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2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. 2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop.

10-03-2016 , 09:04 AM
Originally Posted by iraisetoomuch

Hard to tell without know what he will do when we check here. Will be play somewhat straight forward on this board?

Will he check behind with XXxc pocket pairs? Will he call with those if we bet?
Will he call with A9- if we continue?

I'm not sure it matters though, as I think he's calling too often if our percieved range includes a bunch of AXs hands that plan will 4bet pre. I'm checking.
Pretty sure he just checks back all worse hands on the flop except maybe JJc. I highly doubt he bets KKc since he blocks the hands he wants to fold. He also likely won't fold better and won't call with worse. But the board is so wet and we are OOP that letting another card peel off can be a disaster. After checking, what do we do on clean turns? What about dirty turns? If we show too much weakness, he absolutely will lean on us.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by SunChips
Pretty sure he just checks back all worse hands on the flop except maybe JJc. I highly doubt he bets KKc since he blocks the hands he wants to fold. He also likely won't fold better and won't call with worse. But the board is so wet and we are OOP that letting another card peel off can be a disaster. After checking, what do we do on clean turns? What about dirty turns? If we show too much weakness, he absolutely will lean on us.
So the question is: How much do you want to lose if you bet while behind, to protect your equity while ahead? I think its pretty much a guessing game as to whether or not he has a club.

I think I would fire $150
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:11 AM
Originally Posted by towriteair
Against described villain and 200BB deep.

If you C-bet for 150+, you've put in 30% of stack. So if he shoves are we really folding given background: honestly Idk.

If you check and he bets, I would think it's fold or C/R-C/S. You would charge clubs, POSSIBLY scare off an Ax. And probably get anything less than top pair to fold unless he has like Pair+draw obv.

Edit: Would he try to take the pot on flop if checked too?

If you check, and fold, I think that's acceptable? Because 200BB

Idk: My gut says C/R (presuming he would bet) would be best of the three.

Edit: Most people are advocating b/f, maybe that is best with 200BB. Biggest problem with this is against a "beast" villain I feel like he knows this and just shoves/raises over us so much and we fold.

In terms of equity, you can scare non A-no club off, if he has an A or Awith a club and decides to call you're boned but given what other villain did I say it's actually decent he doesn't have an A. So you're in the money as long as he has pair under a + draw or just a club draw.

I don't know, I'm eager to just post and then read what others say; it is an odd spot. I think it would come down to Villain, no?

If you c/r then you're hooking things that don't have you yet which is good, and by not c-betting you're not giving to what has you and folding out what doesn't. If he checks back, then on turn if non club you can barrel for sure; hand plays itself on turn I feel, if was checked round on flop.

Given that you have an A and there was another opener I guess there are more combos of non AA, Ax. So I suppose more than not on flop you have equity to continue. Perhaps the most important question is what hands is he inclined to PEEL with as opposed to RESHOVE or FOLD with. That probably decides the action.

The number one thing I'm trying to figure out is if all three options are BAD or all three options are GOOD. Meaning every avenue is either -EV or every avenue is +EV; meaning given you're PF play with board texture have we arrived at a spot that is good no matter what or bad no matter what.
x/r is interesting because if I have his range too narrow pre, he's going to be having less equity on the flop and stabbing more often. I can also rep stronger, though he's never folding better than 1 pair hands to me because my range contains hands like AKc, KKc, KQs. I'm pretty sure I got his range right, but who knows. The only problem is if he has better, we are committed and drawing dead when we xr. If he has worse, he doesn't call the xr. Bad RIO.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:13 AM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
How do you catch a buff if its rare for someone to bluff in this situation?
You don't. I'd look to check/fold this flop.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:18 AM
Originally Posted by DeathCabForTootie
You don't. I'd look to check/fold this flop.
That's a definite option, but I think you need to fire one bet....especially against a good friend (that you play hard against).
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:19 AM
Originally Posted by Finetome
you can be friendly. and be really nice. and make shallow friendships while playing on the table. with everyone. fish and pros included i guess. its really good for the game imo... but it crosses the line when you go out to dinner or drinks or talk about strat off the table...

i know you're just trying to be a smartass... but ill respond anyways. if you want to keep making money at this game then i think its time to realize that fish get to do all sorts of **** that pros don't get to do... simply for keeping the game going/ keeping a good vibe etc.

didn't think i had to explain this but there's also a huge difference between say two fun players being friends and talking off the table ie "ya thought he had ak" and they still lose btw... and two pros going in depth and really picking apart guys games to then use it collectively against said opponents.
I suggest you start your own thread and discuss this theory of yours. It doesnt belong here and I am willing to bet you find out most people think you are wrong.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:36 AM
Originally Posted by Evoxgsr96
I don't rlly like x-calling... we don't even have much of a x-calling range here.

