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2/5 nl awkward spot 2/5 nl awkward spot

11-22-2011 , 12:22 AM
V1- Early mid 20s sat down when I was on dinner break and is up a couple hundred and has been raising a lot pre. We played one hand where he raised pre and on flop I raised him on flop and continued on turn and he folded. Since then he seemed to tighten up a bit.
V2- 30s, plays standard/bad.
Hero-Playing TAG, have only shown 2 hands down all night.

Pre- V1 raises to 20, v2 raises to 55 I call on button with 67h and V1 calls.

Flop (170)- 668 2clubs. V1 checks V2 bets 100 I call V1 calls.

Turn (470)- 5c. V1 checks v2 goes all in for 224. V1 has 600, I am pretty sure he has me beat but am 98% sure he doesn't have a boat. If I call and he jams I have odds to draw out, so I should just get it in here right? I didn't raise flop because v2 probably folds.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 03:04 AM
This is an awkward spot. Not sure what to do here.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 03:42 AM
all in
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 07:18 AM
How is this a question. You say that you already know you are beat by a non-FH. That means you need to bring ~600 for ~700 with 1 card to come and you have 4-12 outs.

Also cold calling 1/7 of effective stacks with 76hh and the original raiser left to act might not be a profitable play in the long run.

Last edited by jlocdog; 11-22-2011 at 12:42 PM.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 09:27 AM
Pre is somewhere between slightly bad and fairly bad, he's not even full stacked let alone sitting deepish.

Turn is actually a pretty interesting spot, I feel like his flop peeling range after a bet and a call is highly weighted towards flush draws, and in the unlikely case he does have something like QQ or JJ he's rarely overcalling V2's shove if we just flat.

I actually kind of like a shove here as half value half semi-bluff, since we completely spank V2's range but since we have a pretty tight image we could conceivably fold out a decent number of non-nut flushes from V1. You said he'd been raising pretty liberally pre so smaller flushes are very possible and live players hate potentially lighting their whole stack on fire in a marginal spot when they're up a decent bit so I feel like our shove can get him to fold better some significant percentage of the time.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 10:05 AM
Fold pre. Cold calling a 3b with these stacks? Having v1 behind left to act? It's just bad.
As played, raise the flop and stack v2's overpair.
On the turn, I don't know its pretty disgusting, but I'm not folding.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 12:48 PM
Pre I am obviously expecting V1 to call, he was raising the most of anyone and didn't think it was too likely he would not call. The 3 bet was pretty small, and I felt like in position there were some flops I could bluff at. Plus in this game you can't buy in for more than $500 and pretty much everyone is horrible deep so I generally err on the side of playing big pots.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:00 PM
pre is really really bad. the 3 better only has less than 400. you are getting 7 to 1 implied against him and even tho v1 is deeper, you are not closing the action, so there is a non zero percent chance of getting four bet.

as played i'm calling. and hoping v1 makes some sort of mistake with QxQc.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:39 PM
what makes you think that villain has you beat at this point in the hand? Pre is pretty bad, figured i'd reiterate it because you are trying to justify/defend it above.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:55 PM
I wanted to reply to the thread, but I really do want to kill my own action next time I head down to AC for a 2/5 game. Anyway - just one time.

1) What are you doing calling a 3-bet from a guy who starts the hand with 80BBs?
2) Both of these guys are supposed to have an overpair to the board. You are not supposed to be beat on the turn.
Now, it is likely that V2 has a club in his big pair. But there is nothing you can do about that cause he is already all-in. Without 3 clubs on the board it is obv just a call to keep the 3rd player in. But even with 3 clubs, I would call and let him overcall.
V1 is not gonna push his overpair obv., but there is no point shutting out his QcQh, because if 4th club comes, you still loose the pot to V2. And you could still fold river if 4th club hits and V1 pushes. So, there is no point protecting against V1's potential flush draw, because V2 probably has one too.

I don't know how you gather that V1 has you beat on the turn. Seems like a pretty obvious overpair to me.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by TimeBomb
Plus in this game you can't buy in for more than $500 and pretty much everyone is horrible deep so I generally err on the side of playing big pots.
That's totally backwards. If everyone is horrible deep, you Should be erring on the side of Small pots. If you play big pots, people are not Deep any more...!
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by ZENITL
I wanted to reply to the thread, but I really do want to kill my own action next time I head down to AC for a 2/5 game. Anyway - just one time.

1) What are you doing calling a 3-bet from a guy who starts the hand with 80BBs?
2) Both of these guys are supposed to have an overpair to the board. You are not supposed to be beat on the turn.
Now, it is likely that V2 has a club in his big pair. But there is nothing you can do about that cause he is already all-in. Without 3 clubs on the board it is obv just a call to keep the 3rd player in. But even with 3 clubs, I would call and let him overcall.
V1 is not gonna push his overpair obv., but there is no point shutting out his QcQh, because if 4th club comes, you still loose the pot to V2. And you could still fold river if 4th club hits and V1 pushes. So, there is no point protecting against V1's potential flush draw, because V2 probably has one too.

I don't know how you gather that V1 has you beat on the turn. Seems like a pretty obvious overpair to me.
1) V2 made a very small 3bet, and I am banking on v1 calling (hes never folding for 35 more).
2) V1 called 35 more pre into 135 and he is supposed to have an over pair after v2 bets 100 and I call? I am sure he shows up here with any type of draw or 6 waaaaayyyyy more than overpair. Are you actually suggesting that a possible scenario is for me and v1 to call 224 so he can free roll the flush in a spot where there is maybe 1-2 hand combonations for him to do this?

