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2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre 2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre

12-19-2014 , 12:41 PM
2/5 1000$ max late afternoon Vegas

V1- BTN late 20s LAG, 3 bets light OTB and squeezes from the blinds frequently. Is generally FOS, but has been capitalizing on fold equity post flop. 1000$

V2-CO Loose 40ish middle easterner, has showed up with some garbage hands that flopped gin, rarely raises, calls too much. Bought in for 300$ and luckboxed his way to 700$.

Hero-UTG a 30s TAG but losing image at this table for 3 hours. Got called on a shove with 18 outs and missed, got coolered by a turned set in another hand. In for a third 100bb buyin, with 400$.

Hero has JJ UTG and raises to 20$.
HJ calls, V2 in CO calls, BTN 3! to 65$. BTN is light here so we 4! make it 150$ And HJ folds.
Suddenly CO jams all in. BTN Folds, back to hero...

And hero does...?
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 12:46 PM
This guy rarely raises and has now 5-bet over a tight UTG raiser? Yuck. I hate this. We are really only ahead of AK. Almost 50% of our stack is in the middle. Wow, I don't know what I'd do. (I like the 4-bet. CO coming over the top is just so unexpected.)

Have you seen him call/raise before? Have you seen any hands he has raised?
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 12:46 PM
Ewwww. Is V2 capable of slowplaying QQ-AA here knowing that button is likely to 3bet?

I'd lean towards AK based on what I see here most often from weaker players.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by BaconMaker

V2-CO Loose 40ish middle easterner, has showed up with some garbage hands that flopped gin, rarely raises, calls too much. Bought in for 300$ and luckboxed his way to 700$.


Hero has JJ UTG and raises to 20$.
HJ calls, V2 in CO calls, BTN 3! to 65$. BTN is light here so we 4! make it 150$ And HJ folds.
Suddenly CO jams all in. BTN Folds, back to hero...

And hero does...?
Weak player who rarely raises flats, then 5 bets? Easiest fold ever. The 4! of aggrotard was fine, now time to give up.

Snap fold. In your mind, at least. Maybe fake tank fold at the table.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 12:51 PM
in this situation, CO knew BTN was a LAG and was probably waiting for him to squeeze.

fold as per his description and the dynamic vs BTN being a lag

edit: with a stack of $400, and when you 4bet to 150, you need to call any raises or you would be bet/folding 40% of your stack pf which is not too good. You can't 4bet/fold to 150 with a $400 stack ever. So while the decision should have already been made to call, I am not too sure you can fold now (even though we don't think AK is in the CO's range) because your stack is already committed.

Last edited by Playbig2000; 12-19-2014 at 01:19 PM.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 12:56 PM
Ugh what a spot. A calling station flats a raise, then 5-bet how does that happen lol.

Pot is $275 before he ships, he ships it makes it $525. You have almost 50% of your stack in the middle...and your getting just over 2-1, plus you said he is considerably loose, so there is still a chance he is getting overly frisky with a hand like 99, TT or AK. I say its a crying call.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:08 PM
Getting 3.5:1 basically means if he can have ak you call. If he can't, you fold. It's that simple.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:12 PM
Fold here and cutt the session.
It takes balls to play more when your up
And cutt your loses when its not meant tobe your session

Edit: Id hate to fold
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:33 PM
See Spike ...

... your own description stats 'rarely raises' ... folding with no history.

I play with a similar fellow ... This is never AK when multiway unless he is stuck. Very protective of 'getting money in good' and 'making you overpay to play' type of V. GL
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:42 PM
w/only $400 i just shove over btn's 3bet

as played, (i'm racist obv, stereotype advice below)

probably not folding to middle eastern here
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:49 PM
BTN 3-bet is awfully weak, seems like he's trying to grab initiative while manipulating pot size. I mean, if he's got this LAG image, I presume he's wanting to get paid on his monsters, right? So why 3-bet so small with QQ-AA? If he's observant, he knows you're not getting out of line PF. This smells like a smaller pocket pair or worse that wants to take advantage of fold equity. I call.

If he's got QQ-AA, I'd make particular note of this LAG as he manipulated his image nicely. Then I'd find a seat to his left or find another table.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
BTN 3-bet is awfully weak, seems like he's trying to grab initiative while manipulating pot size. I mean, if he's got this LAG image, I presume he's wanting to get paid on his monsters, right? So why 3-bet so small with QQ-AA?
Our 4-bet is much smaller in relation to the pot than his 3-bet.

