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2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision 2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision

02-26-2012 , 11:29 PM
So I put this in the line check thread and I figured there was a lot more here to discuss. I feel I butchered the hand.

Target: An old man who has somewhat of a clue. When he raises PF he has a hand like AJ+, 99+ etc... but he is incredibly loose and passive with everything that isn't a big made hand. I am trying to play every single hand I can with him.

TAG: Kind of a wannabe rounder but a good guy. I'd say hes like 24ish, plays tight but gets "trappy" and does awful stuff like ch/r the nuts but will never ch/r with air. I think he plays full time and has no job.

The other two callers are spots on the table but really not relevant to the hand.


Target open limps in EP (like MP1 or UTG+1) ($500)
I isolate with JTos to 30 immediately to his left ($1600)
TAG to my left calls (he is kind of nitty) ($500)
Two other spots on the table call and target calls (5 handed to flop)

Pot is 145
Flop is AKQr
checks to me I bet 50
TAG calls, target calls

Turn is 6c for BDFD
Pot is 295
Check, I bet 150
TAG calls, target folds

River is the Qc

Pot is 595 (effective stacks are ~245 behind)


I realize that in hindsight that betting closer to pot on the flop and jamming the turn is probably optimal but this is how it played out.

I don't see how he gets to the turn and doesn't jam two pair and he never has AA/KK/QQ.

The TAG views me as a dangerous player FWIW.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:43 PM
Any idea what he would do with AQ PF?
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:46 PM
The pot is $595 with $245 behind....TAG has called you down twice.....what do you think you should do?
Btw, I don't like your ISO raise w/ J10o in MP.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:46 PM
Yuck. So gross lol. I just don't ever seeing a TAG (nittish) ever showing up without a boat here. A non 4b AK is really the only thing you beat here? Does he turn AT/AJ into a bluff otr?
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:57 PM
I didn't 3-bet PF btw, I just open raised.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:58 PM
I also doubt he calls the turn with AT or AJ
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-26-2012 , 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by jack492505
Any idea what he would do with AQ PF?
He would likely flat call, I think he might be flat calling with AK as well some % of the time. I just haven't seen him do a lot of 3-betting in general.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:08 AM
What were the flop suits? Trying to see if AcXc is possible and makes any sense

I don't see any Qx getting to the river with the exception of KQ. He may flat KQ for fear of being up against AK, etc. but he should fold turn with KQ.

If he is trappy, I can see him flatting AK and playing it this way
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:09 AM
The ace is not the ace of clubs
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by endodocdc
What were the flop suits? Trying to see if AcXc is possible and makes any sense

I don't see any Qx getting to the river with the exception of KQ. He may flat KQ for fear of being up against AK, etc. but he should fold turn with KQ.

If he is trappy, I can see him flatting AK and playing it this way
Yeah I mean I would think he is folding the turn with KQ or jamming
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:11 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Yeah I mean I would think he is folding the turn with KQ or jamming
Then I suppose you have to c/f otr? If he doesn't get past turn with AT/AJ then he won't turn AK into a bluff otr.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:12 AM
ez shove, the assumptions that lead to not shoving are absurd.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:13 AM
Yeah I did shove, but wtf can he call with?
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:15 AM
Well, I think AK, AQ, and KQ are all hands that we should be prison raping flop and turn.

Similarly, fishy villains will be calling down with AJ and AT, hell even Ace rag hoping to two pair up...

So I think this plays out relatively straight forward, I mean, its not like we are going to get 98 to call by betting $50 on the flop.

As for the raise, raising pre with JTo in MP isn't terrible if we chalk it up to balancing. It is good to raise with hands beside JJ-AA, AK, AQ.

When we flop gin like we did here, I just say we fast play and take all the AK, AQ, and KQ villains to value town here on flop and turn. I mean, they are never folding to 2/3 pot sized bets. We get two callers on the flop we can more or less shove turn.

Last edited by dgiharris; 02-27-2012 at 12:22 AM.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:17 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
Yeah I did shove, but wtf can he call with?
Sometimes you just gotta give a guy a chance to make a mistake.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
The ace is not the ace of clubs
So we can put AcJc Ac10c (if you don't have either Jc or 10c) in his range. as well as AK (I can see him flatting AK through turn)

Obv, there are more combos of AK than suited AcXc..but I'm leaning towards AcXc.

For this reason, I think I like a shove... you rep FH here a bunch and it totally jives with your line
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by dgiharris
Well, I think AK, AQ, and KQ are all hands that we should be prison raping flop and turn.

