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2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG 2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG

08-05-2018 , 07:08 PM

Splashy Saturday night game with a lot of $20 button straddles and some blind raises in front of the straddles. Game is down to 6 handed at this point, all regulars but myself and V2.
Hero (CO):About 4 hours into my session. I’ve been riding the chip rollercoaster in my first 2/5 session. My first buy in I got a little too bluffy and paid for it, second buy in I had gotten up to $1600 before sigh calling V2 when he rivered his back door flush. Sitting with around $650.
V1(btn): super splashy LAG. When I sat down he easily had 3k in front of him. At this point he had gotten all the way down to $500 and topped off another $300 (1k max bi). Has been button straddling almost every button. Is a regular and from talk I’ve picked up at the table seems to be a winning player. Has been defending wide against raises on his straddle.
V2 (BB):late 20s white guy with earbuds in. Hasn’t been participating in table talk. To this point seems to be playing pretty tight fit or fold other than the above described hand where he called a $300 turn bet into a pot of $375 with oesd and flush draw with 65d. Bought in max and now has over 2k
V1 button straddles to $20. SB folds, v2 and utg flat. Hero has KsTc. I considered 3betting here to $100ish to try to isolate the button but with his willingness to !4 against raises on his straddle, I decided the better route was to take the flop closing action and knowing I need to absolutely smash the flop to do anything his many ways.

Gin!! AdQsJs

Only way I’m happier if it’s the ace of spades but why quibble lolz. V1 bets $65. He has shown down so few hands but also opened so little I’ve got him on 2p or Axs. Now where I think I made my mistake. I’m 90/10 button is calling behind if I flat with absolutely any part of this board so I decide to do so with the intent to jam the turn. I felt at that point the only cards that hurt me are the spades and the board pairing and this was a great chance to get value three ways. Also with 2p I don’t think V1 is laying down regardless. Was this the right play or was I trying to get too cute?
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-05-2018 , 07:41 PM
Only way I’m happier if it’s the ace of spades but why quibble lolz.
You're happier when you don't flop the nuts than when you do?

Just raise the flop, there are too many potential action killing cards and button probably just doesn't have anything.
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-05-2018 , 09:02 PM
This is a great flop to miss button entirely and not a flop he will try to put a move on. Too much chance V1 or hero has a hand that is never folding. If he is actually decent he just folding his JT hands to a bet and call anyways. Too much chance he is drawing thin to just chop anyways.

Far better to push some money in now before something happens that could shut down the action. You want to play for stacks and need to raise now to have a reasonable chance of that happening.
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-05-2018 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
You're happier when you don't flop the nuts than when you do?

What I meant by that is the ace was a spade rather than the q or j giving me the nut redraw.
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-05-2018 , 10:50 PM
I dont get it, how does V1 bet first if he's on the button?
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-06-2018 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
You're happier when you don't flop the nuts than when you do?
Not to mention the fact it freezes action having an monotone board.
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-06-2018 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by dimeetrees
I dont get it, how does V1 bet first if he's on the button?
Sorry, don’t know how to edit. V2 (UTG) led $65
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
08-06-2018 , 07:31 PM
Originally Posted by ahsfl
Sorry, don’t know how to edit. V2 (UTG) led $65
As I attempted to clarify above, what I meant was the ace being a spade rather than the q or j meaning still a 2 spade board just giving me the nut blocker/redraw if a spade turns. Sorry for putting that in my summary, didn’t realize people would get so hung up on it.
2/5 flopped nuts vs nut peddler and action LAG Quote