I think betting may be good it depends if we can fold out a lot of better hands/or win the pot later in the hand... if not then we should prolly x-fold to most bets.

I think the 4-bet pre was really good/standard tho but what was your read/in which spots is he going to be unbalanced in given his range (preflop, postflop etc...)?
Agreed, x/c is burning money.
I think preflop he might be peeling my 4b a little wider than he should.

Originally Posted by Jamitontheriver
I'm never betting this flop. What are we hoping he folds? At best we are protecting our equity against a gut shot. At worst we are getting outplayed if he shoves with Kc. We are never getting better hands to fold. Betting doesn't accomplish a lot here. Better to check to him. In a four bet pot he's not likely to get real far out of line here. We should also be checking with hands that destroy this board like AA, AxKc, KcKx.

If flop goes c/c I'm probably leading turn something reasonable.
If we are checking some value hands here then I can see how checking can work out. But there's 15 ****ty turn cards that he can play pretty perfect on if we check, so I don't know if I should ever be checking value hands here.

Originally Posted by 7weeks2days
Is there any kind of 3! Or 4! Dynamic?

Friends don't let friends 4! Each other light. You guys sounds more like poker acquaintances. If you guys have battled before I get it and you should have some sort of plan. If he's capable of going crazy if you show weakness then I like checking and letting him go crazy.

We are really setting ourselves up for pain and sadness here. Plus we are going to lose a friend.
Some friends will not 3b/4b lite. Last year we rode to the casino together, playing 5/T with a mega whale and the d-bag 3b me with 34cc towards the end of the night, and got half my stack on J97c5c2c vs my 99. Then he felted the whale. Then I had to drive him home lol . He felt bad about it after, but I had no hard feelings because I know some people choose to hold nothing back on the battlefield and I can respect that.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:48 AM
Originally Posted by browni3141
I would check. When we bet and get called we pretty much lose the hand unless he has a better hand he is happy to check down which we have outs against. It's hard to think of a worse hand he will call with without turning into a bluff on a later street. Any hand with a club works better as a bluff.

This hand goes into my checking range and I'm probably x/f. We have so many better hands in our 4! range to continue with. He can check down a hand like red JJ with us.

To the poster above: who cares if he is a friend? We need to have a light 4! range against a good player.

If OP is going to "lose a friend" because of this then his friend is a pussy and OP is better off without him. Real friends don't need to soft-play each other.
If we count combos (which I haven't done) I think this is around the middle of our range after we reduce combos for lite 4b.

Originally Posted by Finetome
since hes a "good friend" and a "beast" that probably means you discuss poker with him. which means he knows your range for cold4b. which means you doing this oop makes it really stupid with the hand you have.

it is especially stupid to do this without first knowing how he would react to the cold4b. and giving the response of he folds some, calls some and ships some = you dont ****ing know.

so on this texture i think i'd just give up.

i would also never play at the same table of a good friend who is also a good winning player. never. think it's extremely unethical/ scummy when arguably the two best players are also great friends and talk a ton off the table for obvious reasons.
You must not be very friendly.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:59 AM
Originally Posted by Finetome
posting threads is about fixing and avoiding mistakes. looks like he made a mistake before even playing a hand. thats relevant imo.

again- if you see nothing wrong with forming a thinktank with another good pro to formulate and discuss strat to beat the same player pool lol... then let it out in the open. at the table tell your buddy "lets to go the bar to discuss that hand or x opponent im curios" and see what the table does.

fish will freak. regs will complain. the floor will probably go to talk to you. why? because what you're doing is extremely scummy/ unethical. at the very least you will see a major drop in action.
You are delusional.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by andees10
Clear check

Andees, do you even have a betting range here? Lol

Small with sets and like red AK or something I guess?
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by MikeStarr
I suggest you start your own thread and discuss this theory of yours. It doesnt belong here and I am willing to bet you find out most people think you are wrong.
Lol That guy is so funny. Why would he even come to 2p2? 2p2 should be unethical and colluding in his eyes as well.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 02:48 PM
Your 4 betting range is really bad, way too wide. It should still be around half to two thirds light 4bets though, and A5s is great for a light 4bet. As played, check/call is proba ly best if the flop wasnt monotone, but it's probably neutral EV at best, maybe even losing c/c long term. And we would have to c/f almost any turn. Monotone flop, our situation is much wosee and it's closer to c/f.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by BenT07891
Your 4 betting range is really bad, way too wide. It should still be around half to two thirds light 4bets though, and A5s is great for a light 4bet. As played, check/call is proba ly best if the flop wasnt monotone, but it's probably neutral EV at best, maybe even losing c/c long term. And we would have to c/f almost any turn. Monotone flop, our situation is much wosee and it's closer to c/f.
Light 4b range, you say. Because you think that folks are gonna fold their to a 4b alot?

