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2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP 2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP

01-26-2015 , 10:24 PM
Villain is a mid 40s Asian reg, a solid TAG who seems to generally play pretty straightforward from my 10ish hours of experience with him. Seems to play a little to autopilot in my opinion without thinking too much about decisions. Villain likely perceives hero as a nit based on his experience with him, though he knows hero is a winning reg TAG. Villian is down 1k after 1 hour at the table, doesn't seem tilted but I can't tell.

Hand: Villain (450) opens to 20 utg, fish/donk ((1k) calls in sb, Hero (700) 3-bets to 80 from BB. Villain calls and fish folds.

*Notes: I am surprised to get called here this shallow by villain. He knows my range is very narrow here. My feeling is that he is calling with a mid pocket pair type hand figuring if he hits then he can stack me. I was hoping to iso the fish.

Flop (175) 963r --> check check
Turn (175) Q --> hero checks, villain bets 100, hero calls
River (375) 5 -->hero checks, villain quickly shoves for 275


* I know I played the hand quite unconventionally. I will explain my thought process throughout, so that if there are logical errors in it then they can be criticized. By the way I encourage you not to assume to the hand ended badly (or well) and to form biased opinions. I will reveal the result after some discussion.

So obviously I am 3-betting pre for value, and hoping to either get it in pre with villain or to iso the fish. However I'm under the impression that villain perceives me as quite a nit so I am pretty surprised at his flat call and my read is that he is calling with a medium pocket pair or other speculative hand hoping to crack me. With a hand like qq/jj/ak i thought hed more likely 4-bet or fold. I thought it was possible he had QQ but still think he'd more likely just not be able to fold it and 4-bet. I really can't be sure of anything of this, though as I have basically no history with him.

On the flop my thought process is that I don't expect to get value from hands I am beating, that he either has flopped a set or will throw away his other hands, I don't expect him to stack off to me with tt or jj (thought maybe he calls flop and then folds to turn shove which isnt a bad result). QQ he probably can't fold especially when stuck 1k. So I decide to check thinking I'm unlikely to get action from worse except for QQ which probably 4bets pre. Thought there was a chance he'd take a stab as well if he missed, esp if my check looks like AK.

On the turn the same thought process applies, esp given the chance he is holding QQ I figure I am better off letting him bet than me betting myself. Once I check a second time I think my hand is really disguised and I definitely can see him trying to take a stab here. When he bet I considered check-shoving but thought that would look strong and doubted I would get called by worse in this spot. So I just called, although I didn't really love the call either because now he knows I have something decent - he doesnt expect me to call with AK here, so I am not sure what I am repping by doing this and I am not sure if I am likely to induce river bluffs.

On the river once again I thought if I led out it would look strong and I wasn't sure what I would get called by, although maybe it would look weird/spazzy and he'd call me down light. Basically, the whole hand I felt a little bit lost because I was worried about how tight my image as and therefore about not being able to get paid off because of my hand being face up. Against most 2-5 players, who suck, I would just play it straightforwardly, but since villain is a decent player I decided to disguise my hand.

Given that I felt lost throughout the hand I'm assuming my decisions and thought processes sucked so criticisms and feedback are welcome. Thanks.

Last edited by doylefreud; 01-26-2015 at 10:31 PM.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-26-2015 , 10:34 PM
Sorry I realize I posted this in the wrong section, how do I delete it?
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-26-2015 , 10:42 PM
If description of villain is correct the only hands you are loosing to in this spot to are set of 9's or queens and aces. You have massively under repped your hand. After playing it this way I'm calling off and feeling pretty good about it
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:41 PM
Thanks. I agree river is a call. I'm wondering if I played the hand poorly or not on earlier streets, though.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-26-2015 , 11:46 PM
You tried to disguise your hand but actually made it obvious you either had a medium hand or something good and definitely not no-pair. You should just c-bet the flop and bet turn, that is the only way you can rep air.

If you think he is the kind of player who likes to bet whenever he thinks he has the best hand, loves to protect his hand, then a good line can be bet flop, check/jam turn. You let him bet his medium hands that wanted to protect against your perceived 6 outs and potentially level him into a call.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-27-2015 , 12:05 AM
Bet flop. Bet turn.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-28-2015 , 02:34 PM
You should not fold.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-28-2015 , 02:34 PM
Originally Posted by The Muffin Man
Bet flop. Bet turn.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-29-2015 , 04:47 PM
You are making a ton of assumptions, and because you haven't bet you have no info about villains hand. As played you have to call.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-29-2015 , 05:49 PM
bet flop
bet turn
shove river
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-29-2015 , 07:32 PM
Like others have said just play it straight up? Bet Flop/Turn size it so you have a callable river shove.

Nice hand.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
01-30-2015 , 07:27 AM
Bet flop blah blah
But if you're gonna get cute call phil helmuth style on the river
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
02-05-2015 , 04:31 AM
We got 80 in preflop and built an SPR below 2 with KK. Then we got fancy and started giving free cards and guessing where we're at.

Id rather take this line with AA, but I don't like it either way.

Out of position with an SPR of below 2 and holding an overpair, especially not AA, I think we want the money in fast. Sometimes even shoving the flop, I think it might actually get some lighter calls sometimes.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-08-2015 , 03:40 AM
If you want to induce, you might want to bet 60-65 on the flop (and let the villain put you on AK that missed).

I do not like your line at all vs. someone you perceive as a solid TAG. It has its merits vs. a maniac/spewtard though, but that is not your villain's description.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-08-2015 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by pilliapina
You tried to disguise your hand but actually made it obvious you either had a medium hand or something good and definitely not no-pair. You should just c-bet the flop and bet turn, that is the only way you can rep air.
While I agree with this esp. vs anyone capable of thinking I take x/call lines OOP as the pre flop 3better on occasion with AA and to a lesser extent KK because people LOVE betting ATC when checked to. You can call, x/r, w/e, all of which represents strength, but it usually doesn't matter.

As a real example I 3bet an open and 2 calls with AA from the BB the other day, original opener calls. Flop J23r, I x, he stuffs 88 for a little over pot. He put me on AK...his words. Now if i 1/3 - 1/2 pot I might get one street, but not the stuff for sure. Very results oriented example but I just noticed when I x/gave up my AK hands people were betting like 100% of the time so I started setting the ole' bear trap with pretty lol results.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-08-2015 , 10:39 PM
Against fish who always put you on AK checking AA/KK OOP after you 3bet is the nuts, but against everyone else I think betting small is infinitely better. Unless you know for sure the other guy is a moron just bet small IMO. A lot of players check back nowadays when you 3bet/x on a dry board.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-09-2015 , 12:01 AM
I didn't read responses but if we check this 3 times it's not to fold.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-09-2015 , 12:23 PM
On the turn the same thought process applies, esp given the chance he is holding QQ
QQ is such a small part of villain's range here, it is crazy that you're worried about it.
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
03-09-2015 , 10:52 PM
Seems fine nh
Need some hands to cc w and this seems ok (doesn't rly need protection, etc)
So i like it. But would definitely be betting here a fair amount but mixing in a line like this is prolly pretty good for balance protection checking ranges
As played certainly not folding
2/5: KK in 3-bet pot OOP Quote
