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2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard 2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard

08-25-2014 , 08:39 AM
2/5 NL Cash Game.

Playing at this table for about an hour. Passive table. I've been playing TAG, double and triple barreling often when involved but not playing many hands. I have $345. Villain has picked off more than one of my bluffs. He's playing LAG and is on my left. I know I should have folded pre, but looking for post thoughts.

Hero: UTG+2: Jh 10h (raise $15)
Villain and 2 others: call

pot (67)

FLOP: 8s 9s 2h

Hero: bet $35
Villain: raise $135
other two: fold

Hero: all-in

First, I should have topped off to $500 so I had more options. Also, I think a c/r is a better play than leading.

Mainly I think I picked the wrong villain for this move. I think I need more folds to make this a +ev play and knew this guy would probably make this play and call if he had even a one pair hand like A9.

Thoughts? Thanks.
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
08-25-2014 , 08:51 AM
With your image, positions, this being a multiway pot and the fact that villain is making a big raise with two people left to act, I'd estimate your fold equity is <5% if you re-pop.

Also, the problem is that you are in very bad shape against a reasonable range (which includes big flushdraws that have you in very bad shape).

I think x/c flop can have merits here with OESD, two overs and the BDFD fwiw, but it depends completely on the table/aggression etc. I'm not saying that to be results oriented, cbetting can certainly be good too. But this is a case where your fold equity is very low and you can't really stand a raise.
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
09-16-2014 , 03:51 PM
I would be scared of the flush draws if he is LAG
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:03 PM
don't mind the raise to 15. you have a very strong drawing hand and you are going to get everyone who has like 62o to call anyway.

why are you worried if V calls your shove or not? Assuming he has A9, you are a slight favorite here. shoving and hoping he calls is the correct play.

so he called and you lost? so what? Seems like you are being very results biased.
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Nirwanda
With your image, positions, this being a multiway pot and the fact that villain is making a big raise with two people left to act, I'd estimate your fold equity is <5% if you re-pop.

Also, the problem is that you are in very bad shape against a reasonable range (which includes big flushdraws that have you in very bad shape).

I think x/c flop can have merits here with OESD, two overs and the BDFD fwiw, but it depends completely on the table/aggression etc. I'm not saying that to be results oriented, cbetting can certainly be good too. But this is a case where your fold equity is very low and you can't really stand a raise.
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:07 PM
[ ] 4bet
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
09-16-2014 , 04:26 PM
I think it's okay. We should get some folds vs hands with good equity against us (top pairs) and if not, we are a little ahead anyway. Our backdoor flush is like 1.5 outs. Not too worried about him calling with naked flush draws, and I don't know why others are either. Against naked flush draws we have roughly 10 outs (6 to straight, 6 to pair, 1.5 backdoor, minus his redraws).

The only bummer is if he has a set, which is rare, but even then we aren't crushed. Basically we can just commit to this flop and play it like we have an overpair (which he never has here). If we showdown, we can use this image to get payed off later when we hit a set on a board with any draw on it.
2/5 NL: 4 Bet Shove With Draw Verses Lagtard Quote