"1/2 to 2/3rds light 4b". Are you really saying that 1/2 to 2/3rds of the time you 4b, they should be light 4b?

Would like to see some V's range, effective stacks and some math generally to justify this.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by SunChips
V1 is solid pro
V2 is a beast and a good friend of mine.

1k effective

V1 opens MP3 to 15. V2 3b 50 from hj. Hero sees a good opportunity to add uneeded variance to his game and takes a super marginal spot by 4b to 145 from SB with Ah5h.

V1 will only call/raise the 4b here with KK/AA. So he's doenzo. He folds.
V2s 3b range here is something like 88+, KQ, KJs, AXss+, maybe AJo+, some SCs. Some of the lighter ones are reduced because he doesn't 3b them always. Vs. my 4b, he peels with some of that range, folds some of it, and 5b some of it. V2 calls.
Hero's range is likely (very) reduced AXss 55-99 KQs KJss, and AQss, AK, TT+.

Flop AcQcTc (~300)
Originally Posted by SunChips
If we count combos (which I haven't done) I think this is around the middle of our range after we reduce combos for lite 4b.
In the range you didn't discount, {AQs (3), AK (12), TT (3), JJ (3), QQ (3), KK (3), AA} are all better. Only KK/JJ no club seem worse to hold.

In the range you discounted {AJs (3), ATs (3), A9s-A6s (12), 55-99 (15), KJs (3)} are all better. In your entire range with nothing discounted there are 63 hands better than your holding, and 33 worse hands. If you discount the second range by 2/3, then you have 39 better hands and 15 worse hands.

When you bet with this hand and get called or raised you might as well have two napkins because you're almost never going to win the hand. The only benefit of having this hand in your bluffing range is that it blocks a couple hands that can continue without blocking his folding range.

Your 4! range seems way too wide.

Originally Posted by Lapidator
Light 4b range, you say. Because you think that folks are gonna fold their to a 4b alot?

"1/2 to 2/3rds light 4b". Are you really saying that 1/2 to 2/3rds of the time you 4b, they should be light 4b?

Would like to see some V's range, effective stacks and some math generally to justify this.
I want to tack on that IME 4-bets have a ton of fold equity at 2|5 because players put you on KK+. I've seen QQ fold to a 4! on multiple occasions. I get very little action on my 4-bets unless the other player has KK+.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 06:25 PM
If I was going to 4b light oop vs this v (I wouldn't) I'm making it something huge like 180-200.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 08:16 PM
I dont understand the friendship. Just check it down? Do you guys wildly bluff each other on the regular?
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by Lapidator
Light 4b range, you say. Because you think that folks are gonna fold their to a 4b alot?

"1/2 to 2/3rds light 4b". Are you really saying that 1/2 to 2/3rds of the time you 4b, they should be light 4b?

Would like to see some V's range, effective stacks and some math generally to justify this.
Correct, unless my read is they 3-bet too infrequently and with too strong of a range, or if they call the 3-bet too often with mediocre hands.

A 4-bet range of AA and KK plus between 12 and 16 light 4-bet combos performs MUCH better than OP's incredibly wide, weak, and unpolarized range.

He is picking many hands that do much better as just a flat. His range is closer to what a normal 3-bet range would be rather than 4-bet range. It's like OP isn't respecting the 3-bet at all. Given reads, we should respect that 3-bet (not enough to not have half our 4-bets being light).
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by browni3141
Your 4! range seems way too wide.

I want to tack on that IME 4-bets have a ton of fold equity at 2|5 because players put you on KK+. I've seen QQ fold to a 4! on multiple occasions. I get very little action on my 4-bets unless the other player has KK+.
I totally agree.

Also, make sure you note/remember who is willing to fold QQ to a 4-bet. Assuming their 3-bet range is QQ-AA and AK, we should now never fold to their 3-bets. Instead of having a normal range of 1/2 to 2/3 light 4-bets, we'll now want to have like 80% of our 4-bets being light. All these extra hands would be the ones at the bottom of our opening range that we'd normally fold.

It would now be more profitable to 4-bet the very worse hand in our opening range than fold it.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 10:44 PM
No one else hates the sizing pre? I'd go a lot bigger from the sb. Probably 200
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-03-2016 , 11:28 PM
I'd bet/fold like $110 and probably check/evaluate all turns except an A.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-04-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by BenT07891
Correct, unless my read is they 3-bet too infrequently and with too strong of a range, or if they call the 3-bet too often with mediocre hands.

A 4-bet range of AA and KK plus between 12 and 16 light 4-bet combos performs MUCH better than OP's incredibly wide, weak, and unpolarized range.

He is picking many hands that do much better as just a flat. His range is closer to what a normal 3-bet range would be rather than 4-bet range. It's like OP isn't respecting the 3-bet at all. Given reads, we should respect that 3-bet (not enough to not have half our 4-bets being light).
How are constructing these 12-16 combos and why? I agree with your thoughts re: op's 4 bet range.

