdown. He could very well have QQ -- AA and has now decided that his big overpair is the best and he's trying to get value for it.

Given the stacks, he can't really hurt you if you're beat.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:26 PM
Snap call. If he happens to show up with JJ, oh well. You're ahead too often to fold in this spot with such a dry board. I'm never folding in this spot (especially if he's playing > 40% as stated.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
10-31-2011 , 11:33 PM
You can fold but it would be pretty bad poker.

He can be value betting all over pairs and some bluffs, we crush his range.

Hand is played fine until then river, IMO
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 01:12 AM
River is a call.

I'm more interested in the flop. My natural inclination would be to raise, having a low SPR and feeling like my hand is good here often enough, but it seems like people are fine with the call. Is calling a better play OTF? What is the plan for the turn if we just call? There are 20 overcards that can come OTT.

I can't tell if people like this hand vs. villain's range and are trying to get the most value out of it by calling. Or, they don't like the hand vs. villain's range here and are playing cautiously, willing to easily give up.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 01:19 AM
I think calling the flop is good. Turn is a pretty standard raise. You can make it small, like 180 ish and have a good size to shove river. As played, river is a fist pump call.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 01:22 AM
If you had raised the turn (which you should have) your river decision was a lot easier.

BTW, raise turn.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 03:04 PM
I hate oneliners but this is a snap call. You are crushing his range as your hand is under-repped, even though he sometimes has the nuts/JJ. You can't seriously fold here with these stacks short if villain showing you his hand.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 03:05 PM
Btw, did turn bring a FD? If it did then I like shipping turn. If it was still rainbow then flatting is better.
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11-01-2011 , 04:28 PM
This was played perfectly as long as you called the river. I disagree with those telling you to raise the turn since we would be taking away all of his bluff shoves on the river. Villain doesnt even have a half PSB left once he bets the turn. Let him continue to bluff it off on the river. If he has the hands he will call a turn raise with then he will still shove river but if we just call turn we allow him to continue to hang himself with his bluffs as well.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by Setsy
Btw, did turn bring a FD? If it did then I like shipping turn. If it was still rainbow then flatting is better.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 05:46 PM
I think Superman1 is right, let him hang himself on the river with a beautifully-sized 1/2PSB for the rest of his stack. I always call the river-- villain shows up with QQ-AA a lot here.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:01 PM
Easy call, even if he did have JJ and you raised the turn he is not going anywhere with less than 50 bb's.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:28 PM
River is the only part of this hand that really isn't debatable, just snap, anything else is a slowroll or a ******ed fold.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by B&E
River is a call.

I'm more interested in the flop. My natural inclination would be to raise, having a low SPR and feeling like my hand is good here often enough, but it seems like people are fine with the call. Is calling a better play OTF? What is the plan for the turn if we just call? There are 20 overcards that can come OTT.

I can't tell if people like this hand vs. villain's range and are trying to get the most value out of it by calling. Or, they don't like the hand vs. villain's range here and are playing cautiously, willing to easily give up.
We raise to make better hands fold and worse hands call. Raising here will only get called by better overpairs and sets, while folding out all of villain's overcards. In addition, assuming OP's read is correct, villain is capable of betting the turn and river with air, which is what we want for maximum value. If the turn brings an overcard, the hand becomes trickier to play, but a villain playing 4/9 hands won't always have it.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 08:43 PM

snap call
possible hands for V - JJ, 88, QQ, KK, AA, TT, AJs
you beat all but one (no need to stove this)
Stacks are small enough not to second guess a snap call here.
The way you played this your hand is very under repped.

I wouldn't mind a raise on any street including pf. With stack sizes as small as they are calling was ok.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Setsy
Btw, did turn bring a FD? If it did then I like shipping turn. If it was still rainbow then flatting is better.
On what street are you exactly planning to start extracting some value from this hand? On the river?

Originally Posted by Superman1
I disagree with those telling you to raise the turn since we would be taking away all of his bluff shoves on the river. ...

...Let him continue to bluff

Villain raises UTG+1, bets into 3 people on the flop OOP, gets one caller and still bets again on the turn, and you are saying let him continue bluffing? Do you really think he is bluffing or value betting here?

Some of us have MUTB syndrom. Some think everybody is bluffing all the time.
I sure hope this line of thinking has not made a calling station or spew moneky out of you.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 08:51 PM
Guy plays >40% of hands.

We turn a set.

Fold river????? Is that joke?

if the guy has q10 he coolered you. If the money bothers you move down in stakes.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 09:44 PM
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 09:49 PM
There's no way I'm not calling. 2 hands beat you. TWO.

Scoop them dollars. And raise the turn next time.
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11-01-2011 , 10:25 PM
Dude raise the turn.....
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11-01-2011 , 10:37 PM
easy fold he has the nuts
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11-01-2011 , 10:59 PM
One word: Call.

You probably just stacked AA-TT (If it's JJ what can you do?)
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-01-2011 , 11:55 PM
well i ended up snap calling the second he said all in and he flipped over...q10off...cooler blah. just feels kinda better now knowing i played it fine and the snap call was fine, after for like 5-10 hands i was thinking i played it bad and shoulda thought about the river bet more. oh well
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
11-02-2011 , 12:35 AM
if river call is a serious question for you you're playing scared and need to evaluate if you're at the right level and playing optimally.
2/5 nl can i call this river shove Quote