Originally Posted by ZENITL
That's totally backwards. If everyone is horrible deep, you Should be erring on the side of Small pots. If you play big pots, people are not Deep any more...!
So now that I am deepish, and another player is also I should play small pots with him. I don't get that. If I am not deep and I lose, I reload to 500 if I win I am deep. Your logic I guess would make sense if I just played 1 bullet.

Anyways as for pre, yes cold calling 55 pre vs 400 stack is very bad but the point was v2 3bet so small v1 is never folding and is only 4betting top 2-4 hands. No one 4 bet bluffs in this game and I didn't think he was capable of doing it with ak/jj. I will admit that my preflop hand selection is often too wide. Not closing action pre would be a pretty bad call in higher games where 3 and 4betting is way more prevalent but in 2/5 no one really does this.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by TimeBomb
Are you actually suggesting that a possible scenario is for me and v1 to call 224 so he can free roll the flush in a spot where there is maybe 1-2 hand combonations for him to do this?
I am suggesting that if a club hits on the river, you will likely loose the main pot to V2. So if V1 also holds a club, it doesn't matter. V1 may be drawing dead (2 outs) for the main pot.
On the other hand, if somehow you are beat by V1, what's the point of pushing into him? He might push this turn after you call, so then you'll have to call off the rest drawing to 10 outs if he has a flush.
The only thing you achieve if you push here is getting all worse V1 hands to fold 100% of the time.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 06:01 PM
even if you know villain 1 is calling pre you are still only getting 8 to 1 implied against the villain 2 with the stronger range who will be more likely to get it all in with you post flop. villain 1 prolly will not get it in with you post flop unless he hits his hand as well.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 07:14 PM
Originally Posted by ZENITL
That's totally backwards. If everyone is horrible deep, you Should be erring on the side of Small pots. If you play big pots, people are not Deep any more...!
I assume I'm missing something or just not understanding your post. People are bad deep, so don't play deep? Because then they will have a short stack when they lose a hand? Ima confused.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 10:54 PM
Call pre is horrible because of stack sizes and the fact that u don't close the action.

It's hard to comment on the rest of the hand...
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 11:04 PM
Pre is awful, horrible spew. You simply don't have the implied odds.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-22-2011 , 11:14 PM
Fold pre, call turn.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-23-2011 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by cbi
How is this a question. You say that you already know you are beat by a non-FH. That means you need to bring ~600 for ~700 with 1 card to come and you have 4-12 outs.

Also cold calling 1/7 of effective stacks with 76hh and the original raiser left to act might not be a profitable play in the long run.

this exactly
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-23-2011 , 03:50 AM
once you managed to call pf w these stacks and 7high, and u hit miracle trips you are way beyond trying to hand-read yourself into folding.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-23-2011 , 04:06 AM
Your thought process is just way off. Call pre horror bad, then you get a miracle flop, you should be raising here 100% of the time. You have low cards and your opponents will not put you on a boat or trips. You are in a 3bet you can not play this hand like you are in a 2bet pot. The easiest way to make money in this hand is raise flop, so your opponents can over play they're hands. OTT flatting is not an option anymore, its raise or fold.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-23-2011 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by deuce of clubs
I assume I'm missing something or just not understanding your post. People are bad deep, so don't play deep? Because then they will have a short stack when they lose a hand? Ima confused.
You're missing the boat. OP suggested that he wants to play big pots because people are bad in deep stack situations. He uses that as an excuse for his preflop call.
In fact, when people are bad deep, you want to get in for cheap, and then outplay them or stack them post flop. When pots are big preflop, the deep stack advantage/disadvantage is erased, because effective stack (stack to pot ratio) becomes much smaller.
Additionally, if you keep calling 3bets with marginal hands, You are the one who is bad deep, and not your opponents. Misjudging implied odds is a pretty significant leak.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-23-2011 , 06:33 PM
Originally Posted by ZENITL
You're missing the boat. OP suggested that he wants to play big pots because people are bad in deep stack situations. He uses that as an excuse for his preflop call.
In fact, when people are bad deep, you want to get in for cheap, and then outplay them or stack them post flop. When pots are big preflop, the deep stack advantage/disadvantage is erased, because effective stack (stack to pot ratio) becomes much smaller.
Additionally, if you keep calling 3bets with marginal hands, You are the one who is bad deep, and not your opponents. Misjudging implied odds is a pretty significant leak.
OP's pf call was really bad. Agree. And I see your point clearly now and ofc agree. I was lost for a second because although OP said the players are bad deep...

Plus in this game you can't buy in for more than $500 and pretty much everyone is horrible deep so I generally err on the side of playing big pots.
I mistook his statement to mean that the players don't play well in big pots rather than with big stack to pot ratios.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-25-2011 , 01:55 PM
instafold pre. the guy has 75bb, he 3b to 11bb and you have 3 ppl left to act behind you, it's really not close. flop call is fine, you want to let the other guy come along or make a move since he actually has some money behind (i assume you cover?). i dont understand how you think V2 probably has you beat here on the turn, you think he's just gonna check an overpair in this spot and pray it gets checked down with $470 in the pot and $225 behind??! even if he just has AcX or KcX he might just jam it in and hope you guys fold.
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
11-26-2011 , 11:54 AM
definitely fold pre, you already lost money in the hand, no need to compound mistakes
2/5 nl awkward spot Quote