Originally Posted by Avaritia

Andees, do you even have a betting range here? Lol

Small with sets and like red AK or something I guess?
Yea, probably something this. I also think checking AK can be ok. With these stacks though I may not cbet too small if we want to be able to just ship turn. Thing is top set is the only one I'll usually have here. Cold 4betting 200bbs deep I'm going super polarized and probably going for the cold flat with QQ

Last edited by andees10; 10-04-2016 at 11:40 AM.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-04-2016 , 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by towriteair
Against described villain and 200BB deep.

If you C-bet for 150+, you've put in 30% of stack. So if he shoves are we really folding given background: honestly Idk.

If you check and he bets, I would think it's fold or C/R-C/S. You would charge clubs, POSSIBLY scare off an Ax. And probably get anything less than top pair to fold unless he has like Pair+draw obv.

Edit: Would he try to take the pot on flop if checked too?

If you check, and fold, I think that's acceptable? Because 200BB

Idk: My gut says C/R (presuming he would bet) would be best of the three.

Edit: Most people are advocating b/f, maybe that is best with 200BB. Biggest problem with this is against a "beast" villain I feel like he knows this and just shoves/raises over us so much and we fold.

In terms of equity, you can scare non A-no club off, if he has an A or Awith a club and decides to call you're boned but given what other villain did I say it's actually decent he doesn't have an A. So you're in the money as long as he has pair under a + draw or just a club draw.

I don't know, I'm eager to just post and then read what others say; it is an odd spot. I think it would come down to Villain, no?

If you c/r then you're hooking things that don't have you yet which is good, and by not c-betting you're not giving to what has you and folding out what doesn't. If he checks back, then on turn if non club you can barrel for sure; hand plays itself on turn I feel, if was checked round on flop.

Given that you have an A and there was another opener I guess there are more combos of non AA, Ax. So I suppose more than not on flop you have equity to continue. Perhaps the most important question is what hands is he inclined to PEEL with as opposed to RESHOVE or FOLD with. That probably decides the action.

The number one thing I'm trying to figure out is if all three options are BAD or all three options are GOOD. Meaning every avenue is either -EV or every avenue is +EV; meaning given you're PF play with board texture have we arrived at a spot that is good no matter what or bad no matter what.
thing is CR basically saying I don't have a flush....
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-04-2016 , 02:47 PM
I was trying to respond to each individual thought out post in order, but I think the new discussion is more interesting/important...

My non QQ+ 4b range here is very reduced and villain knows this. I am normally mucking a ton of it, however sometimes I'll go with my gut and 3b or 4b when I feel that there is a high probability that V is light. I can not have a cold-flat range against this villain unless my cold-flat range is wider. My perceived cold flat range would be something like TT-QQ which he will have spot on, (against other villains I might, since they will range me incorrectly), and a range of TT-QQ is going to make it very difficult to win money when we flop well and difficult to not get bluffed.

So, what is the proper ratio of lite 4b to value?
If we include AA, KK, AKs which is 16 combos, we can do something like 4b the range that I included, but only when our suited hands are clubs, and only when our PPs are the same color. If we do A2-A5s 55-99 and KJs KQs, this makes for 17 lite 4b and 16 value 4b while still having a non-polarized range.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by andees10
How are constructing these 12-16 combos and why? I agree with your thoughts re: op's 4 bet range.
I'd use hands that have the best chance of outdrawing KK-JJ, AK, AQ type hands (typical calling range of our 4-bet) and that bluff well because it doesn't matter how our 12-16 combos perform against his 3-bet/folding range and 5-betting range (we'd have to fold these hands to a 5-bet).

Example: a medium suited connector and a small pocket pair have similar equity against against a range of KK-JJ, AK, AQ (small pair is a little higher I think), but a suited connector bluffs much better than the small pair. If the small pair misses flop it's got only 2 outs mostly so it's a bad hand to bluff with. If the suited connector misses flop, it'll often have enough equity to make +EV bluffs (if it flops a pair, flush draw, straight draw, or backdoor flush+straight draw).

I'd also try to pick hands right below our flatting range if it doesn't conflict w/ the rule of hands that do best against his 3-bet/calling range. Example: AQs is probably the best suited ace we'd cold call pre with. Though AJs is right below, I'd fold AJs but but 4-bet A5s since A5s has slightly more equity against his 3-bet/calling range.

So I'd pick 12-16 combos among Ace rag suited and medium suited connectors and I'd try to make it about even (not sure why...just seems right).

Something like A5s-A4s, 78s-89s sounds about right.
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
10-04-2016 , 09:46 PM
Makes sense
2/5 hero gets ambitious and then doesn't know which button to click on a weird flop. Quote