Originally Posted by BaconMaker
HJ calls, V2 in CO calls, BTN 3! to 65$. BTN is light here so we 4! make it 150$
Why did you raise?

Was it? I made a very small 3-bet expecting the button to usually fold because he is always light here; he never raises his strong hands. Then everyone will say: You wasted a good hand. Might as well raise with any two cards.

Or was it? I made a very small 3-bet expecting everyone to call with their entire wide range. I planned to stack-off on all flops.

Not knowing what your raise was for makes it hard to give advice now.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:02 PM
If you really think he's capable of doing this with AK, then it's a simple math problem.

But as described, I doubt this very much. Villain is described as a weak passive player.

He flatted your raise hoping the button would get involved, and he got his wish. With all this action, he is super exited and dreaming of GII 3 way pre with his AA (maybe KK).
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:14 PM
Originally Posted by Playbig2000
You can't 4bet/fold to 150 with a $400 stack ever.
Disagree here, we are certainly 4b/calling vs V1 and are probably correct to 4b a non-AI amount to give him room, based on how wide of a range V1 can have. However, when V2 ships ... this completely changes a lot of variables and as such, our plan should change - and find a fold (assuming we think V2 range is nutted).
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:18 PM
Fwiw - I would have a hard time finding a fold given our description of V2.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:22 PM
I 4! to try to get value out of the BTNs wide range were he to flat. I'm jamming any favorable flop against BTN if I can isolate with the 4!. We did not anticipate the jam from V2.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:30 PM
I still think there's a chance V is FOS but upon further thought I'm thinking those chances are more slim. AU4all brings up a good point: what are we hoping to accomplish by 4-betting? All it does is get our villain to play perfectly against us. If he's weak, he's folding a worse hand and we let him get off the hook. Or, he has us crushed and is using his image to get you to spazz into his monster. OR! He has successfully 5-bet bluff-shoved us off the best hand because we didn't have a plan to combat this.

Brutal spot. Problem is, we can't flat PF because it turns our hand face up, we don't have the odds to setmine, and there are a ton of flops we're not going to like. Still, JJ is way too strong a hand to fold. Yet, a massive over-shove accomplishes nothing other than letting our opponents play perfectly against us.

I'm still calling due mostly to V's image, but I'm really not liking it.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by Jmrode67
Disagree here, we are certainly 4b/calling vs V1 and are probably correct to 4b a non-AI amount to give him room, based on how wide of a range V1 can have. However, when V2 ships ... this completely changes a lot of variables and as such, our plan should change - and find a fold (assuming we think V2 range is nutted).
4bet/folding almost half your stack ("in general") is a crime
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 04:48 PM
Having seen him show up with some serious crap (unsuited connectors, suited Kx etc) I have to think AK (and TT+) is seriously part of his jam range here. Such an awful spot.

Looking at the SPR, I tank for a moment, ponder the meaning of life, and sigh call. Board runs out low rainbow and he shows....

KK. Obv? Probably.

I'm surprised so many could find a fold here ever. I could not.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 04:59 PM
He "rarely raises" and then 5-bets you (a TAG UTG)? The best you could hope for was to be against AK. It's a lousy spot.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 05:18 PM
Originally Posted by spikeraw22
Getting 3.5:1 basically means if he can have ak you call. If he can't, you fold. It's that simple.
this is actually a lot less than 3.5:1

HJ - 20
Hero - 150
CO - 150 +250 shove
BTN - 65

so we have to call 250 to win 635 or ~2.6:1

but the rest of your response is spot on
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 08:54 PM
Phone math.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-19-2014 , 11:09 PM
sick. I'd fold cuz I don't like getting JJ in for 140BB pre
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-20-2014 , 09:53 AM
I had 80bb to start the hand.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
12-20-2014 , 11:01 AM
Stack size gives you no flexibility. That's why you can't 4bet and fold with an 80bb stack. I can't 4bet and then fold here. I am in the minority here but I don't see how you can 4bet to 30bb with an 80bb stack and expect to be flatted by worse. It's like turning JJ into a bluff.
2/5 JJ UTG facing 5 bet pre Quote
