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2/5 medium PP flop underboat 2/5 medium PP flop underboat

10-28-2011 , 06:42 PM
2/5 @ Harrah's in New Orleans, must move table, been open for about 1/2 hour

This game at Harrah's is almost always super loose - it plays a lot like a 1/2 game, but for higher stakes. I usually play in it when I am in NOLA for meetings for my day job - I show up in a suit and tie, and look like one of those guys with the name tags in Rounders. Always underestimated, to my advantage

I have been playing for 30 mins since the game opened. In seat 3 is a known spewer - I have played with him before and saw him play all in blind for $500 four hands in a row. Lots of money, worst gambler I have ever seen in my life.

He's playing like a donkey as usual, making every pot $15-30 to go, from any position, with ATC. The player to his immediate left gets moved to the other table, and I immediately ask dealer to take the seat.

Everyone at the table is drooling over this guy, and looking for a chance to bust him, so every pot has like 5 players in it, calling his open with almost ATC. A few hands before this one, I limp/RR with AA UTG, certain that the donkey or someone would raise. It worked, and I took down a nice $100 pot preflop. I got the impression that the table thought I was 3b light.

All stacks ~ $500, except BB (villain), who covers me, and me, with about $575.

UTG folds (the only player at the table I worry about, good LAG)
UTG+1 folds
UTG+2 (aforementioned donkey) open raise to $15
Hero: 66 calls $15
MP: Calls $15
CO: Folds
HJ: Folds
BTN: Calls $15
SB: Calls $15
BB: Calls $15 (this is villain, middle-aged Asian player, tight and VERY aggressive)

Pot: $92

Flop: 6TT

SB checks
BB (V1) bets $60 (slammed chips out, like he was daring someone to call)
Fold around to Hero
Hero calls $60
Fold around

Pot: $212

Turn: 7

Villain bets $120
Hero shoves for $500
Villain (covers) thinks for 2 seconds, nods, "I call".

Pot: $1,212

River: J

Villain shows KT

Hero drags $1,212 pot with 666TT

OK, so here are my questions:

1. Was the PF call to set mine correct to begin with?

2. Was the flat call OTF optimal, or should I have raised a little bit there for value?

3. I shoved the turn because I was almost certain villain had a ten, and would have to call. He did, which is nice, but was this optimal? Long run, would I get more value there by betting less?

4. Was villain correct to call there with KT?

Thanks for all comments.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-28-2011 , 10:28 PM
1) Yes
2) Not against this villain, let him bet for you
3) I would prob flat again, because I was afraid of losing him, but thought he would shove almost all rivers.
4) Probably.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-28-2011 , 11:13 PM
1. Yes, you're only worried that someone behind you will 3bet big and it sounds like a typical loose passive table other than the guy on your right.
2. Yes, I call here. Maniacs gone. Dry board. Would like callers behind.
3. Meh. Only because turn shove is overbet. True live players call here lots, but you said he was VERY AGGRESSIVE asian. You call, pot is about 450, sets up the 380 river shove nice. Only other option is minraise to get him to shove. I don't see any river cards that villians getting away from.
4.Sounds nitty but I make a tough fold if I think you're competent, simply because its an overbet and there are almost zero semi-bluff shoves that make much sense given your position. If you're suit-tie businessman noob image was believable, maybe I call.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 01:14 AM
Originally Posted by canadatak
3. Meh. Only because turn shove is overbet. True live players call here lots, but you said he was VERY AGGRESSIVE asian. You call, pot is about 450, sets up the 380 river shove nice. Only other option is minraise to get him to shove. I don't see any river cards that villians getting away from.
4.Sounds nitty but I make a tough fold if I think you're competent, simply because its an overbet and there are almost zero semi-bluff shoves that make much sense given your position. If you're suit-tie businessman noob image was believable, maybe I call.
Thanks. I felt like I got away with murder here, shoving and getting a call. Probably did.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Garick
3) I would prob flat again, because I was afraid of losing him, but thought he would shove almost all rivers.
I toyed with this thought, but I felt so sure that he was holding a ten, AND that he was committed. Granted, instincts aren't always perfect.

Tougher spot than it seems. I want to stack the villain here, obviously, but I don't want to lose him either.

I think my image made a big difference here. Maybe I benefit from playing up the suit/tie/noob angle more often.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheSalesman
I toyed with this thought, but I felt so sure that he was holding a ten, AND that he was committed. Granted, instincts aren't always perfect.

Tougher spot than it seems. I want to stack the villain here, obviously, but I don't want to lose him either.

I think my image made a big difference here. Maybe I benefit from playing up the suit/tie/noob angle more often.
I don't like the turn shove on this board, it's rather dry and if the player is a thinker you will scare out a lot of combo's of tens. Now if the board was wet with a straight or flush draw or both, I like raising the flop or turn to get him to commit with you on a possible draw and before a possible scare card comes.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 11:17 AM
Everything was fine. If the turn hadn't brought a flush draw I would just flat and either lead or c/shove river.


P.S. think through how your line does against different parts of his range:

- air/overs
- JJ

Then think about how alternative lines do against those parts.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 02:59 PM
I call turn bcs I'm in position. . Don't wanna shut down any bluffs, and if he has a ten it's going in otr anyway. If I was oop, I would check-raise turn
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-29-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by ThatsWhatIDo
I call turn bcs I'm in position. . Don't wanna shut down any bluffs, and if he has a ten it's going in otr anyway. If I was oop, I would check-raise turn
The problem with that is that if he has Tx he is stacking off now, but might not if a scare card comes on the river.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-30-2011 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by Setsy
The problem with that is that if he has Tx he is stacking off now, but might not if a scare card comes on the river.
That was my thought...if a diamond, 8, or 9 comes on the river, he might be able to get away from the hand. Or he shoves on me, and makes me wonder whether or not he boated up himself. OTT, if I were him, and I get shoved on, I am probably thinking, I either have the best hand, or certainly have outs to the best hand. Any ten pretty much has to call OTT I think, but not neccesarily on the river.

The question is, really, how often does villain have a ten here? Often enough to make a shove the correct play?
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-30-2011 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by TheSalesman
That was my thought...if a diamond, 8, or 9 comes on the river, he might be able to get away from the hand. Or he shoves on me, and makes me wonder whether or not he boated up himself. OTT, if I were him, and I get shoved on, I am probably thinking, I either have the best hand, or certainly have outs to the best hand. Any ten pretty much has to call OTT I think, but not neccesarily on the river.

The question is, really, how often does villain have a ten here? Often enough to make a shove the correct play?
That's the right question to ask. Start with preflop. He must called a small raise out of the BB mw. That means we can take the likelihood of QQ+ down to almost nothing. JJ is possible. So when he bets turn, he either has Tx, JJ, FD or air like overs. Shovimg turn prevents him from bluffing air. But it gets Max value from Tx. I don't think you are getting a lot more value from JJ and it's not a very likely hand. I think with him leading flop/turn Tx is reasonably likely, but given your read overs and FDs are also in the range. I think shoving is a bit better since we dont know how often he fires a third barrel unimproved without Tx.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
10-31-2011 , 05:19 PM
Yeah, he isn't getting away from KT very often. You could have a lesser ten as the game is playing.
2/5 medium PP flop underboat Quote
