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2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? 2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range?

11-26-2019 , 07:16 PM
Table is normally 8 handed. This was late and many of the fish have left, and about 4 of six remaining are solid regs including the villain.

Hero's been shown to 3-bet fold quite a few hands over the session. I have 5-bet jammed over the villain twice earlier in the session when we were shorter and he folded both times.

I have been using a no 5-bet range strategy this deep in 99% of situations and seems to make sense in this spot, however looking for feedback on this.

Table Information
Seat1: hero ($2080) Small Blind
Seat3: seat 3 ($800) Big Blind
Seat5: seat 5 ($600)
Seat6: villain ($1550)
Seat8: seat 8 ($1100)
Seat10: seat 10 ($700) Dealer
Dealt to hero AsAc

Preflop (Pot: $7)
seat 5 FOLD
villain RAISE $15
seat 8 CALL $15
seat 10 FOLD
hero RAISE $70
seat 3 FOLD
villain RAISE $220
seat 8 FOLD
hero CALL $220

Flop 9h 3h 2h (Pot: $547)

hero CHECK
villain BET $150
hero CALL

Turn 10s (Pot: $847)

hero CHECK
villain BET $380
hero CALL

River Ah (Pot: $1607)

hero CHECK
villain ALL-IN $800

My thoughts: How many combos of Kh x will be in a good reg's 4-bet range and bet flop/turn on this run out?
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-26-2019 , 07:26 PM
Shove the turn. Given stated history I would also consider just shoving pre if you have really done it twice and he folded both.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-26-2019 , 07:53 PM
PF I always make it at least a hundred this deep.

In general having no 5 bet strategy is fine. Though I think here since you are deep and already have history with villain where you have 5 bet him plus you're oop. So I'd advocate for a 5 bet.

I'm making it around 600-650 here.

As played I think you have to fold. I don't see most of the hands you beat turning their hand into a bluff here.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-26-2019 , 08:48 PM
Fold this river. Hands without a heart mostly check back this river thanking God you didn't bet it. Not to mention that KhKx, QhQx, and the case AxKh are a sizeable portion of an EP 4-bet range.

Agree with spyutastic that if you've 5-bet before and things seem to light off often pre then a value 5-bet range oop with AA looks good.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-30-2019 , 04:45 PM
Results: Hero tank called and villain had 8d7d.

Villain is a winning LAG reg. After talking it over with him later we agreed that he's mainly checking KxKh/QxQh on the turn (are you really getting 3 streets with that?). AxKh will prob be 50/50 in his bluffing range on the turn (tough to say).

His main comment was that the Ah on the river dramatically reduces his flush combos for value so he thinks this is an easy call. Wasn't really sure though and my instinct is that this still may be a fold.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-30-2019 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by ggodd
Results: Hero tank called and villain had 8d7d.

Villain is a winning LAG reg. After talking it over with him later we agreed that he's mainly checking KxKh/QxQh on the turn (are you really getting 3 streets with that?). AxKh will prob be 50/50 in his bluffing range on the turn (tough to say).

His main comment was that the Ah on the river dramatically reduces his flush combos for value so he thinks this is an easy call. Wasn't really sure though and my instinct is that this still may be a fold.
Still think you should be shoving turn, whole lot of worse hands that can call and people don't like folding after putting in $750. V can probably call with any pair that has a heart, possibly even a pair without one since you can have AhX and AxKh/AxQh. Even if they fold, great, you win $750 with no risk. V's bet on the turn also seems pretty terrible when it's obvious you should either have an overpair with heart or AK/AQ with a heart and unlikely to fold any of those, and he might get shoved on a lot. It worked out here but you'd feel real dumb if you just let V get there with OESD and no FD when he's drawing mostly dead on the flop.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-30-2019 , 06:12 PM
I would 3! a bit bigger pre. With a 4! dynamic and being oop, I would be 5! pre here.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
11-30-2019 , 07:51 PM
I 5bet here, much more inclined to flat if stack sizes are ~$600.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
12-01-2019 , 01:21 PM
Now that we know villain can 4-bet air and 3 barrel spew his whole stack: flat pre and white knuckle call down future spots looks good because he had a very wide 4-bet/fold range.

Unless... Against a guy who has a meaty 4-bet/fold range you can polarize your 5-bet range by mixing in some 5-bet bluffs.

Last edited by reaper6788; 12-01-2019 at 01:26 PM. Reason: Added polarized 5-bet option
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
12-01-2019 , 01:40 PM
(1) Nice job making a live hand history almost as unreadable as a raw hand history from an online site. Next time, run it through a hand-history converter to make it more readable.

(2) A no-five-bet range makes sense if we are in position. Here we are in worst position and will be facing a polarized range for the rest of the hand. This is not a good spot to be in. I would have just raised to, like, 400 and then jammed any flop.
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
12-01-2019 , 03:53 PM
Alan, do you still not like a flat oop in the future against the villain since he will barrel so wide? Will you only call down this type of villain when in position?
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
12-01-2019 , 06:28 PM
Like the line from both players .
2/5 Live NL: Interesting spot 300 bb deep. Should we throw AA into our river call range? Quote