Similarly, fishy villains will be calling down with AJ and AT, hell even Ace rag hoping to two pair up...

So I think this plays out relatively straight forward, I mean, its not like we are going to get 98 to call by betting $50 on the flop.

As for the raise, raising pre with JTo in MP isn't terrible if we chalk it up to balancing. It is good to raise with hands beside JJ-AA, AK, AQ.

When we flop gin like we did here, I just say we fast play and take all the AK, AQ, and KQ villains to value town here on flop and turn. I mean, they are never folding to 2/3 pot sized bets. We get two callers on the flop we can more or less shove turn.

As played, the river is probably a fold if V shoves. I mean, I can't see him turning AJ or AK into a bluff here. Its just sick that more money isn't in the pot by the river...
I completely agree, I think betting 100 on the folio is much better but I flopped the nuts and haha this is me slowplaying the nuts. Also, I had four tight players to my left so raising here likely gives me position in the hand.

You are checking the river? I think check calling the river is awful and that it is a clear check fold. I mean if you decide to check that is.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by endodocdc
So we can put AcJc Ac10c (if you don't have either Jc or 10c) in his range. as well as AK (I can see him flatting AK through turn)

Obv, there are more combos of AK than suited AcXc..but I'm leaning towards AcXc.

For this reason, I think I like a shove... you rep FH here a bunch and it totally jives with your line
he never has a weak axcc, hes a nit!
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:37 AM
Still, got to shove, he might feel pot-committed with whatever he has even though you should never be bluffing here against him. Checking to induce makes no sense given stack sizes.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 12:46 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
I think he plays full time and has no job.
If he plays full time, that *is* his job .

You absolutely must bet more than 1/3 pot on that flop. Why did you only throw out $50?

It's unfortunate that the A is not the Ac, as it does in fact significantly increase the number of combos villain could have that are ahead of you. Similarly, while a boat seems really unlikely I suppose it's possible that villain has gotten extra trappy due to his image of you and the fish in the hand and has filled up. But he can have worse hands too, and with < 1/2 pot-size stacks remaining he's not folding any hand that's made it this far. I honestly think you're flipping against his range but you can never ever c/f, so you might as well shove to get paid off by the hands you beat.

Also, endodocdc, putting villain on a flush and then shoving to try to get him off of it doesn't make sense. Villian would have to be insane to hit the nut flush on the river and then fold to a 1/2 pot-size bet. We're not betting OTR to bluff, we're betting for value.

Please, though, bet the earlier streets bigger next time.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:02 AM
Originally Posted by slipstream
If he plays full time, that *is* his job .

You absolutely must bet more than 1/3 pot on that flop. Why did you only throw out $50?

It's unfortunate that the A is not the Ac, as it does in fact significantly increase the number of combos villain ecould have that are ahead of you. Similarly, while a boat seems really unlikely I suppose it's possible that villain has gotten extra trappy due to his image of you and the fish in the hand and has filled up. But he can have worse hands too, and with < 1/2 pot-size stacks remaining he's not folding any hand that's made it this far. I honestly think you're flipping against his range but you can never ever c/f, so you might as well shove to get paid off by the hands you beat.

Also, endodocdc, putting villain on a flush and then shoving to try to get him off of it doesn't make sense. Villian would have to be insane to hit the nut flush on the river and then fold to a 1/2 pot-size bet. We're not betting OTR to bluff, we're betting for value.

Please, though, bet the earlier streets bigger next time.
The reason I didn't bet more on the flop is because "hurr durr I flopped the nuts". I mean it was a mistake, there was no real reason.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:05 AM
I bet more OTF, more OTT, and as played I shove river. IMO if he has AQ or QK, chalk it up and call it a er
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:21 AM
Yeah betting anything less then 1/2pot otf is really ******ed with this board. Your opponents are calling any combo draw+ with a 75 bet. Ott bet is fine, otr why are we shoving, he is not folding a flush, and he might fold trips to a shove. So you only get value from AK/AQ/AA/KK/QQ and get value owned by all fullhouses and flushes.

So your play is pretty bad otr, it goes to the idea of why bet so much? And so little on flop and turn? Seem backwards thinking if you ask me.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
he never has a weak axcc, hes a nit!
If he will never turn his Ax into bluffs otr then obv c/c is really bad.
I just don't see anything he can call shove with except MAYBE AK.
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
02-27-2012 , 01:45 AM
Originally Posted by 11t
he never has a weak axcc, hes a nit!
If you are sure he is a nit, then I can't see anything other than AK in his range after turn bet (not even KQ or AQ)
2/5 - Flopped nuts with River Decision Quote
